- five times Mi-nyu thinks she loves Tae-kyung, and one time she doesn't -


Mi-nyu was at the patio, with the sunshine in her eyes and the silver hair-clip in her hair. She thought back to the moment of Tae-kyung's smile once again, the thought instigating a dreamy smile on her own face. How beautiful it had looked in that moment - he almost wasn't the same person for a second. No, not cold, dark-rimmed-eyes Tae-kyung, but an angel.

It felt like a secret that only she had heard, and her obligation to keep it had gone unquestioned in her mind.

Her heart beat grew quicker as the smile enveloped her mind all over again.


She never quite understood why she felt these feelings for the man with the rough exterior, when she could oh-so-clearly see his faults like scars embedded into his skin - but she knew she loved them.

At that moment he pulled her close and she was vaguely aware of the scent of cologne, the feel of his gelled hair - everything but the hazy feeling of the warmth against her lips.

She thought her heart would explode.


She felt electricity course through her body as his surprisingly warm hand connected with his, and she finally begin to wonder whywhywhy did this condescending, cold man love her?

Trying to keep her heartbeat in check, she voiced this question out loud.

He only coloured and averted his gaze, as if the answer wasn't something he could come to terms with himself.


For her birthday, the four had gone out to eat. There wasn't anything pretty or extravagant about the restaurant - but it was homely and she was with her friends and everything felt right.

One by one, they reached out to hug her.

Jeremy's hug was tight and friendly and his arms wrapped all the way around, and she could feel how much he loved her - she wondered if he would ever stop, with a pang of guilt on her heart.

Shin-woo's hug was worse - she could most definitely feel the incredible emotion emanating from his arms, and it scared her, and she went stiff all over again as the guilt clouded over her mind once again - why was this happening?

Then Tae-kyung reached out to her, and her heart settled as she leaned into him, forgettingforgettingforgetting, so very thankful for the man kissing away all of her guilt.


He-yi is still furious, and Mi-nyu can tell, and somewhere in her heart, through and through all the pity that was supposedly there - there was satisfaction, for winning something from that demonness for once.

With all the boldness she could muster, Mi-nyu reached for Tae-kyung's hand and smiled proud.

one she doesn't.

They're alone at the vendetta when Mi-nyu makes the mistake of looking into Shin-woo's eyes, where she's shocked to see a void, a void so deep and black she thought she would drown in the pain and the heartbreak and the regret -

She cries and she kisses him, and finally that familiar cloud of guilt in her heart is gone, and maybe there were feelings for this man after all. Ones that the other man had never let her see.

She feels loved, instead of longing.

She feels content.