Title: Lost in the Woods

Summary: The origins of Kili's bow. I'm so good with titles…(sarcasm is lost online)

Characters: Kíli, Legolas, Fíli, Thorin, Dís, more elveses and dwarveses.

Rating: PG

Warnings: Pre-Slash/or allusions to slash… Kíli/Legolas I hope you noticed the genre before you clicked the link. I'm sorry.

I've learnt that dwarrows/dwarrow is the term Tolkien used to describe a group of dwarves, so I'll be using that word- or at least trying to remember to use that word

Chapter 4

Several years later….

Sitting on his mare, Legolas slowly made his way through Mirkwood's vast forest. He kept himself armed as he knew danger could strike at any moment. His heart felt heavy as he looked around finding much of his beautiful home was dying. He arched his arrow forward when he heard the sound of a branch cracking. He smiled when he found the elven guard led by Tauriel.

"Mae Govannen, Tauriel," Legolas smiled.

"My Prince," Tauriel nodded. "Welcome back home."

"It's good to be home," Legolas said, looking around the dark and dangerous forest, "I think… How fares my father?"

"He is fine, but uh… we have company," Tauriel muttered, "Company he isnt too fond of."

"What do you mean?" Legolas asked, "Do not tell me Saruman has returned again… I do not understand what my father has against him..."

"No one does," Tauriel smiled, "But no, it is not the White Wizard. It is a company of dwarrows; dwarrows we have met before. Thorin Oakenshield and twelve others. The King ordered them imprisoned- they are well cared for of course- but not too happy about being behind bars- they've been here for some weeks now."

"Oh bother," Legolas sighed, "Why would he imprison them?"

"He believes they have come to reclaim Erebor," Tauriel murmured.

"And what? Slay the dragon?!" Legolas gasped, "I know dwarrows are not all that bright, but truly?! That is a quest of madness- of suicide!"

"Well, they wont get far," Tauriel smiled, "Your father's dislike of wanderers will most likely save their lives."

"Is Kíli among them?"

"Aye," Tauriel said, "They have not spoken much other then to insult us or to thank us. Although, it is only the littlest of them that thanks us, Ori I believe his name is- Saelbeth has taken a liking to him."

"Of course he has... This will not end well," Legolas sighed.

"Adar, what is the meaning of this?" Legolas asked quietly once he and his father were alone. While before his father's subjects he would play the role of a obedient son, when they were alone it was another story. "I understand you and the dwarrows have-"

"They mean to reclaim Erebor and slay a dragon, ion-nin," Thranduil said, his voice betrayed no emotion. "A quest that will endanger their own lives and the lives of those around them- the people of Laketown will be at risk, our home will be at risk. I will not allow them to risk the lives of our people. The dwarrows are a bone-headed and greedy kind; they care not for the lives of others, the quest to reclaim Erebor is truly a quest to reclaim the gold and treasures they left behind… You are too young to understand now Legolas, though it was not that long ago my father spoke the same words about dwarrows to me…"

"Ada, Thorin Oakenshield is among the company is he not," Legolas nodded sitting by his father's side. The King sat on the edge of his seat, eying the letters he had received from Elrond only a few weeks earlier detailing Thorin Oakenshield's visit to Rivendell months earlier. Thranduil was not the only being that feared the quest of the dwarrows.

"Aye, he is," Thranduil replied, "Though the rest of the company refuse to speak other then to say they were 'starving' They are a frustrating lot."

"Are you starving them?!"

"Yes Legolas, I am starving them," Thranduil said in the most serious voice, "Because I am a cruel and spiteful king… ah, ion-nin sometimes I wonder about you."

Legolas smiled weakly at his father, "Was there two younger dwarrows in their company by the names of Fíli and Kíli?"

"Aye, I had them separated," Thranduil said, "They did not seem to like idea of being separated."

"So of course you had them separated," Legolas sighed, Thranduil nodded nonchalantly. "Ah, Adar-nin, sometimes I wonder about you."

Thranduil smirked slightly. "I take it you wish to speak to your little dwarf."

Thranduil knew the story of the young dwarfling his son had saved from a terrible fate. It was true that he truly did not like dwarrows but it was not something he wanted to instil into his son. He was proud of his son's actions all those years ago.

