Follow/Fav Dear Fanfiction Writers
By: DarkHorseBlueSky
In which the ROTG characters write "strongly worded letters" to the fanfiction writers. Rated T for the personal paranoia of the constantly paranoid author. [warning: immensely slow updates due to author busy-ness and an obvious lack of humor-inspiration]
Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor - Chapters: 132 - Words: 15,358 - Reviews: 3,179 - Favs: 459 - Follows: 414 - Updated: 4/25/2016 - Published: 7/12/2013 - Status: Complete - id: 9485146
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Full 3/4 1/2 Expand Tighten
1. Jack 2. Tooth 3. Bunnymund 4. Sandy 5. Pitch 6. Jamie 7. North 8. Bunnymund, Letter 2 9. Man in the Moon 10. Jack, Letter 2 11. Tooth, Letter 2 12. Mrs Claus 13. Jack, Letter 3 14. Pippa 15. The Mary Sues 16. Jamie, Letter 2 17. Pitch, Tirade 2 18. Cupid 19. Pitch Is Back Again 20. Sandy, Letter 2 21. North, Letter 2 22. Tooth, Letter 3 23. Jack (And His Staff) 24. Jack, Letter 5 25. Sophie, Written by Jamie 26. Sandy, Letter 3 (and the very long AN) 27. Bunnymund, Letter 3 28. The Fangirls 29. Cupcake 30. Yet Another Victim of the Fangirls 31. Bunnymund, Letter 4 32. Pitch, Letter 5 33. Everybody 34. This Chapter Is Untitled, Deal With It 35. The Big Four 36. Two of the Four 37. The Involuntarily Shipped Big Four 38. Jack on Insanity (His to be Specific) 39. The Man-Dress Guy Is Back Again 40. Jack, Letter 7 41. Jamie, Letter 3 42. Jack, Letter 8 43. Pitch, Letter 7 (maybe) 44. Bunnymund, Letter 5 45. Sandy, Letter 4 46. North (with a follow-up) 47. Bunnymund, Letter 6 48. Monty 49. The Involuntarily Shipped Boogeyman 50. The Big Five and Sky's Lame Excuse 51. Pitch Is Back And Not Particularly Happy 52. Baby Tooth 53. Look, It's The Whiny Jack Again! 54. Jack Should Really Shut Up Now 55. The Boogeyman Goes OOC 56. The Boogeyman Needs Anger Management 57. The Yetis 58. MiM Again 59. Sandy (Finally!) 60. The Elves 61. The Other Participant Of The Cavity Ship 62. The Boogeyman Is Shipped WAY Too Much 63. North, Letter 4 64. OMG, North actually has two in a row 65. Sandy, Letter 6 –– I think 66. Jack Has Way Too Many Letters 67. Chapter Lacking A TItle, Due To Laziness 68. Pitch, Letter 13 69. A Guest Star 70. Death, Letter 2 71. Pitch, Letter 14 72. Jack, Letter 12 73. MiM, Letter 3 74. The Eternally Awesome Summer Spirit 75. Sandy, Letter 7 76. A Bonus Chapter, From Sky 77. Seraphina Pitchiner 78. Nightlight the Awesome 79. North, Letter 6 (And Merry Christmas!) 80. The Invisible Autumn Spirit 81. That One Autumn Spirit Is Back 82. The Apparently Brainless Spring Spirit 83. Jack's Turn to be Overly OOC 84. Bunnymund, Letter 7 85. Pitch, Letter 15 86. Sandy, Letter 8 87. MiM, Letter 4 88. Pitch, Letter 16 (Oh Manny Help Us) 89. The Yetis, Letter 2 90. Jack, Letter 14 91. Jack, Letter 15 (Oh Dear) 92. Baby Tooth, Letter 2 93. Sandy, Letter 9 94. Tooth and the Seventh Column 95. Wind 96. Bunnymund, Letter 8 97. The Great Complainer 98. Pitch, Letter 18 99. The Not-Dark Guardians 100. Tooth, Letter 6 (Chapter 100) 101. ROTG and DP 102. Loki & Jack 103. Bunny and the SMHA 104. Pitch, Letter 19 105. Kozmotis Pitchiner 106. The Time Lord and the Other Time Lord 107. HP & the RotBTD 108. Phil 109. Jack, Letter Oh Whatever 110. Rise of the Guardians of the Galaxy 111. Pitch, Concerning Elsa 112. The Groundhog 113. Pitch & the Night Fury 114. Periwinkle 115. MiM, Letter Number Something 116. Elsa, Regarding Jelsa for the 2nd Time 117. Jack (For Poofable) 118. Bunnymund, Letter OH SCREW IT 119. CHB 120. The Fanfiction Writers 121. THIS IS A CHAPTER TITLE BLARGH 122. JACK, PUNS, MEH 123. The Mary Sues Again anD WHOA SKY'S ALIVE 124. Me 125. In Which Pitch Gives Up 126. Jack, Student of Hogwarts 127. The Ignored Tooth 128. Nightlight, Jack (doesn't matter) 129. Another Ship One 130. im not even trying anymore lol 131. North, Merry Christmas! 132. Thank you (Everybody) Next >
Dear Fanfiction Writers,
Get your Mary Sues away from me.
