Fly with the Angels

By Sujakata

Dedicated to: Hilana, Babooshka, banana, Camp writer, lilac blossom fairy, sweet lil angel, Storm Mage, wordpainter, Swim Freak, Muslima, Someone~Somewhere, Krazy Kitty, (the person who has no name), Venus Smurf, 'With time..anything can happen' and Panda from Enemaldae. Thanks for the reviews hahaha, I love them.

AN/ ok, I know its been short and if you didn't read my last AN/ is said that I think its more of a S/B fic then B/T, although there will be major B/T friendship and flirting cause I love Tris and I think its better for her character to be more out going, also everyone will have someone to be with. I think this will be S/B, T/R (Rhusha) and D/K (Kirel) *is that how you spell his name?* And its taken me forever because I just had exams and all of that end of year thing, with my formal and FINISHING HIGH SCHOOL I've been very busy so I hope you all forgive me. I'll make this as long as I can to make up for it! This chapter contains all the excitement, and I know exactly what is going to happen. Watch out for OOC-ness it will be there.

Rating: PG-13+

Chapter Three: Sink This Ship- Part Two- Oh Hell No!

Clouds were gathering quickly and the sky went from a beautiful blue to a raging tapestry of grey and black, the waves followed the tempests direction and churned violently, a storm was brewing and by the looks of it, it was going to be one hell of a ride.

The Wave Rider was waiting, just inside the small cove for the next ship to come by, the informants had given the information that the next ship coming to Winding Circle Harbour was going to be the ship that Capitan Moss was commanding. Waiting and watching they saw the bow of the ship come past the cove, signalling quietly the Wave Rider went after the ship in hot pursuit.


Sandry and Daja were up on the mast, watching the waves with trepidation

"do you think we'll reach winding Circle before the storm hits?" Sandry asked, turning to look at her sister next to her, the black girl grinned and shook her head

"of course not, what kid of storm would that be if it didn't try and make our way hard?" Sandry sighed and turned her attention back to the ropes, the wind was picking up and blowing the stray strands of blonde hair into her face, scowling she turned to look at Daja to see her facing the wind and smiling into it 'she really does love it when it storms like this, its almost like she gets off on it' smiling ruefully the smaller girl twisted in her seat and turned to look over at the cliffs that were in the distance, lightning flashed across the sky illuminating the world for a brief second, and in that moment Sandry could have sworn she'd seen a ship come out from behind the cliffs and was headed straight towards them.

"DAJA!" Sadry shouted to be heard above the gale force winds, the taller girl halted in getting up and turned to look at her sister

"WHAT?" Sandry turned and pointed back over to where she'd seen the ship



"I SAID, THERE'S A SHIP, OVER THERE" Daja turned her attention to the way Sandry was pointing and waited for the lightning to strike, as the forked tongue of electricity snaked over the clouds Daja saw the ship and recognised it as belonging to a Pirate franchise. Daja's dark brown eyes widened considerably as she watched the ship ride the growing waves, they were headed straight for them and their ship was much bigger,

"IT'S GOING TO TEAR US APART" she screamed and without even waiting for Sandry she practically flew down the ropes to tell her father. Sandry decided to stay where she was and keep watch on the progress of the ship.

Out of the corner of her eye another shape caught her attention and turning that way she again waited for the lightning to give light, and there was another ship, just to the side and back from them 'it looks like more pirates, are they trying to box us in or something?' searching the deck below her for anyone she pulled out a small stone from her pouch and threw it at the person beneath her, they looked up and revealed themselves as being Rhusha, the slightly older boy quickly climbed the ropes and hung from on hand to be level with Sandry

"WHAT IS IT?" Sandry turned and pointed

"THERE'S ANOTHER SHIP!" Rhusha followed her hand and kept his eyes level to where she was looking, then Sandry pointed to where the other ship was and Rhusha again followed before nodding his head

"STAY UP HERE, TIE YOURSELF ON, ITS GETTING ROUGHER, KEEP WATCH...OK?" Sandry nodded to her brother and pulled one of the free ropes over to her and began to tie herself to the mast, Rhusha helped her with his free hand and making sure she was secure went back down to relay the message to everyone else.