"Aye," Legolas nodded, "Though I do not think he is my dwarf."

"Go on, but do not be surprised if he does not take to kindly to you, ion," Thranduil said, "He has grown much since that day; and with his uncle breathing hatred of our kind in his ear, I would not expect a warm reception."

"Adar, I do not believe Thorin Oakenshield hates our kind," Legolas smirked, "It is you who fuels his hatred."

Thranduil smirked at his son's comment, "Off with you, go on."

"I will see you tonight then for supper?"


"Perhaps we could invite the King and the two young princes?"






"Let me out of this blasted cage you overgrown tree-shaggers!" Kíli screeched, running the silver cup across the bars angrily. "I want to see my brother- You cant keep me separated from him! I'm going to make you all-"

Kíli froze when an elf peered through the bars staring at him curiously. He had piercing blue eyes and long golden hair.

"What do you want?!" Kíli growled. The dwarf was exhausted and the last thing he wanted was to deal with another stupid elf.

"You have grown much since I last saw you," Legolas said, softly, "Though your facial hair remains more or less the same."

Kíli's eyes narrowed and widened as he tried to contain his outburst, "Fu-"

"You killed a bug in my hair," Legolas stated, "You were quite small, you hardly reached my knees…"

Kíli stared at the elf for a moment before he whispered, "Leggylas?"

The elf's smile disappeared as he overheard the chortling of his two friends, who stood waiting for him in the darkness.

"It's Leg-O-las, but yes," the elf's smile returned, "I am glad we have met again, young Master Kíli… though it seems you have a knack for getting lost in the woods… much like your uncle."

"You seem to have a knack for finding lost dwarrows," Kíli replied.

"Aye, I've noticed," Legolas nodded, he stared at the dwarf for a moment before he asked, "Do you still have your bow?"

Kíli shook his head, "Your people took our weapons… Look, can you get me out of this stupid cage. Or at least put me in with my brother."

Legolas shook his head, mimicking the dwarf's actions. "I can go and see how he is going, and pass on a message."

"Fine," Kíli sighed, staring down at his feet unhappily. "You don't have any brothers do you?"

"No, but I have friends who I consider my brothers," Legolas replied, "I will be back soon, gwador."

"What's that mean?" Kíli asked, looking up. But the elf had gone.

Supper with the heirs of Durin and the Prince and King of Mirkwood was probably the most awkward and shortest supper that either Legolas or Kíli had attended. It began with Thorin and Thranduil glaring at one another, Fíli eying the green food mixed in and around the meat distastefully, Kíli awkwardly pointing out the Lembas bread and Legolas kicking Thorin under the table in lieu of his father. It ended when Thorin growled at Legolas, Thranduil hissed at Thorin for growling at his son and Fíli spat out a piece of asparagus.

The two kings exchanged heated words, tempers flaring, and neither Legolas nor Fíli and Kíli understood much of what they said to each other.

It wasn't long before the dwarrows were returned to their cells; Thranduil sat at the table, his hands resting on the table as he glared at the platter before him. Legolas was pacing the room, the tips of his ears almost purple in colour.

"I cannot believe you did that!" Legolas snapped, "They are guests!"

Thranduil let out a snort of disbelief, "That ogre had the nerve to growl at you- my son! And you are angry at your father?! I cannot believe you!"

"If you were not glaring at him and were acting in a more host-like manner I would not have kicked him by accident!"

"Why are you trying to kick your King, boy?" Thranduil said, his face darkening. "I owe these dwarrows nothing! Their greed is what brought this evil to them and their greed is what will kill them!"

"They wish to reclaim their homeland adar," Legolas sighed. "You cannot blame them for wanting that- do you not feel the same about Greenwood?!"

"I have already lost Doriath and Lindon to evil, ion-nin," Thranduil said, as he arose and moved away from the table. "But I care not for where I lived, ion-nin, Greenwood is nothing to me without our people or my family."

Legolas watched as his father stalked out of the chamber, leaving him alone with his thoughts. The elven prince made his way to his bedchamber but not before he went and checked on the young dwarf imprisoned in his home. He wasn't surprised to see Kíli looking rather annoyed opting to sit on the hard floor rather then the bed or the chair in the room.