Sincerely, Jack Frost
Review if you've got any suggestions...
EDIT (6/29/14): Please read all of the letters before making any suggestions! Oftentimes what happens is that you guys read halfway through and suggest when I've already used the idea in a later chapter. Thanks! :)
1. Jack 2. Tooth 3. Bunnymund 4. Sandy 5. Pitch 6. Jamie 7. North 8. Bunnymund, Letter 2 9. Man in the Moon 10. Jack, Letter 2 11. Tooth, Letter 2 12. Mrs Claus 13. Jack, Letter 3 14. Pippa 15. The Mary Sues 16. Jamie, Letter 2 17. Pitch, Tirade 2 18. Cupid 19. Pitch Is Back Again 20. Sandy, Letter 2 21. North, Letter 2 22. Tooth, Letter 3 23. Jack (And His Staff) 24. Jack, Letter 5 25. Sophie, Written by Jamie 26. Sandy, Letter 3 (and the very long AN) 27. Bunnymund, Letter 3 28. The Fangirls 29. Cupcake 30. Yet Another Victim of the Fangirls 31. Bunnymund, Letter 4 32. Pitch, Letter 5 33. Everybody 34. This Chapter Is Untitled, Deal With It 35. The Big Four 36. Two of the Four 37. The Involuntarily Shipped Big Four 38. Jack on Insanity (His to be Specific) 39. The Man-Dress Guy Is Back Again 40. Jack, Letter 7 41. Jamie, Letter 3 42. Jack, Letter 8 43. Pitch, Letter 7 (maybe) 44. Bunnymund, Letter 5 45. Sandy, Letter 4 46. North (with a follow-up) 47. Bunnymund, Letter 6 48. Monty 49. The Involuntarily Shipped Boogeyman 50. The Big Five and Sky's Lame Excuse 51. Pitch Is Back And Not Particularly Happy 52. Baby Tooth 53. Look, It's The Whiny Jack Again! 54. Jack Should Really Shut Up Now 55. The Boogeyman Goes OOC 56. The Boogeyman Needs Anger Management 57. The Yetis 58. MiM Again 59. Sandy (Finally!) 60. The Elves 61. The Other Participant Of The Cavity Ship 62. The Boogeyman Is Shipped WAY Too Much 63. North, Letter 4 64. OMG, North actually has two in a row 65. Sandy, Letter 6 –– I think 66. Jack Has Way Too Many Letters 67. Chapter Lacking A TItle, Due To Laziness 68. Pitch, Letter 13 69. A Guest Star 70. Death, Letter 2 71. Pitch, Letter 14 72. Jack, Letter 12 73. MiM, Letter 3 74. The Eternally Awesome Summer Spirit 75. Sandy, Letter 7 76. A Bonus Chapter, From Sky 77. Seraphina Pitchiner 78. Nightlight the Awesome 79. North, Letter 6 (And Merry Christmas!) 80. The Invisible Autumn Spirit 81. That One Autumn Spirit Is Back 82. The Apparently Brainless Spring Spirit 83. Jack's Turn to be Overly OOC 84. Bunnymund, Letter 7 85. Pitch, Letter 15 86. Sandy, Letter 8 87. MiM, Letter 4 88. Pitch, Letter 16 (Oh Manny Help Us) 89. The Yetis, Letter 2 90. Jack, Letter 14 91. Jack, Letter 15 (Oh Dear) 92. Baby Tooth, Letter 2 93. Sandy, Letter 9 94. Tooth and the Seventh Column 95. Wind 96. Bunnymund, Letter 8 97. The Great Complainer 98. Pitch, Letter 18 99. The Not-Dark Guardians 100. Tooth, Letter 6 (Chapter 100) 101. ROTG and DP 102. Loki & Jack 103. Bunny and the SMHA 104. Pitch, Letter 19 105. Kozmotis Pitchiner 106. The Time Lord and the Other Time Lord 107. HP & the RotBTD 108. Phil 109. Jack, Letter Oh Whatever 110. Rise of the Guardians of the Galaxy 111. Pitch, Concerning Elsa 112. The Groundhog 113. Pitch & the Night Fury 114. Periwinkle 115. MiM, Letter Number Something 116. Elsa, Regarding Jelsa for the 2nd Time 117. Jack (For Poofable) 118. Bunnymund, Letter OH SCREW IT 119. CHB 120. The Fanfiction Writers 121. THIS IS A CHAPTER TITLE BLARGH 122. JACK, PUNS, MEH 123. The Mary Sues Again anD WHOA SKY'S ALIVE 124. Me 125. In Which Pitch Gives Up 126. Jack, Student of Hogwarts 127. The Ignored Tooth 128. Nightlight, Jack (doesn't matter) 129. Another Ship One 130. im not even trying anymore lol 131. North, Merry Christmas! 132. Thank you (Everybody) Next >
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