Man Over Board CH 1

It was a calm day at sea, the sky was blue and a cloud did not cover the sky. It was relaxing, and the crew of the Going Merry was taking the time to sit back

and enjoy it. After the last fight they had with the Marines they needed a break. They were all on recovering and this calm day was just what they needed.

"AHHHHHHH!" a male's scream was heard from all over the ship, making most of the crew jump around to face the noise. The first mate of the crew, Roronoa

Zoro, removed one of his three swords and walked slowly towards the lounge where the scream was from. As he slowly opened the door he peered in to see his

captain lying on the floor looking broken, almost like he was dead. He snapped into action running towards the fallen captain.

"Luffy are you all right? Speak to me!" Zoro said shaking the man, said mans straw-hat fell to the floor with the violent shake. The other crewmembers stood

around the pair in fear for their captain.

"Zoro" a weak whisper came from Luffy's mouth, "come closer." Zoro leaned in, trying to hear what he was going to say.

"There is no more meat." Luffy whispered softly before falling to the ground dramatically.

"SERIOUSLY! THAT'S WHY YOU SCREAMED!" The red haired female yelled as she started to kick the captain. He laughed playfully and ran around the lounge

avoiding objects that were being thrown at him from his crewmates before running out on the deck of the boat. Luffy looked at his crew over his shoulder one

last time before turning completely around to sprint towards the ram's head at the front of the ship.

Luffy jumped onto the head and laughed at placed his hands on his hips and stared out at the blue water that lay ahead of the ship. He had a goofy smile on his

face, that slowly started to fade when he say a ship in the distance that rivaled his own in size. Black flags flew high and proud on the ship, Skull and crossbones

where on every sail, but these were different. The skull was wearing a 1920's mobsters hat and the crossbones were Tommy guns instead of bones. Luffy's eyes

grew wide and he bared his teeth. He heard his crew run up behind him.

"Get ready guys, we are in for a fight." Luffy said jumping off the ram's head. His face dark as he headed towards the lounge to retrieve his hat; His crew

watched him closely. His years at sea and years of fighting had changed him from a punk waiting for a fight, to a man that fought to protect his grew.

Usopp climbed up to the crow's nest and watched the ship get closer to the Going Merry. He watched as the ship dropped anchor next to the straw-hats ship and

as a plank was placed across. His knees shook a little as he watched as a tall man with jet-black hair and a fedora started to walk across the plank. He had a

fitted pinstriped black suit on with a trench coat thrown over his shoulders. He held a Tommy gun in his hands. What Usopp noticed last was the man's shoes.

They were solid steel.

"Well look at this adorable little cruiser that we will be glomming from boys." The captain said, his accent deep as his he had literally stepped out of a 1920's

gangster movie.

"Right boss, and look at the broads we can get. That one with the red hair is a real sheba." One of the goons said, lifting his gun pointing it at Nami to show

everyone who he was talking about. All the other men laughed and whistled at Nami. She glared at them and was about to tell them off when Sanji stepped

forward flicking his cigarette at the leader of the crew.

"DON"T YOU EVER LOOK AT OR TALK TO NAMI IN THAT WAY! SHE IS A LADY!" Sanji said stepping forward in front of Nami, screaming at the top of his lungs.

Luffy quickly put his arm out block the cooks charge.

"Sanji, stop. Act like the adult, you are better then these idiots." Luffy said harshly, silencing the blonde quickly and gaining shocked look from the entire crew at once.

"AH Luffy, baby! Long time no see. I haven't seen you since, hmm, when was that, oh that's right when I burned your entire village to the ground." The 'Boss'

said laughing point his Tommy gun at Luffy a wicked smile. Luffy growled low, taking a dangerous step towards the man.

"Genji, like I said back then. I will kill you, now get off my ship or today will be that day." Luffy said, fist balled so tight that his knuckles were white.

"Luffy baby, better calm down before something bad happens." Genji huffed aiming his gun at Zoro then slowly moving down the row of crewmembers before

pointing at Luffy. "Listen here doll face, either you give me all you cabbage before I put you all in a Chicago overcoat."

Usopp let out a scream of attack, but was shortly silenced by a bullet hitting him in the stomach. Everyone jumped to help him but were shortly all gunned

down. Luffy stood alone face full of shock and angry. He stepped forward roaring as he pulled his fist back and threw it at the captain of the other ship.

Luffy's punch landing with a metallic ding. He looked in shock as his enemy was covered in a metal coating. He was solid steal. A devilish grin grew on the mans

face a he threw his fist at Luffy's face getting a satisfying crack as he felt Luffy's jaw crack under his power. Luffy rolled across the deck before bouncing up and

running at the man again only to be thrown to the floor once again.

"Give it up boy, while we were apart I did get a hold of some devil fruit. I am solid steal, you can break me rubber man!" Genji laughed like it was the funniest

joke he had ever heard. Luffy stared at the man and his goons.

"Get them on your ship. Just you and me Genji, if I win your crew leaves my team alone. If I lose you can have my crew, ship, and my life." Luffy said standing

up once again. Genji nodded and pointed to the ship for his men to leave.

"You heard it men, I'm getting us a new ship." Genji chuckled.

"Guys get back." Luffy ordered

"LUFFY! Don't get killed or I'll bring you back and kill you myself!" Zoro yelled as he stood up slowly, using his swords to support him. Luffy chuckled and walked

over the man taking his straw hat off and placing it on his first mates head.

"Keep it safe Zoro, I'm trusting you." Luffy said with a distant look on his face. Zoro look at his captain with a shocked confused look on his face.

"Genji, it really is sad. We never did discuss a tie." Luffy said turning towards the man, Genji looked completely confused, but the look faded quickly when he was

knocked off his feet by Luffy using all his weight to knock the man off balance.

"Stop you Goon, I'm not ready for the big sleep!" Genji screamed, but it was too late, Luffy had already thrown them over the side of the ship plummeting

towards the water. The straw-hat crew watched as their captain gave his life away to save them from this monster of the sea.

"LUFFY! NO YOU IDIOT!" Zoro screamed as he ran to the railing of the Going Merry. All he saw was the last couple of bubbles that hit the surface. "NOOOOOOO!"

his final scream echoed through the air as he fell to his knees in tears holding the straw hat to his chest. The rest of the crew crowded around him, those who

could walk that is, all mourning the lost of their strong captain.