
Chapter 2 – Carnal Lessons


Tahno smirked to himself as he sauntered through the gym. Ostensibly, he was here to make sure his registration for the final match was in order and to talk with one of the officials.

There were several training areas, and he liked to see what the other teams did, to get a feel of how they worked and their style, all the better to figure out their points of weakness when it came time to face them in the tournament. He passed the next studio, grinning to himself when he saw the Fire Ferrets, and he leaned against the doorway as he watched the Avatar train against Mako.

Korra laughed as she dodged a fire blast that Mako sent her way. She sent a stream of water to him, concentrating on getting in a shot at him. They were nearing the end of their training session, and even though Korra was a sweaty mess, the older Waterbender found her attractive, in this almost primal state. Though Tahno studied their fighting, he was paying more attention to Korra, imagining peeling off her training outfit and fucking her senseless... damn. No other girl had ever had this effect on him.

After a few more volleys of sparing with Mako, the Avatar called it quits for the afternoon and gave her companions a brief nod before she patted her forehead with a towel she picked up off the bench. As she turned, her eyes fell on her Pro-bending rival.

"Hello there, Uh-vatar. Training in hopes of defeating me?" he joked. As much as he had enjoyed his time with Korra, he would not let that stand in the way of the upcoming match.

"Of course. I'm still going to give it my all to win the final match of the tournament, especially if it's against you!" she shot back with a small grin.

"Tsk. You're going to lose the match, but maybe if you're really nice to me, I'll share some of my prize money with you." he teased. She sauntered closer to the door.

"I think there are more appealing things you can share with me than just the prize money. Why not share some pleasure?" she said in a quieter tone so Mako could not hear.

"Oh, but of course." he grinned and winked at her. "I think I would enjoy that more, actually..." He regarded her with a sexy leer. "So... how about tonight? That is, if your training didn't tire you out..."

Korra smiled. "Mmm, I'm up for that. I actually have a few ideas I'd like to try with you. What time?"

"Meet me at the Noodlery at nine. That should give us both time to... prepare." He lightly stroked her chin with one finger

"I look forward to it..." she purred. He would be surprised at the ideas she had despite his experience, or at least she was pretty sure. There was one idea she was fairly certain he had not tried...

"Oh, you had better!" Tahno said in a mock challenging tone. He paused when he saw Mako glaring at him, and Korra turned, wondering what caused him to pause. Oh, that's right... She let out a small huff as she regarded her team-mate, though she could understand the Firebender's misgivings. Tahno could see that he was unwanted, so now was a good time to bow out.

"See you." he whispered, winking at her before he left. Mako stared at Korra, surprised by what seemed like a friendly encounter between the two Waterbenders.

"What the hell was that?" he asked.

"Oh, we were just talking." She shrugged.

"You seemed... pretty friendly with him."

"What's it to you who I see?"

"But this is Tahno! TAHNO! He's our rival!"

"Do you think I don't know that?" Korra shrugged. "Believe me, when it comes to Pro-bending, I will put all of my effort into helping the team win, but that doesn't mean we can't get along outside of the arena. It's just dinner." And some hot sex, she mentally added.

"Dinner? Are you kidding?" he asked with open incredulity, trying to not shout.

"I can have a meal with anyone I choose. You're not my guardian." she replied dismissively.

"I'm... telling Tenzin!"

She stared at him for several moments, raising her eyebrow. "Really? You're going to tattle on me? Why are you so concerned, anyway? Aren't you eager to go play kissy-face with Asami?" she asked snidely.

"Bolin likes you!" Mako blurted out.

"Oh, is that so? I thought you didn't want me with him." she replied. He blinked, and she regarded him with a tight-lipped smile. "Yeah. Bolin told me what you said about me." She did like Bolin, but after the kiss she had given to Mako in front of his younger brother, things between them were a bit strained at the moment, and she knew the young Earthbender needed more time to figure things out. As did she...


"Yeah, uh..." Korra mimicked him sarcastically. "Mind your own business, and stay out of mine." she growled.

"I'll tell Tenzin!" he repeated his earlier threat. "You can't expect me to stand by while you go around... cavorting with that jerk!"

"And you expect me to stand by watching you cozy up with Asami after you tell your brother you don't want him having me as a girlfriend? Forget it. Tahno's turning out to be better company than you, at least he doesn't hold me to a double standard." she said snidely.

The pair stared at one another for several long moments. "Fine. Enjoy your... date." He stalked off.


Tahno was there at the Noodlery at the time he said, sipping a shot of sake as he waited patiently for the Avatar, eager for another night with her. He enjoyed her passion and wanted more of it, but there was something more he could not quite place his finger on. He enjoyed a girl with lots of passion, because that made them more eager and receptive, but with Korra, it was more than that...

A flash of blue caught his eye, and he smiled as he recognized his lover. He beckoned her over, and she leaned against the bar. "Want some? My treat." he said, holding up his cup of sake. She considered it for several moments before shrugging and nodding, and he motioned to the bartender.

Korra took a couple of sips from the little cup, and they stood there in companionable silence for several moments, savoring the burn of the alcohol as it slid down their throats.

"You ready for a fun night?" she whispered. "I have something in mind I really want to do with you."

He shot her a slow, smoldering smirk. "And what might that be?"

"Mmhm. That's a surprise."