"That went well," Kíli grumbled. "We didn't even eat."

"I know," Legolas muttered, "I'll have the cook send you and your brother and uncle some food."

"You know this is your father's fault right," Kíli grunted, "We were minding our own business-"

"-in the nest of spiders," Legolas added.

"We escaped the spiders!"

"Barely, from what I've heard," Legolas smiled, "Kíli, my father has his reasons for his actions as does your uncle. They both have the best of interests for their realms. Their problem is that they are too much alike-"

"My uncle is not a pompous-"

"That is my king you are talking about," Legolas warned, "And my father. He has his reasons for not letting you continue on your quest and to be honest I agree with him- at least in halting you- not imprisoning you. A quest to slay a dragon is folly and you are only thirteen- and after seeing that odd dwarf with the mittens on his hands I am not sure he counts as one that could even slay a rabbit let alone a dragon."

"Erebor is our home!" Kíli hissed, "You have a home, you wouldn't know what its like to not have a home!"

"Aye, I wouldn't," Legolas replied, "But I know someone very dear to me who does, and to be honest I do not wish to see Mirkwood nor Laketown under attack by a dragon, unless you have failed to notice we wood elves live in the woods, surrounded by trees which are rather susceptible to fire."

"So your father is a coward who fears death, is that it?" Kíli growled, he stepped back slightly when Legolas swiftly turned and glared him down.

"My father is no coward, Kíli, son of Dís," Legolas hissed, the dwarf's eyes darted away feeling slightly intimidated. "It may seem my father is doing this in spite of Thorin but he is truly trying to keep the greedy dwarf from meeting an untimely death at the hands of a dragon which would most likely incinerate all around it! I will take my leave now, Kíli, for I do not wish to look you in the face any longer. Good night."

Kíli watched as the prince stalked off frowning slightly. He sank to the ground, resting his head on his knees. He wished they were out of the damn elf-infested forest already. Legolas's words went over his head several times as he waited for his freedom that came by the hands of a little hobbit.

The next time the elf and dwarf saw one another they were on the battlefield. Kíli's world was being torn apart. Fíli lay in a pool of his own blood, the first victim to Azog's wrath. His uncle was being thrown around like a ragdoll by the pale orc; having seen his nephew broken at the hands of the orc he attacked ruthlessly and uselessly. The orc was just too powerful.

Kíli made his way to his brother, cutting down any orc that stood in his way. He fell at his brother's side, shaking him gently but desperately.

"Fíli please," Kíli's voice broke as his brother eyed him weakly, gasping for air unable to form any words. Blood dripped from his neck to the sandy ground. "Don't die, please! I need you… don't you dare die."


The dwarf let out a strangled cry as something struck him in the shoulder. Fíli's eyes widened, shaking his head weakly, he rasped one final word, his eyes imploring his brother to leave, "K-Kíli…"

The youngest heir of Durin clung onto his brother's hand feeling the life-force of his brother slip away.

"Fi-Fíli," Kíli rasped, ignoring the stabbing pain in his shoulder. "Please…"

"Kíli, he is gone, pen-neth," Legolas's voice seemed miles away to the heartbroken dwarf. The elf pulled him to his feet, "You are hurt- let me help you get to somewhere safe, meldir…"

"Fíli! No, I don't want to leave him! Let- argh!"

Kíli let out a strangled cry as he dropped to his knees clutching his stomach; a dagger was imbedded just below his ribcage. Legolas looked up, his sword aimed at the chest of the pale orc. The elf glared the orc down, furious at himself for not seeing the orc sneak up. Kíli pulled himself up to his feet, leaning on Legolas heavily.

"Your brother is dead, your uncle is dying in a ditch," the orc smirked, "The elf wont save you from the same fate, boy."

"You will die before I let you harm him," Legolas hissed, the point of his sword dug into the pale orc's skin, drawing blood but the orc swiftly knocked the sword aside. The two drew their swords against one another. The orc was far more powerful then Legolas anticipated and with Kíli leaning on him heavily the elf struggled to keep the orc back. The orc sensed the elf's need to protect the dwarf so each blow from his sword or clawed hand was aimed at the dwarf, until he finally past the elf's defence striking the dwarf again.

