I decided to take a break from Chaos and Chaos and ended up writing this.

I got the idea for this work of fiction when I was playing Grand Theft Auto lol. Anyway, I was reading while doing so (cut-scenes and junk) and noticed that Sonic and the cutie mark crusaders never got their own story. And the only one to feature one (Applebloom) was sadly a .EXE story DX. But them A thought hit me.

I like the CMC.

I like Sonic.

I like romance.

But Sonic was to old and not very pony. But then I got an Idea that may have never been used before. This is a place to 'unleash imagination' right?

Then I forgot this and went on my merry way. The next day, I was reading amnesia stories and thought 'this is so over used. Just like people turning into ponies... Why don't I do one!' See how derped up I am?

Sonic is always sent somewhere. Why does it have to be at a certain time? So this takes place 3 years after season 2 finally. And since I got no clue how old any of these ponies are, I call them 13.

So here it is. A sad attempt at an amnesia, pony turned, aged backwards, Sonic and Scootaloo story.

This is purely a Sonic and Scootaloo Love Fic. I might add others, but I'm a derp at some of these things.

MLP belongs to HUB and HASBRO. Sonic belongs to... Does SEGA still own him?

BRM: I thought Nintendo bought him?

SonicMX: My worst fears have been realized... anyway, a big thanks to Kay the Hedgehog, TheAwesomeCoolJay, and captainawsum9999 for reading this before post and telling me how I did.

Something happened during a fight with Eggman. Now Sonic lost his memory and turned into a 13-year-old pony. He's found by Scootaloo, who run's him over. She brings him to the clubhouse. Believing she caused his amnesia, Scootaloo and the others team up with him to bring his memory back. But Eggman is darker than he usually is, and plots to find and finish Sonic. Even if he has to rip him apart. Bit. By. Bit. (I know it's overused, but hey! Whose complaining?)

"Looks like I win again, Doc!"


"W-what was that?!"

"Looks like Tails finally set the bombs off! Time to bail!"

"Not so fast, you little porcupine!"

"What? Silver? What's happening, pal?"

"He's my pal now!"

"Silver! Let me go!"

"It's over."

"No Stop!"


HEART OF THE COLT, MIND OF THE HERO!(working title...)

Time: 7:15 P.M.

A slightly taller and longer maned Scootaloo raced through town on her little scooter, trying to find her friends. It had been a week since she last saw them. She rounded Sugar Cube Corner, easily making a skid mark in the dirt. She continued up past Princess Twilight's Library and onto the small dirt path to Sweet Apple Acres. She went full speed, not noticing the filly laying in the road. She crashed into him, throwing her off her scooter and screaming into a bush.

"Hey! What's the big idea?! Why are you taking a dirt nap?!" She yelled at the blue pegasi in the road. After getting no response, her angered face fell and was quickly replaced with worry. She ran up to him and started to shake him.

"Hey! W-wake up! Come on!" She put here ear to his mouth.

'He's breathing... He's alive." She thought, relieved. She slowly picked him up and, getting her scooter, took off to the club house.

"He was laying in the middle of the road. I don't know what's wrong with him." Scootaloo explained to her two friends. Both Applebloom and Sweetie Belle had the same change as Scoots. Longer mane an a bit taller. But you could still easily recognize them. Sweetie Belle trotted closer and got a good close look at the blue colt. He was blue, with a spiky, dark blue mane. His tails was sleek and dark blue, with small spikes at the end. He seemed to have a cutie mark which showed a strange red shoe with a gold circle around it. It also showed seven colored gems surrounding the circle, but they was small.

"What kinda cutie mark is that?" Applebloom asked.

"I don't know, but it looks pretty cool." Scootaloo told them.

"Well he is just another on the list for having a cutie mark before us." Sweetie belle pouted.

"Ah, don't worry 'bout that now, Sweetie! This here fella is hurt!" Applebloom said in an angered tone. Sweetie sweat-dropped as she backed away with a smile. Suddenly the blue colt started to stir. Everypony circled him, Scootaloo being in front and the other two at each side. The blue one slowly opened his eyes, his emerald-green eyes meeting Scoot's purple eyes. Silence engulfed the area... Finally, Scootaloo spoke.

"Hy there... How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Terrible... My head hurts. My body aches. My brain feels fuzzy. Ahh good lord, it hurts." He moaned, holding his head. He started rolling around in pain. He finally rolled onto his belly, giving the three fillies a good look at the tire mark on his head. The Crusaders gasped and Scootaloo looked down, feeling guilty. He finally stopped and stood, looking rather weak.

"So... What were you doing in the road?" Scootaloo asked, looking up with a sad expression.

"I don't remember." he replied.

"Well... Where did you come from?"

"I don't know." Scootaloo got a worried expression.

"What... Do you know?" The colt looked up, thinking.

"All I remember is my name... And then I was walking around, looking for something. Then I fainted. Next thing I remember, I had a huge pain in my head, waking up here. I don't remember anything else... Is that bad?" The blue colt asked. Scootaloo just looked at him, shocked. She then felt even guiltier.

'Did I give him amnesia?' She wondered.

(SonicMX: STEPHANO! But that is a great game)

"Anyway, I feel better now! So... what now?" The colt asked.

"Well, what's your name?" Sweetie asked.

"...Sonic... Sonic the hedgehog!" He responded happily.

"But your ah pony. Why would you call yerself ah hedgehog?" Applebloom asked.

"I don't know... It felt natural though. Well, just call me Sonic then." Sonic told them. "Now what?"

