The Wrath Of Papa Gibbs



Chapter: Paying for Disobeying

I am sorry for not updating this story for so long. Personal things happened which meant I had no spare time to write this chapter, and finish off the story. Hopefully, now I will have the time again.

Ziva waits in the bedroom, fuming that Gibbs would embarrass her in front of her friend. When she hears footsteps on the stairs she quickly stands in the corner. She hears the bedroom open, she turns and sees a very pissed off Gibbs.

Gibbs sits in the chair next to the desk, "turn round Ziva." She obeys (for once) and looks straight at him.

"Care to tell me why you disobeyed me, again so soon Ziva?" asked Gibbs.

Ziva said, still looking straight at him, "I had not seen my friend for so long. I did not think it was fair that you told me that I had to cancel, so I still went."

"Even though I told you what would happen if you disobeyed me?"

"Yes, Gibbs."

Gibbs knew he had to spank her for disobeying him, and before DiNozzo arrived too.

Gibbs stood up and took off his belt, "Ziva, drop your pants and bend over the bed."

Ziva turned towards the bed and dropped her pants, then bent over. She knew he won't go lenient on her, and so she gripped the sides of the bed.

"I suggest you brace yourself Ziva, and don't forget that you have another spanking coming your way, when DiNozzo gets here."

She didn't respond.

"I expect a response, Ziva."

"Yes, Gibbs. I understand."

With that, Gibbs lifts his belt and WHACK, "Arghhh"

WHACK WHACK WHACK WHACK, "Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Ziva is having a problem in taking this spanking quietly, and tears begin to start, "Please Gibbs, I am sorry. I will never disobey you again."

"I hope you don't. It's not over yet."

Ziva braces herself, WHACK WHACK, "Arghhhhh"


"Last one Ziva, then we're done."

WHACK, "Arghhhhhhh."

Gibbs puts his belt on, sits on the bed, and comforts Ziva, "Shhh, all is forgiven." He rubs his hand over Ziva's back whilst she cries.

"I am sorry Gibbs. I will never disobey you again." She cuddles into his chest.

Gibbs kisses her forehead, "get some rest before DiNozzo gets here. You've got about an hour." Gibbs leaves the bedroom, and heads downstairs to the basement to work on his boat.

Ziva fell asleep on the bed.

An hour later, DiNozzo arrives nervously, walks in, "DiNozzo I'm down here."

DiNozzo hears Gibbs, and walks down to the basement. Without looking up, "Ziva is upstairs, resting. Go and see if she's okay."

"Yes boss, but why is she upstairs, resting?"

"I'm sure tell you, now do as you are told, and go and see if Ziva is okay."

DiNozzo runs up the stairs to see Ziva, and knocks on the bedroom door.

"You can come in Tony," Ziva responds.

DiNozzo enters the bedroom and sees that Ziva has been crying, "are you okay Ziva? Gibbs said you were resting."

"He caught me disobeying him about going to see my old friend."

"Ouch, Ziva. You were warned by him what would happen if you disobeyed him."

"I know, I know. I am stupid."

"Not stupid, just pig-headed," DiNozzo smiled.

Ziva responded by thumping him on the arm.

"So, what did he do?" asked DiNozzo.

"He caught me in the restaurant, brought me here, sent me up to the bedroom to stand in the corner, then he came a few minutes later and spanked me with his belt with my pants down. Tony, I am dreading our spanking because we disobeyed him at work. I don't think I could take another spanking so soon."

DiNozzo hugs Ziva, "I don't think he'll be too hard on you, not after the spankings he has given you already at work and here, but don't freak out but I think he may want to spank you bare..."

"...what? No way! I can't take it bareā€¦"

"...before you interrupted me, what I was trying to say, is that the only reason he would do that is so he can make sure he doesn't break any skin or go too hard on you."

"Oh," Ziva looked down to the floor.

Gibbs shouts up to Ziva and DiNozzo, "if you two are quite finished having your little chat, I want you both down here now!"

When Ziva sits up on the bed, she flinches. DiNozzo saw this and said, "you'll be okay. I've got you, always."

Ziva smiled as she stood up, "thank you Tony."