Briar was barking orders to everyone, his father and first mate were trying desperately to hold on to the helm and keep the ship in as straight a line as possible, a lot of the men were either up on the boom and mast or were in the nets fixing the jibs, Tris was up in the crows nest watching the ship that was rather close to them, in her hands were binoculars, Briars attention went to her as she was frantically calling for someone from below, looking around and realising that everyone else was too busy Briar scaled the ropes and hulled himself to where Tris was

"WHAT?" Tris handed him the binoculars and put them in the direction of the other ship

"ITS THEM, FROM THE MARKET PLACE, THE GIRL IS UP ON THE HIGHEST MAIN SAIL, SHE'S POINTING AT SOMETHING, I CANT MAKE OUT WHAT IT IS!" Briar followed what Tris was saying and watched at the blonde haired trader was telling the tall dark skinned trader from the market place something, then she pointed right at him...well the ship, both were looking in his direction and then she again pointed at something further away, Briar followed and that was when he caught site of the Wave Rider, Briar cursed 'great, just peachy,' Briar turned the binoculars back to the girl who was now tying herself to the mast and he nodded in approval. Handing the binoculars to Tris he grabbed a rope and pulled it around Tir's waist and tied it tightly.

"IT'S THE WAVE RIDER, I'LL GO AND TELL DAD, YOU KEEP ME UPDATED, UNDERSTAND" he waited for Tris to nod and was about to launch himself over the side before he turned back "WATCH THAT SHIP AS WELL, THEY HAVE NO PART IN OUR FUED, THEY GET CAUGHT UP IN IT WE HELP" Tris smirked and nodded her head, sure she'd keep an eye out for the ship, maybe a certain trader boy in particular.

Briar looked above his head and cursed, the clouds were churning just as much as the water, he looked back at the sea just in time to see a large wave headed for the ship

"WAVE!" he cried out and grabbed on to something just before the thick and powerful wall of water hit the side of the ship and knocked it sideways, water washed over the deck, kicking legs from under people and pushing the pirates bodies backwards towards the opposite side of the ship, those that weren't holding on were tossed against the railing where they held on for dear life. The water cleared away and all on deck spluttered and took in great gulps of breath before continuing with their duties, all were now on the watch for more waves that would crash over the side of the ship.


"WERE GOING TO RAM INTO HER CAPTAIN" the first mate screamed, their ship loamed over the smaller vessel as they rode the crest of the wave before crashing full force into the ship, the bow slicing through the wood of the smaller ship as if it were tissue paper, screams were heard and panicked shouting as the Pirate ship Wave Rider passed right through the ship and continued on, the deck of the pirate ship was littered with wood debris from the other ship and all the crew members began to throw the wood over the side of the boat.

Sandry opened her eyes, she felt disorientated and she quickly untied herself from the rope, she could hear men shouting, and they weren't familiar voices, looking around her, her heart quickened its pace and she jumped up, her trader staff that was stiff connected to her back was out in front of her in a second, she was on the deck of the ship that had just destroyed hers.


Daja broke to the surface of the water and looked around her, the waves were rising high above her and her breath caught in her throat 'I'm going to die.' A shout caught her attention and she turned in the water sharply in time to see her brother ride over the top of a wave and out of sight, frantically Daja swam after him, her toned muscles rippling underneath her wet clothes 'where is Sandry?' She made it to her brother who had been swimming against the current to get to her. They both grabbed on to each other and looked around them as the swirling mass of dark grey water.

"WHERE'S EVERYONE ELSE?" Rhusha questioned, he spat out some sea water and his eyes searched the vast amount of water. Daja shrugged and was still looking around when she caught sight of a ship, it was coming along side of them, it was not the one that had collided into them, but the one that had been trailing them. Daja grabbed tighter onto Rhusha and pulled him after her, they had to get out of the water and if that ship was their only way then so be it. 'if we get on to the ship we might be able to spot Sandry, oh please be safe baby girl'

They were close to it now and both brother and sister could see the people on deck looking down and them, roped in their hands 'they're going to help us' Rhusha sighed in relief, the ropes were thrown into the water and both traders grabbed on to the slippery rope and tied it around their waists. Then quickly and efficiently they were hulled up and into the ship. Both didn't even look at the people who had saved them, nor did they acknowledge them when they tried to talk, both were searching anxiously through the waters for their sister Sandry.

"I SAID ARE YOU OK?" This time Daja turned angrily to the girl that was talking to them, she was around the same age as her, with red hair and steal blue-grey eyes.


'Sandry, sandry, where was that name familiar? Oh, the disk, the name on the disk.' Tris turned back to the tall trader girl

"WHAT DOES SHE LOOK LIKE?" this time the trader boy turned to her and Tris felt her heart flutter slightly at the worried look on his face

"BLONDE HAIR, SHORT," 'oh his voice is so.ah, beautiful' Tris quickly slapped herself mentally for being an idiot at a time like this and nodded her head, she grabbed her binoculars from her pouch and sweeped over the waves in search for a flash of colour.

