So apparently I lied this is going to be the last chapter.

"What is that?" Asked Honey. "Under the castle before it was destroyed there were two huge opened gates that on the other side of them people said there was a golden fountain that spilled out water of gold. Only members of the family knew about this of course but with years this place was forgotten by many and prohibited to enter by others because the people in the castle were misusing the gold in the place and selling it to other countries it wasn`t bad at the beginning but later on the place started to collapse because of the gold they had taken away. In the end the angel statue that was on the top of the fountain turned in to a golden key that was given to the queen, the gates were locked and people were prohibited to enter. The place where the fountain is was the only the beginning if the fountain dries the whole kingdom will cease to exist."

"She can`t get her hands on the key."

"Are you sure this will work?" Asked Haruhi sounding unconvinced. "To be honest I don`t know but it`s worth the try." Kyoya replied.

"You have the mark on your neck and you look exactly like your mother what more evidence will they need?"

They were inside the police department in front of the reception table. "With what shall we help you with?"

"Umm, well…"

After they explained everything in the police station they went to arrest Haruhi`s aunt. But by the moment they arrived there she was gone and nowhere to be found.

The castle was in chaos they needed someone to sit in the throne and guide them.

"I`m going." She announced. "What?" Hikaru asked as they all stared at her in confusion.

"They need someone with a noble blood line and as seen the situation who else better than me?" She added. "Thanks for everything until now." She vowed and turned to leave the room when. "Haru-

Hikaru started as she cut him of. "It`s Amane."


"My name, my name it`s Amane. It`s been great knowing all of you." She then closed the door behind her not looking back as she heard the whole commotion begging to rise inside the room she had just been in she pressed her back against the door and slipped until she sat firm on the floor and a tear fell down from her cheek as she knew what was coming as soon as she gets to the castle.

She took one last look at Ouran`s Academy before she said. "It`s been nice knowing all of you…especially you Hikaru…"

When Haruhi got back to the castle she went directly towards gates of gold as where she remembered was told they were hidden when she entered the place what she had feared might not had been far from the truth. The place was dying. It may have been protected but without someone's affection the place was as good as dead.

"A life for a life as must the balance of the world must be restored…"She said with a straight face but her heart aching like it had never before. "I`m sorry…"

"For how much longer do I have to stand here seen him act like this for? It`s making me feel bad for him he`s been like this for the past week." Complained Tamaki. "You mean since Haruhi, I mean Amane left?" Replied Kaoru.

Hikaru was sitting on a chair beside the window staring into space. "Ugh I can`t stand this anymore!" Tamaki stood up and stomped towards were Hikaru was sitting. " What are you trying to do? Make us all depressed?!"


"Don`t sound all confused! Yeah we all miss Amane but it`s obvious you miss her more. If you like her what the heck are you waiting for? Go and look for her you idiot!"

"You like her too don`t you?" As for that no response was given to Hikaru from Tamaki. "….sometimes you have to do what you think wright despite the consequences." Tamaki said in a croaked voice.

Hikaru looked at Tamaki one last time before he left running and said. "Thanks…" with a smile crossing his face.

How could I have been such an idiot? When it was so obvious! "Amane…"


I know I`m the meanest person ever. I said that I was going to leave what you think it`s going to happen for you to decide. And to be honest by the way I`m feeling now (Want to hurl, stomach hurts and only slept like 3 hours.) it would have been the saddest and most tragic ending ever. God knows what I would have written.

I`m sorry for the sloppy last 2 or 3 chapters but I started to write another fanfiction and the interest I had in this one went to the other sorry if you didn`t liked it…

Thank you for baring with me till the end you are very skilled my friend : ) Even though I had to almost drag myself here to write this (because of my lack of sleep) I`m proud of myself it`s the first time I had finished a story mostly because I don`t write them only think them but, Yeah!

Final thanks to all the reviews, story alerts and favs! I`m really grateful arigato!

Awful ending lalala awful ending lalala~