They slowly walked down the stairs and they see Gibbs standing in the living room.

"Sit," Gibbs points to the sofa.

"I think I would rather stand Gibbs, if that's okay?" Ziva asked.

"No, sit now."

Ziva slowly sits, next to DiNozzo, and flinches. Tony holds her hand, and gently squeezes it, to show her, that she'll be okay.

Gibbs begins to walk backwards and forwards, in front of them, then he stops, "I would like to know why both of you thought it was a good idea to disobey me, and fool around?"

Tony replied, "it was my fault, boss. I kept nagging Ziva to fool around with me. She was telling me no, but she only said yes to keep me quiet. Just spank me boss."

"Tony, Ziva could have said no more forceful, but she wasn't. She agreed to fooling around with you. Both of you will be spanked."

Gibbs looked across to Ziva. She had tears in her eyes already, and he saw this. He sighed, and didn't want to spank her again so soon after spanking her with his belt, but he knew that he couldn't go back on what he told her, on what would happen.

Gibbs sighed again, "alright Tony, find a corner and stay there, facing it. You do not leave that corner until I call you, do you understand me?"

"Yes boss," and DiNozzo does as he's told.

"Alright Ziva, come here," Gibbs said as he sat down on the sofa.

Ziva got up and stood in front of Gibbs. She was nervous.

"Take down your pants Ziva, then when you are over my knee, I will be taking down your underwear," Gibbs said.

Ziva nervously did as she was told, then Gibbs took her wrist, and guided her over his lap. Once she was comfortable, he pulled down her underwear. She flinched when she felt the cool air on her bottom.

Gibbs pulled out a paddle from behind the cushion on the sofa, and place it on Ziva's bottom.

Ziva flinched again as she felt the paddle. She closed her eyes and grabbed Gibbs' leg, ready for the spanking to begin.

The paddle whacked Ziva's bottom 10 times before Gibbs stopped. She was sobbing and pleading with him to stop throughout her spanking. It took a while for Ziva to realize that Gibbs' had stopped spanking her. She felt his hand on her back, rubbing it and quietly saying, "shhhh, Ziva. It's done. You are forgiven. You are safe."

After a while, Gibbs pulled up Ziva's underwear to give her dignity when she stood up.

"Stand in the corner Ziva, whilst I deal with DiNozzo," Gibbs said once she calmed down.

Ziva stood up, pulled her pants up, and flinched, "yes Gibbs."

She slowly walked towards a corner.

"Tony, get over here," said Gibbs.

Tony turns and slowly walks towards Gibbs. He sees the paddle in Gibbs' hand, and gulps.

"Drop your pants and boxes and bend over the back of sofa."

Tony did as he was told, nervously. He had heard Ziva's spanking and didn't like it. Bending over the sofa, he waited for his spanking to begin.

He felt the paddle touch his bottom, and he braced himself.

WHACK, "argh"

WHACK WHACK, "arghhh"

WHACK WHACK, "arghhh, please boss, I'm sorry."

Gibbs moved to Tony's sit-spots.

WHACK WHACK WHACK, "arghhhhhhhhh"

Tony had tears rolling down his face, grabbing tight the cushion in front of him.

WHACK WHACK, "owwwwwwwww" The last two were always the hardest.

Tony soon calmed and stood up, pulling up his boxers and pants.

"I'm sorry boss. I promise I will never disobey you again," Tony said to Gibbs.

"Don't promise something that you know you can't keep. You're forgiven Tony."

DiNozzo nodded in response.

"Ziva, you can come out of the corner now. I really hope you have both learnt your lesson about disobeying me?"

"Yes boss, yes Gibbs," they both responded, and rubbing their bottoms at the same time.

"What type of take-out would you?" Gibbs asked them both.

"I don't mind, Tony can choose," replied Ziva.

"I would like pizza boss, please," said DiNozzo.

Ziva and DiNozzo slowly sat on the sofa, and flinching in the process, whilst Gibbs phoned in the take-out. He came back with a bottle of beer each.

"Thank you Gibbs," said Ziva.

"Thank you boss," said DiNozzo.