Fly with the Angels

By Sujakata

Dedicated to: Jes'my'car, Kame, Lani, Liva, Wart, Triss, Boges, Calvie, Chook, Hassin, filthy, Sammon, Ric'hardo, Dani smells, and all my other puzzenz that I don't have names for!!!

Disclaimer: I don't own Circle Of Magic or anything else, Tamora Pierce does, im only using her characters.

AN/ ok this is an alternate universe, I have only just started to read these fanfictions and although I have tones of fictions to complete I have this idea in my head and it wont go away until I get rid of it! So. without further a'due I will start. Also I just want to say that these things might not make sense to you people, I read the books like what three years ago or something. So yeah, im making things up as I go along!! They are ten now! Oh and I changed the trader staff from wood to metal!

Prologue: No Soul left

Sandrilene Fa Toren sat in the dark, waiting, waiting, waiting, the small strands of thread that were caught alight was her only source of light and she desperately tried to keep it glowing. She knew deep in her heart that if the light went out then she would give up hope of Prisi ever coming back for her. Shivering, Sandrilene Fa Toren gripped her dirtied dress around her body for warmth, her clear blue eyes trained on the small flame that licked at the threads, gliding along it delicately. A sound at the door broke her concentration and that was when the light went out.


Daja Kusibo and her brother Rhusha Kusibo walked quietly behind their parents, they were getting bored very quickly, their parents were arguing with some merchant or another about something and both children were getting sick of just standing there watching. "pa, can we explore?" Rhusha asked, his black eyes sparkling with excitement at the prospect of getting away from the bargaining. Their father just shrugged, turning his attention right back to the merchant that was demanding absurd prices. Rhusha grabbed his sisters hand and pulled her non too gently away from the business and down into the crowded streets of Emelan.

They went past the stalls of food, clothes and other things and were pushed in all directions by people milling around the markets buying things. Daja, having enough of the crowds of people bumping into her pulled her older brother with her into a side street. After sighing is relief she continued to go down the side street, an abandoned house at the end of the street catching her attention. Smirking she pointed it out to her brother and the both of them ran to the house, making a race out of it. After sliding in through one of the broken windows the two trader children wandered around the house, looking at a few burnt pieces of wood and into the trashed rooms of the house.

Daja finding all of this boring was about to leave when she caught sight of a door that looked to be still standing in one piece, it looked out of place from the broken down house and so whistling to her brother to come over they both approached the door with slightly mischievous eyes. Both of them pushed at the door and grunted with the effort of trying to budge it open. Panting with exertion both children stared at the door for a while before both getting the same idea, untying their staffs from their back both of the wedged the weapon in the small crack between door and wood, leaning back the two of them used all of their strength to pry the door open.

Both grinned identical white smiles as the door swung open, they were about to move inside when a shriek stopped them in their tracks. Both hand their weapons in front of them in a second, peering into the dark room they could feel the smell waft over to them and both gagged at the smell. Their eyes were trained on the bundle on the ground, they could make out the quivering form of a young girl. Daja feeling a wave of compassion engulf her surprised even herself as she walked forwards, her staff clanging to the ground and with strong arms she pulled the girl to her, untying one of her head scarfs she tied it around they small girls head to cover her eyes. He father had told her one time that if you spend a great amount of time in a dark room the light could blind you.

Rhusha hurried over and with a slight grunting noise picked the small girl up in his arms, his nose wrinkling at the smell of the girl but both he and his sister knew that this poor girl probably had no one else left in her life and although traders didn't usually, well never really cared about anyone but another trader felt a small connection with the girl. Both brother and sister walked out of that broken house with the girl, both intent on looking after her and making her their younger sister, and no matter what their parents said both of them knew that the girl in Rhusha's arms would stay with them.


looking out over the seas Briar looked at his father with some contempt. A pirate was not something people respected but although his father was a harsh man he did live richly and although Briar didn't really like the life of constantly moving around, he also felt that if he didn't move around then he wouldn't be free. It was strange that these conflicting emotions surrounded himself, but ignoring them for now the young boy looked up at the sails of their boat and groaned. The stupid new guy was tying the ropes wrong. Taking the initiative he swing himself up onto the ropes and climbed swiftly to where the newbie sat, pulling out his knife Briar cut off the knots that the stupid kid had made and began to retie the ropes.

"look at what your doing you idiot" he scowled, he hated it when he had to do something for someone else. "I thought you said that you could do this already" The girl that sat in front of him had curly red hair and stormy grey eyes, her mouth was in a frown and she was a little on the plump side.

"oh shut up boy, of course I know what I'm doing, I just did that so I could see how long it took for you to notice" her voice was low and rather gravely for a girl, but Briar took no notice of it.

"well, next time don't be so stupid girl, get it right or ill throw you over board." With that the young Briar swung off the side and climbed back down the ropes, his chest gleaming in the sun.


AN/ so??? What did you think??? Ok I know its short but I had to set it up, woohoo an adventure on the sea. Ok well tell me if I should continue with it. The next chapter will have them all older and ready for the adventure of a life time.