This story has been adopted by Raven and Dragon and is titled: Harry Potter-Greenleaf adopted.
I am terribly sorry to all of those people that (have) read/follow(ed)/favorite(ed) my stories, but I do not have enough time to keep writing my stories. Also, when I do have time, I don't always know where I want my story to go. As such, I will not be finishing any of my stories. Again, I'm sorry to all those who kept reading them. I am thankful to all those people, they certainly helped me keep going for the years I wrote.
Here are the random notes that I had written down for this story:
Harry James Potter Greenleaf
A Review:
Ravenclaw harry with hermione and Luna and Neville would be nice. Hermione could remind him of Legolas. Full of knowledge and worldy experience. Luna much like a dreamy elf. And Neville's brave heart
Gandalf was watching when Dumbledore put Harry on the Dursley's front step. After Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Hagrid left, Gandalf came out of his hiding place and took Harry with him back to Middle Earth. Gandalf trains Harry, so he can fulfill his destiny. Dumbledore, Mrs. Weasley, Ron, and Ginny Bashing!
· Harry is Legolas' adopted brother
· Legolas older than Harry
· Harry can fight with both a sword and a bow and arrows; his bow is just his preferred one, and the one he's slightly better with
· Harry learns how to use a staff and a wand from Gandalf
· Gandalf takes Harry to Middle Earth, and Harry grows up/lives with Legolas and the elves
· Going to be three stories
1. Harry and Legolas growing up
2. Harry going to Hogwarts
3. Harry (& wife Hermione) coming home and helping the Fellowship
Minerva's POV:
I'm in my office writing lesson plans, and occasionally reading responses, when the owl that has Harry Potter's letter lands on my desk with the letter still on its leg. He didn't find Harry Potter! I run into Dumbledore's office.
"Ah, Minerva, what do I owe this pleasure?"
"Unfortunately, Albus, I'm not here to just talk. I've been getting responses throughout the day, and I got one owl back- that wasn't able to find the student."
"You know how to deal with these, Minerva, why come to me?"
"It wasn't just any student, Albus, it was Harry Potter!"
"WHAT!?" He looks over at a silver instrument. "He should be at his aunt and uncle's."
I nod and leave the room, letter in hand. I get to the gates, and apparate to the Dursleys. Petunia tells me that Harry's never been there. (I told Albus that it was a bad idea, but… no.) I go back and tell this to Albus. We're discussing what to do, when there's a knock on the door.
"Come in Severus."
Severus opens the door, and steps in with an old man (who looks kind of like Dumbledore) behind him.
"Albus, this man appeared in the forest when I was picking herbs. He wouldn't tell me his name, just that he needed to see you."
"Why would you let him in?"
"Call it a gut feeling, Minerva."
"My name is Gandalf, and I am here for the acceptance letter for Harry Potter."
Albus stands up, "You know where he is? Where is he? Is he safe?"
"I do know where he is, he is safe, and there is no way that I'm telling you where he is. Now, may I please have the letter?"
"What do you think gives you the right to come in here and demand Mr. Potter's letter?"
"I'm not demanding Harry's letter, I'm asking for it. As for what right I have: Since Harry can't come and pick it up himself, he asked me to."
"Why can Mr. Potter not come himself?"
"Yet another thing I can't tell you. It has to do with his where-a-bouts."
"How do I know that you're telling the truth?"
"There is not really much that I can say or show you that will convince you. I believe you'll just have to trust me."
"Here is a letter written by Harry saying that he would like me to pick up his acceptance letter. You can perform any spells you wish to make sure it is Harry's handwriting."
Two young boys were having a conversation:
"Are you sure you must go?"
An older figure walks up, "Pack your bags, we must be going."
"May I come too?"
"No, your place is here with your people. We will be coming back."
The man went back inside.
The younger boy turned to leave, with tears in his eyes.
"Don't cry my friend. He did say that you'll come back to me."
"I don't want to leave you."
The slightly older boy picked up the younger one, and swung him around.
"I thought I would be the sadder one, not you."
The younger boy smiled.
"Good bye, Harry. Good luck."
"Good bye Legolas. I hope to see you soon."
Harry's POV:
"Gandalf, will you be coming with me?"
"I shall come as far as parents do."
"Thank you. What should I do with my weapons?"
"Bring either your sword as it is easier to carry and conceal. We need to get you one of the wands made there, but bring yours just in case."
He winks at me, I smile and nod. I run to my room to pack. I pick up my sword, attach it to my belt, and put a small charm on it so that you can only see it if you know I have it. I grab my wand, put it in my pocket, grab my bag, and go to find Gandalf.
"Your parents were our sort right?"
'Of course they weren't you moron! I was raised by elves!'
"Actually, my dad was, but my mom wasn't, but if I told you their names, and my name… you'd talk differently to me."
Harry turns around, and walks out.
"So it's true. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts."
"Yes, and in fact you met him earlier."
Malfoy opens his mouth to say something, but gets cut off by Harry, "Save your breath. Whatever you were going to say, I don't need to hear it."