He raised his eyebrow, and she simply grinned. Oh, what did she have in mind? He was intrigued, but bided his time, sipping his sake and waiting patiently for her to finish hers. When she set down the empty cup, he offered his arm. She took it, and they exited the Noodlery at a casual pace, sauntering and enjoying the sights around them.

Once they were in his apartment and he locked the door, he swayed his hips a bit as he had done during his striptease.

"If you keep wiggling your ass at me, I'll be tempted to smack it." Korra teased.

He licked his lips and danced some more, taking off his jacket as he did so. Korra peeled off her own parka and hung it up and continued to watch Tahno's seductive dance, he did have some moves.

"Want some of this, baby?" he asked as he slid off his shirt and thrust his pelvis at her before he took several backward steps in the direction of the bedroom.

"Mmm, yes. But I'd like to try something with you that will blow your mind...

Like in the first chapter, there's some HOT Tahnorra action that is simply too steamy for Fanfiction Net... if you've read Chapter One, you know the drill... go to my profile and follow the link provided there to get to the delicious Water Tribe smex.

"Breakfast is served, hope it's to your liking." He set a plate in front of her with the toast and a bowl of mixed fruit.

She grabbed a slice of toast and munched on it before taking a sip of the tea that he made, and sighed happily. "I had a great night."

"I share the same sentiment, my dear."

"But I still intend to give it me all to defeat you in the Pro-Bending finals." she said before digging into her fruit salad. That match was in less than a week, she mused.

"No, no my dear. It will be the other way around. Of course, when you lose, you'll still be welcome to come here and have sex with the victor."

She laughed at that. After a few minutes, she finished her breakfast. "Well, I guess this is goodbye until I fight against you in the tournament"

"I can't believe it's the day after tomorrow. Time does fly, it seems like only yesterday that I won last year..."

"Pbbbt. Well, I still look forward to fighting against you in the tournament. I haven't fought with you, and I look forward to getting you wet." she teased.

"There will be time after the championship for that, Uh-vatar..." he said in a low purr as he escorted her to the door. She grabbed her parka before she reached the door and put it on. She turned to Tahno and planted a kiss on his lips, giving him a slow, searing, goodbye kiss. He wrapped his arms around her, enjoying the kiss and let it linger before they pulled away.

"Mmmm... that was wonderful. I'll see you around, babe."

"See you around." she returned. With that, she left his apartment.


She hoped to sneak into her room, but her plans were foiled as Tenzin was already there, his arms folded as he stood in front of her door.

"Hey, Tenzin. It's a nice morning today, isn't it?" she said, trying to diffuse the tension she could feel practically radiating off the elder Airbender.

"Don't pull that on me. Going to be with your Pro-bending rival? I thought you knew better!"

"What?! Mako told you, didn't he?" she glared, upset – but ultimately not surprised – that Mako had snitched on her.

"Your friend was concerned about you!"

"It wasn't his place to be concerned about me! I told him to drop it, but apparently he had to make it his business to get involved."

"It was his business! He is your Pro-Bending partner and it is also my duty to keep you safe, something I can't do if you're cavorting around with a rival!"

"Believe it or not, Tahno treated me with respect. I never felt threatened when I was with him."

"You are too young for that sort of thing!" he sputtered.

"What sort of thing?" she asked, putting on an innocent face. "We just went to the Noodlery, and then after that we talked, and worked on our Bending. Nothing bad happened, honest." Not the whole truth, but not a lie, either...

"You do remember that he is your rival? And that he has a bad reputation!"

"What? Don't tell me you asked Lin to do a background check on him and that he's a criminal."

"No, he does not have a criminal record but he does have a reputation."

"Of what? Of him being a womanizer? I know that."

"There have also been complaints of him cheating, but nothing solid."

"Cheating on what? Pro-bending matches or girls?" she shot back, crossing her arms.


Inadvertently, she smirked at that. Trust Tahno to be a two-timing bastard in and out of the arena. Good thing she was not romantically involved with him, then. She had zero expectations for a real relationship between them, and it was better that way.

"You find that amusing?" Tenzin asked, horrified.

She wiped the smiled off her face. "No. But look..." She sighed. "There's nothing between Tahno and me, okay? I have no feelings for him, and I am most definitely not his girlfriend. Believe me, I know better."

Fortunately, Tenzin seemed somewhat mollified by that.

"... Good. Good." He gave her a curt nod. "However, the fact remains that you went out when you were supposed to be here. You disobeyed my rules."

"So I did." she said quietly, deciding that seeming penitent would be best. "I didn't do it to disrespect you, I've just been stressed out with Amon and Pro-Bending and all that. I needed to blow off some steam, that's all. I'm sorry, I should have at least called you."

"No. What you should have done was come here last night." he replied firmly. She opened her mouth, but closed it just as quickly, there was no need to provoke her guardian further. There were more important things to focus on, anyway.


Things had been stilted between her and Mako since two days ago, and Korra shot him a sideways glance as they suited up for the match, the one that would determine who would be the reigning Pro-bending champions for the next year.. She would face Tahno and his team, and she could not help but feel nervous about that, although she knew she would put her best effort against the Waterbender.

It was like she had told Tenzin, she had no feelings for the big, bad Wolfbat. She would enjoy seeing his defeat.


Thank you to everyone who read, enjoyed and reviewed this story. It's been a lot of fun, and there's a few more chapters to come!