Hey everybody! SO, same deal as Graveyard (On Tumblr and Bored!). In this, I treated the states as entities. They are America's kids, and none of the other nations know about them, just so you know! Anyways, England, would you do the honours?
England: Ankhesa does not own Hetalia or America and me. She does however own the plot and her states, though they do not make an appearance.
Me: Thank you very much! On with the Story!
It was late, and England was still at his desk doing that bloody paperwork his boss had dumped on him. He sat back, rubbed his tired eyes. Yeah, I think that's enough for tonight. He stood, made his way to his bedroom, and began getting ready for bed. Just as he settled down beneath the blankets, knock-knock. There was a timid knock on his bedroom door.
"What is it, you bloody git?" England sat up, and the door opened to reveal a trembling America. He was obviously very frightened by something, not the kind of fear he got from one of his horror movies, but a deeper sort of fear.
"H-hey I-Iggy," he stuttered. America never stutters; what the hell is wrong with him?
"America! What's wrong?" England jumped out of bed, and rushed over to the other nation. He felt his forehead; he wasn't hot.
"I had a nightmare; can I sleep with you tonight?" The taller nation looked on the verge of tears, a rarity.
"Of course, you can. Come on then." England took America's hand, and gently led him to the bed. America sat on the edge, still too terrified to relax and sleep. England sighed, and wrapped his arms around the younger nation's shoulders.
"You want to tell me about it?" America slumped against England's chest, still shaking.
"I was in a r-room. I was held down by these m-metal cuffs. A m-man in a b-black suit and d-dark glasses came in. A-and he h-had the s-states!" States, what is he talking about?
"He t-took Alaska, a-and, a-and," he stopped speaking, and started sobbing. "P-poor, little 'Laska!"
"What did the man do?"
"H-he, he strapped her and the other states to metal tables a-and THAT BASTARD!" Abruptly, he stopped sobbing and rose to his feet, starling the Englishman with his emotional three-sixty. "IF HE SO MUCH AS LOOKS AT MY KIDS FUNNY, I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD, I WILL TEAR HIM LIMB FROM FUCKING LIMB!"
"America! It's alright! It was just a dream, love. No one is going to harm your states," They'll have to get through old pirate England before that happens. England rubbed America's back, massaging his shoulders until he felt the tension release. America slumped back down.
"They knew, though. In the dream, they knew about us, the nations and my states. It freaks me out dude... What if they did find out? Ah, Iggy, I..." the nation trailed off. England suppressed a shudder. What if humans did find out, and it wasn't just a dream?
"Lay down, America. They don't, and we're careful. Don't worry so much, you bloody git. That's my job," he smiled at the younger nation.
"Yeah, thanks Iggy. Come on, let's get some sleep," America smiled, and pulled the older nation down onto the bed with him.
"Bloody git..." England chuckled as America wrapped his arms around the slighter nation, and his around America.
Alright, so that's it. Personally, I can decide if I like this or not. So R&R and let me know what you guys think! See y'all next time!
Love, ankhesa