"Well... want to spend the day with us?" Sweetie asked. Sonic nodded with a smile. They left the clubhouse and started trotting over to the Apple house.

"First things first!" Sonic said. "What's you names?"

"Sweetie Belle!" Sweetie told him.

"Mah names Applebloom." Applebloom said.

"My name is... Scootaloo." Scoots said, still a bit depressed. Sonic looked over and smiled at her.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Sonic asked.

'Should I tell him?' She thought.

"Howdy there girls! Who's yer new friend?" Applejack asked, coming out of the house.

"Hy!" Sonic said enthusiastically. "I'm Sonic! I can't remember anything! I'm also new here! And may I say you look very pretty!" He finished fast.

(BRM: Wow... no one saw that joke coming.)

"Well hehe... Thanks, partner." Applejack said, slightly red. "That's mighty kind of you."

"Applejack, we need to tell you something. Me especially." Scootaloo said. Applejack got a serious look.

"You O.K., sugar-cube?" She asked. Scootaloo nodded and they went inside.

Scootaloo then told Applejack how she found Sonic and that she might have given him amnesia. Applejack looked at Sonic, who was shocked by Scootaloo's story.

'That must be why my head was hurting.' Sonic thought. Scootaloo finished and Applejack looked down in thought.

"You poor colt. We better help you find your family. If we can't, next best thing is to help you find your memory." Applejack said. "Until then, you may feel free to stay here."

"A new house guest?! Awesome!" Applebloom cheered. "Oh, were going to have so much fun Sonic!" Sonic laughed and hoof-bumped A.B., who was smiling widely. Scootaloo smiled weakly, but still felt guilty about the whole thing. Sonic noticed and walked up to her.

"Hey Scootaloo, What's wrong?" Sonic asked.

"You know what's wrong! I ran you over!" She said. "I even caused you amnesia. I ruined your life." She felt lie crying. She just couldn't deal with the fact that she ruined a life, let alone a colt her age's life.

"It's O.K.!" Sonic said.


"It doesn't matter! I wouldn't have met you or any of my new friends if you hadn't done that. So think of it as a gift."

"A g-gift?!"

"Yeah. You basically gave me an adventure! And with no memory, you just made it a challenge. And challenge equals fun!" he then hugged her. "So quit worrying! Besides, you didn't mean too. So your in no trouble " He let go and trotted back to the others. Scootaloo just stood there. Her face felt warm as a blush spread across her face.

"And you are helping me get my memory back, so you are kinda fixing the problem!" Sonic said loudly to her, finally reaching the others.

'He's really forgiving. and he sounds just like Rainbow Dash. He might just be the missing thing in our group!' She thought.


'The one element we needed to get our marks! The element of awesomeness!'

Sweetie and Scootaloo asked Applejack, Rarity, and Scootaloo's temporary guardian and 'big sis', Rainbow Dash if they could stay over at Applebloom's tonight. After that, they all got sleeping bags and stayed in the tree house.

"This is so exciting! Sonic, you and me are gonna be best friends, am ah right?!" She said with a smile.

"You bet!" Sonic said. He then trotted over to the window and looked out. "Man, this view is awesome!"

"Hey Sonic. I got a question." Scootaloo said, looking scared.

"Well, what is it?" Sonic asked, turning to her.

"Well, you seem to be staying with us for a while so... would you like to join our organization?" She asked. Applebloom and Sweetie looked at her with a smile.

"I didn't even think of that!" Sweetie said, amazed.

"What is your... organization?"

"Well we go and do things around Ponyville in hopes of finding our special talent, which gives us our cutie marks."

"What's a cutie mark?" Sonic asked.

"Wow... you must have lost a lot of memory. It shows your special talent. You have one! It's on your flank." Sonic looked confused as he turned his head and saw the shoe, ring and gems that marked him.

"I wonder what my talent is then. I bet it's awesome!" He said, jumping around. The girls laughed at Sonic's hyperness. "And for your earlier Q. Yes. I shall join you. What's the teams name?"

"THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!" They shouted. Sonic smiled, hiding the fact that he thought it was such a strange, girly name. For the rest of the night, the four talked about what they were going to do tomorrow and after a few hours, all was asleep.

Sonic groaned in anger as voices and fighting was heard outside. He tried to make it out, but he only got a bit of it.

"...He keeps..."

"...ed Dash!..."

"...back int..."

Soon, all was quiet as Sonic fell back asleep.

Sonic the hedgehog ends up as a 13-year-old pegasus with amnesia! He then joins the CMC?! And then I start yelling?! What will happen next?! Find out in chapter two of... HEART OF THE COLT, MIND OF THE HERO!(Working title...)

Thank you for reading. I might as well give you a bit of the plot, since I'm feeling happy. If you don't want a spoil, stop at the imaginary kitty.

I was told of errors in this, anyone mind pointing them out or something so I can go fix them?

Ten point achievement to who ever answers this without looking it up. Is Chronos control real and if so, How do you do it and what with?

Fav and Follow if you enjoy and...

REVIEW OR THE IMAGINARY KITTY GETS IT! (Five reviews or at least three positive reviews and I'll continue.)

The story here revolves around the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Scootaloo, and Sonic as he is somehow transformed into a young colt pegasus. He seems to have amnesia and only remembers his name, something about a hedgehog, and fainting in the middle of the road. With the help of the CMC, they try to find Sonic's home and memory while trying to get there cutie marks. But Eggman is darker than usual, and makes a plan to bring Sonic down... forever. This also revolves around Scootaloo getting a crush on Sonic after awhile. How the story goes depends on me, your reviews, and my excitement to actually write something... er... type something.