A/N: This takes place pre season 1, the day Lilly was murdered on the show. Veronica is at the Kane's house and Lilly has just told her about her affair with Logan's father. This is minutes before Aaron kills her on the show, and Veronica's dad is supposed to come get her any minute now. *I know this story starts off bad, but it gets better. I wrote the first fourteen chapters two years ago so bear with me.

"You're what?" Veronica is shocked. Lilly starts giggling.

"He's just sooooo handsome and older." Lilly says in a dreamy voice.

"He's still your boyfriend's father."

"He's also not the only one." Veronica's eyes open up wide.

"Oh my god Lilly- please tell me it's not -" Lilly's expression goes blank as she notices someone behind Veronica, and Veronica turns around to see Aaron Echolls.

"Where are the tapes you bitch?"

"I.. I... I d-" She doesn't know what to say, and Aaron hits her in the face. Veronica steps in between him and Lilly.

"Little Miss Veronica Mars, always in the middle of trouble." He grabs the heavy, pool side object and is about to hit her when he gets shot, by Veronica's dad. Keith and his deputies file a report and take Aaron to the hospital, at which he is under a coma. Lilly told Veronica about her and Weevil as well as the tapes, and asks if Veronica and Duncan would be there when she tells Logan, to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid like go and beat the shit out of Weevil, to which they agree.

The Next Day

They are at school, and it's lunch time. Lilly has been avoiding Logan all morning. Now, she's with Ronnie and Duncan, ready to tell Logan. Logan is sitting at his normal table, with Meg, waiting for the others to arrive. When they do, it's time to tell him.

"Lilly, why have you been avoiding me?" Logan looks worried and upset, and Lilly sighs.

"Logan, I have to tell you something." Logan knows inside what's coming next. He's heard the rumors of her, Aaron, and Weevil.

"The rumors are true aren't they?" Logan asks, upset and angry at the same time. His jaw is clenched and his hands are balled up in fists.

"Yes, Logan. I'm sorry." Logan shakes his head. He looks around, and finally spots Weevil, and as he's about to go hit him, Duncan intervenes.

"Dude, don't. He's not worth it." Logan sees that what he says is true and calms down, but runs to his car and leaves the school. Before he leaves, Duncan adds, "Don't do anything stupid, bro."

Two weeks later

*Lilly POV*

Veronica and Meg are spending the night with me tonight and somethings going on between Duncan and Meg. It's really obvious, too. He winks at her and she giggles. Apparently Veronica seems oblivious to all of this.

"I'm kind of thirsty. Anyone want something to drink?" Duncan asks.

"I'm good." Veronica and Meg say in unison.

Ooohhhh, I can ask Duncan about Meg now. "I'll go with you!"

I jumped off the couch and we went into the kitchen, and I closed the door, making sure no one can hear. I pinned him against the fridge.

"Are you sleeping with Meg?"

"No... Why would you say that?"

"You winked at her."

"I was just being friendly." I rolled my eyes.

"You don't even wink at Veronica. Either one of two things," I held up two fingers. "One," I put a finger down, "you're sleeping with her. Or two," I put the other finger down, "you're thinking of sleeping with her. I may have slept with my boyfriend's dad and with Weevil, hurting Logan, but Duncan, she's my best friend. If you hurt her I will hurt you. Now spill!" I knew he would give in. He always does.

"Okay fine." His eyes look guilty. "I haven't slept with her. But-"

"But you want to?" I asked, cutting him off. He nodded his head. "Why?"

"Well... Ronnie's still a virgin." I rolled my eyes again.

"So? You'd take it from her and be her first."

"It's gonna be forever, though."

"So, you'd rather cheat on Ronnie with Meg because you're horny than wait to take her virginity?" I was pissed. "Listen... when I started dating Logan, I was a virgin. He knew that. We waited until BOTH of us felt comfortable enough to have sex. You should respect that she's still got her cherry and wait till she's ready! Don't make the mistake I did and cheat! Once you cheat, it's like a drug, you can't quit! If you don't want to wait at least break up with her! I don't want to have to see her in the pain that Logan's in, okay?"

Two Days Later

*Normal POV*

Veronica is at school, sitting with all her friends, in between Logan and Lilly to relieve tension between the two. Logan said he couldn't forgive Lilly, but they could try to be friends. Duncan stayed at home that day. Her phone rings, and it says his name.


"Hey, Veronica." He says sadly.

"Doesn't sound like your too happy." She teases.

"Veronica, I think we should break up." Her face turns into a frown. Lilly knows what has happened, and puts her hand on top of Veronica's free hand, giving it a squeeze.

"Why?" She says holding back tears.

"I've sort of got feelings for someone else."

"Couldn't you have had the decency to do that in person?" She slams her phone shut, and Lilly holds her, letting her cry. Logan mouths 'What's wrong?' to Lilly, and she mouths back 'Duncan broke up with her because he has feelings for Meg.'

"Come on, Ronnie, cheer up. If he's a pig with no decency, then let him be. He's in the past, hun. Now you can flirt with anyone. Even me." Lilly says, shaking her shoulders and wiggling her eyebrows, making Veronica laugh. "See? That's my Ronnie. Come on, let's go freshen up." They walk to the bathroom. Logan is at the table all alone, until Casey shows up.

"Hey man. What happened to Veronica?" He asks, sitting down.

"Duncan broke up with her for Meg. Over the phone, too."

"Wow. Couldn't he have had the decency to do it in person?" Logan laughs. "What's so funny?"

"Veronica said the same thing." Casey shrugged, and Veronica and Lilly came back and sat down.

"You look happier." Said Logan.

"Well me and Ronnie had a conversation about guys."

"That we did." Lilly and Veronica start bursting out laughing and Logan and Casey just look at them funny.

"Can you enlighten us on the conversation?"

"No. That my friend, is of private matters." Lilly winks.

"Not even if I let you sleep with my dad?" Lilly rolls her eyes. Veronica and Casey, who are both in the middle of Lilly and Logan, feel very uncomfortable.

"Nope. I don't need you to let me do that. I can do it myself."

"Yeah, I know. And apparently you can have sex with PCHers all by yourself too."

"Jealous, Mr. Echolls?"

"Not at all, Ms. Kane."

Over the loud speaker, there was an announcement. "Attention students. All girls on the Pep Squad are wanted in the gym." Veronica and Lilly leave.

"You know you still love Lilly." Casey says.

"I know, but I can't ever be with her again. I mean, I'd constantly be worrying about if she's sleeping around, ya know?"

"Yeah. What about Ronnie?"

"What about her?"

"Would you ever date her?"

Logan sits there for a minute, thinking and then says, "I don't know. Would you?"

"I don't know."

*A/N: Who would you like Veronica to be with? I would really appreciate some reviews so that I can know! Thanks! :)