Kili's eyes widened as he dropped to his knees, bringing the elf down with him.

As Kíli grasped his side, pressing at the wound; Legolas looked up at the orc, his expression betrayed no emotion.

Battle raged around them; orcs, elves, dwarves and men clashed. Kíli pushed the elf away as the orc turned his attention to the last heir of Erebor. He wouldn't let Legolas risk him life for him anymore; of course the elf was as stubborn as the dwarf, using himself as a shield, his remaining weapon their final line of defence. The orc was playing with the elf, toying with him and the fatigued dwarf.

"Legolas, go," Kíli whispered. Azog walked around them, his fangs bared as he laughed the elf he deemed nothing more then weak. He was growing bored with his game. It was time to end the line of Durin. His sword raised with intent to kill both the elf and the dwarf the sword swung down swiftly. Only to be thwarted by Orcrist in the hand of Thranduil. The orc stumbled backwards as Thranduil stood between him and his prey.

The Elven King had watched his son from the corner of his eyes as he slew orc after orc. He had no intention of allowing the orc to harm a single hair on his son's head. Azog growled at the elf who sneered back at him.

"Legolas, go," the King spoke quietly, his eyes on the orc only. The prince did not argue, pulling the dwarf to his feet and dragging him away from the battle. They took cover behind a tree, and not until Legolas was certain Kíli was safe and out of view, did the elf return to battle, remaining close to where he had left his young friend.

He returned not long after, the dwarf was unconscious, his breathing slowed, his skin pale and his life force seeping.

When Kíli finally came to, he felt numb, like his body was no longer his to command. Bilbo was sitting by his side, his eyes full of tears.

"Bilbo?" Kíli rasped.

"Kíli! You're awake?" Bilbo whispered, gripping the dwarf's hand in his own. Kíli noticed his cousins were surrounding his bed, looking mournfully down at him.

"Fíli?" Kíli barely managed to speak a single word. The group was quiet barring Ori's quiet sobs as he sat engulfed in Nori's arms. Their silence was enough of an answer. "Uncle Thorin?"

More silence followed. Kíli let out a anguished cry as Bofur tried to reach for him.

"No! No, please leave," Kíli whispered, "Go… just go."


"I need to be alone," Kíli gasped, "GET OUT!"

The dwarrows burrowed out, Bilbo was the last to leave, following Bofur who had to help Nori drag Ori out of the tent.

"I'll be right outside Kíli," Bilbo whispered. Kíli didn't reply; his eyes closed. His heart felt as though it had been carved out of his chest and shredded to pieces. Kíli allowed a few tears to escape his eyes; he could feel he didn't have long to live. He felt nothing below his waist. Kíli wondered if it was because all the pain he felt had travelled to his heart.

The dwarf's senses were slowly fading; he resigned to his fate. All he wanted was to be by Fíli's side once more.

"Kíli?" one eye opened slightly and then the other when he noticed the tall blonde elf standing by his side. He had not heard the elf walk in, and here he was falling to his knees by the dwarf's side. "Meldir?"

"Hey, Leggy," Kíli whispered, "You were right…"

"Oh, Kíli, I did not want this…"

"S'alright," Kíli murmured, reaching out to pull a wayward blonde strand behind the pointy ear. His hand lingered by the ear that once intrigued him as a dwarfling. "Thank you, Legolas… You've saved my life twice now."

"I failed this time," Legolas whispered, he took hold of Kíli's hand, running a finger across the dwarf's knuckle. "I was too late."

"No, you were not, my friend," Kíli replied, "I know I wont live too long, but you've given me the chance to say goodbye to my brother dwarrows and you're letting me die on my own terms… If given the chance I'm sure Azog would have prolonged my pain. You have given me the chance to apologize after how I spoke to you that night…"

Kíli paused for a moment, taking a strangled breath. The elf's grip on his hand tightened. "I don't think I have long left… I was wrong about your father and about you… I wish I had the time to make it up to you. I'm so sorry, please… forgive me?"

