Oooo... I got this perfectly wicked idea for a fanfic by reading another of a similar type... plot's totally different so don't hurt me!! *cowers in a corner..*

Disclaimer: I own none save the plot. The rest belongs to (who else?) Jhonen Vasquez... the almighty force behind Johnny the Homicidal Maniac and Invader Zim...

Umm... plot takes place before 'Nny goes deadified and gets his spikes, and I-have-no-idea-when-the-hell-it-is-in-Zim-time... now to the story!!

Skool Trip

Chapter One

'Ugh.' Zim thought as he boarded the bus to skool. 'Another day with the human stink-beasts. I swear if the Dib-creature comes up to me one more time spouting some "alien" crap I will personally rip his head off.' He grinned to himself as he imagined the possibilities and positions in which head-ripping could be the most painful for the unsuspecting Dib-beast. That was how Dib found him as he boarded the skoolbus.

"What are you grinning at alien?" he coaxed, trying to get Zim to expose himself like every other day.

Zim's eyes popped open and he sneered at Dib. "None of your filthy human business, DIB." He cracked his knuckles, awaiting the chance to strangle the life out of Dib.

Dib sensed Zim's growing hostility and quickly darted to the other end of the bus, yelling "ALIEN!!!!" None of the other kids took any notice. To them, it was just another day at skool.

~*~ : ~*~ : ~*~ : ~*~ : ~*~

Meanwhile... (a/n *grins*)

Ms. Bitters was inside her classroom, preparing to yell at her students about DOOM for another eight hours. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Enter or meet your DOOM!" she shrieked at the closed door. It slowly slid open to reveal a tall, twenty-ish man, dressed in all black with black combat boots and a black trenchcoat. Clutching one of his bone-like hands in a tight grasp was a little boy about 11 (a/n HOW THE HELL OLD ARE ZIM AND DIB????) clutching a teddy-bear. The man spoke, his pointed teeth parting in a canine-like grin.

"Todd is enrolled in this class. You are Ms. Bitters?"

"Yes... *doom*" she whispered, unable to help herself.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" The man asked her.

"Nothing.. *doom* I was just saying... Todd?"

The man prodded the boy. He squeaked out a "yes?"

"Prepare to meet your DOOM!!!" was the reply.

Todd squeaked and hid himself in the folds of the tall man's trenchcoat. He glared at Ms. Bitters, then smiled at her, not nicely, his hand reaching into a pocket of his coat...

When suddenly the bell rang, signaling the students' entrance into the skool. "You were lucky this time, Ms. Bitters," the man whispered, his hand dropping to his side. "We shall meet again."

Todd looked up at the man. "Nny? Pppp...."

Nny shook his head. "Later Squee-gee. I'll be back here at three." He took off down the corridor, weaving his way between tiny bodies and shoving a few out of the way, muttering to himself.

~*~ : ~*~ : ~*~ : ~*~ : ~*~

Zim and Dib walked the halls of the skool, hurling insults at eachother while walking to their class. Neither of them noticed the tall man until it was too late and he bumped into Dib, sending the boy flying into Zim, who fell flat on his squeedly-spooch. "Ow..." they commented simultaneously.

The tall man just glared at them and leapt lightly back onto his feet, avoiding at all costs any contact with his bare skin from the tiny bodies milling through the halls. Grabbing something that had fallen on the floor he all but ran for the door, leaping over heads when necessary.

Zim looked at Dib, who was absent-mindedly brushing himself off, his eyes shining with an uncharacteristic wetness. Zim shrugged, as the knowledge of tears was unknown to him at the moment. The Irken jumped to his feet and ran the rest of the way to the door, leaving the shiny-eyed human staring out the doorway after a long-gone man. "Mas...ter...." he whispered before falling to his knees. Eventually the second bell rang and he scrambled to his feet, jogging to another day of DOOM with Ms. Bitters.

Too short? Long enough? Boring? Interesting? Lemmie know, damnit!! Till next time!
