Dear readers of my Borderlands stories:
Due to the enormous amount of speculation currently circulating about Borderlands 3 being revealed this year, I am waiting with bated breath to see if such things bear fruit. If so, I will gladly wait to play the game to death and add onto it like I always do, meaning I will delay any future story of mine.
If such a thing is NOT the case, however, and we must wait longer for Borderlands 3, rest assured I will continue to write fanfiction for it. I love this franchise and the stories I have written, and do not wish to simply abandon them. With my tenuous schedule, it has grown quite difficult to keep up consistent updates, but I will do my best to keep the dream alive.
However, and I am sure this may come as a disappointment, I am rewriting my Borderlands fanfiction once again. I have done so twice already, but feel that with new revelations both about Borderlands my own writing style that I cannot continue the stories I have made adequately.
Rest assured, however, the characters you have fallen in love with will not die! Of course I plan to add them in with different names and slightly different personalities, but throwing babies out with bathwater is not my sort of style. I fully intend to keep up Saprus and Taika's (admittingly surprising) relationship in spirit, but that brings me to two related points.
First, I would like to know if there's anything you'd want me to add back into this new story of mine. I can guess what parts you liked from them, but hearing it directly from you (either reviews or PM) would be invaluable. I aim to please or accommodate as best I can.
Second, a proposal. I have two potential groups of new Vault Hunters, 8 in one and 16 in the other, reflecting the rosters I had in either of my stories. My question is: Which did you prefer? Running 8 makes it concise and neat, but 16 really lets me flex my creative muscles in character reactions. Review or PM me the answer if you would.