Legolas nodded, swallowing back his emotion. "There is nothing to forgive, mellon-nin. I wish we had more time also… I… I would have liked to have gotten to know you better, Kíli, son of Dís."

"My mother," Kíli whispered, a tear escaped his eye. "She will be devastated… I- I will never see her smiling face again, or eat any of her food… or sit safely in her arms…"

Kíli drifted off, sobbing weakly. Legolas ran a comforting hand across the dwarf's brow, "She would be so proud of you Kíli."

"What, for dying?" Kíli chuckled weakly. Legolas smiled weakly.

"Do not sell yourself short my friend," Legolas smiled, "You are more worthy then you know."

"Could you tell her I love her," Kíli sobbed, breaking down. "I don't want to die- I want my mama."

His words had his companions rush back into the tent; Bilbo knelt behind the dwarf who kept his attention on the elf only. Behind was Bofur and Nori who still had Ori in his arms. Dori stood with Bombur and Bifur while Dwalin, Balin, Glóin and Óin stood at the edge of the bed looking down at the youngest member of their company. To Kíli everything else in the room faded away, all he saw was the beautiful blonde heavenly elf before him.

"We will find her," Legolas replied, his voice breaking slightly as he stroked the dwarf's cheek gently. "I'll help you find her. I'll take you home again."

"Tell me about Frerin," Kíli murmured, his eyes only on the elf, though when he felt Bilbo's hand on his shoulder he reached for the limb, unconsciously. He wanted all the people he loved by his side now, he was scared. They would give him the strength he needed.

"He was brave, and strong, and quick," Legolas whispered, his eyes looked past the dwarrows mourning their prince to his father who stood there by the opening of the tent. Thranduil smiled reassuringly at his son, he would be a silent pillar of strength for his boy. "He climbed trees like no other dwarf I've known… Just like you… He was brilliant with a bow and arrow, he learnt how to shoot so quickly- even my father was impressed."

Thranduil smiled, a bittersweet smile as he nodded discreetly. No one but his son had noticed his presense.

"I am sure he would have been so proud of you Kíli," Legolas said. "Everyone here is so proud of you…"

"I want to go home to my mama," Kíli repeated, his eyes glazing over as he gasped his final breath and breathed out. The dwarrows mourned silently as Legolas, with a shaking hand reached over and closed Kíli's eyes for a final time. The elf struggled to his feet as his father came to his side and pulled him near. A strong hand ran through his hair once and he was led out of the tent towards his elven brethren.

Dís arrived with much of her brethren knowing very well that she was returning home to bury the final three members of her family. With heavy hearts the dwarrows buried their beloved King and the two young Princes.

She found herself, sitting between Dwalin and Balin, no longer able to cry for her sons or her brother. Instead they sought out the elven company that had attended the funeral. She was not surprised to see the King or the Prince among the group. What surprised her was the expression on the Prince's face… he looked almost devastated. She did not miss the discreet touches the Elven King gave his son; it was as though he was comforting him.

It wasn't until hours later when she found the Prince sitting in the woods alone, did she cry once again. He was leaning back against the same tree he had found Frerin with his father all those years ago, his head resting on the tree's trunk.

"All he wanted was to go home to his mama," Legolas whispered. "I am sorry I couldn't bring him home this time..."

"You stayed with him while I couldn't," Dís replied, "and for that I am grateful. There is something else though Legolas."

The elf peered at her as she pulled out a beautifully carved bow from her cloak, she held it forward. "I cannot take this back Dís. It is Kíli's..."

"There is no one I would want to have his most priced possession," Dís smiled. He looked up at her and acknowledged her with a slight nod of his head.

Her tears began once more after noticing a single tear slid down the Elven Prince's cheek.

"I am honoured," Legolas whispered, clutching the bow to his chest. "I am glad that I met him that day. You raised a wonderful dwarf, one I am proud to call my friend."

Right, I'm gonna go and eat some choccy, cause I've just depressed myself. I'm so writing a sequel to this, one where Kili survives. I hope you all noticed that this story is a humour/tragedy story and no one was shocked to see Kili die...

Excuse me, chocolate calls..

peace and chicken grease