"THERE!" the shout from the trader girl 'hell these people must have hawk eyes' all on deck turned to where the girl was pointing, on the other pirate ship they could see a young girl with a long braid of flaxen hair fighting with a trader staff against the crew member on the Wave Rider

"THERE'S TOO MANY RHU, WAY TOO MANY FOR 'DRI" Rhusha shook his head


all who were on deck at that moment came over to the side rail, forgetting all about the storm to watch the small trader girl fighting against twenty cut throat pirates. Briar, being the only one up in the ropes sowlded down at the group of staring people, glaring he climbed down quickly and pushed his way over to where Tris was standing

"WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING?" Tris hit his shoulder and pointed to the other ship, his eyes narrowed against the pelting rain that was soaking everyone to the bone and then his eyes widened 'two fights in one day, this girl gets in to way too much trouble' a gasp from beside him broke his little thoughts and his eyes were immediately brought back to the girl who was now clutching at her arm and slowly backing up to the mast, the blonde girl had replaced her staff back into its clasps and she continued to back up

"WE HAVE TO HELP HER" Rhusha place a restraining hand on Daja's arm

"WHAT CAN WE DO?" all on board the Raven Wing watched as the girl looked frantically around, for some reason the whole scene onboard the Wave Rider was very clear to all watching, and then with a lurch the blonde girl was scaling the ropes, heading for the main sail. They could all see the pirates cussing and yelling silently at the girl before following her at a fast rate, the young trader however had a head start and she was already walking steadily across the wood to the outer edges, and that was when everyone aboard the Raven Wing realised what she meant to do...she was going to jump

"oh hell no" Tris stated, her eyes widening, Daja and Rhusha were screaming for all they were worth, some of the men were shaking their heads and Briar's eyes narrowed 'this just might work' he thought before pushing past everyone around him and going over to where the coiled ropes were and pulled the longest one he could find, he tied it to the mast securely with the sturdiest knot he knew of and then tired to other end around his waist before he went to the closest point of his ship to where the girl was going to jump and he dived off the ship right into the water. Tris turned just in time to see Briar dive off the side of the boat and she ran over to where he last was, her eyes darting into the water, the two traders had followed her, there, Briar's head broke the surface and he was pounding away with his powerful arms into the water, carrying himself closer to the Wave Rider.


Sandry watched at the pirates landed on the same plank of wood she was standing on, it was now or never, wincing slightly at the pain in her shoulder where one of the pirates had been lucky enough to lodge his dagger in, she turned to face the water and closing her eyes jumped off. There was an eerie quiet as she fell and then as soon as she touched the water the sound came crashing back as her head disappeared under the swirling water. Thrashing hard Sandry swam quickly to the surface, just before she had jumped she'd caught sight of the other ship, she'd just have to hope that she had enough strength to get to it. Gasping for breath once she crashed through the waves into salty air and turned around to get her bearings, once she located the other ship she headed off, dragging herself through the water with slow but steady strokes.

She was tiering quickly, her muscles were protesting and she could feel herself slowing down drastically 'I cant do it' her lungs burned for more air and her vision was darkening, the last thing she remembered seeing was a flash of green eyes before she blacked out.


Briar thanked his lucky stars that he'd found just as she'd passed out. He had no idea why he was relieved, but he was and so supporting the girl with one of his arms he tugged on the rope around him roughly to tell the others to start pulling him and the girl back in. it took a while but he felt it, the slow tug of the rope on him and the movement, they were pulling them back. This gave him time to look down at the girl he held in his arms, she was beautiful, a stubborn chin, delicate nose, tanned skin, and long luscious black eyelashes that curled in crescent moons against her cheeks. She was surprisingly light, even if her staff was awkward and weighed her down slightly, and he could feel her muscles beneath her clothes 'hmm, not to shabby at all.' He could see the ship clearly now and he smiled as he saw Tris 'who would have thought, me, Briar Moss, this girls knight in shining armour.' At that he chuckled as he and the girl were pulled over the side of the ship and to safety.


Sujakata: did that even make any sense? I don't know, I have a cold and my head is all stuffed..full of snot, ok I think that was way too much information. Remember to review THANKYOU!!!! Oh and I appologise for my spelling and grammar errors, I suck at English!