A/N: Tfw you spend more time editing previous chapters than writing new ones. Like, seriously? This chapter took me two hours tops. I'm just a piece of shit though, , yeah. I updated previous chapter as well as this one. It's not necessary to read them though as the plot hasn't changed at all. Sorry for the wait! May change rating. Don't murder me for this chapter. Im an awful person. But hey! You guys got an update, so there's that.
"Yo, Coulson!" yelled Nova in greeting, walking up to the agent, "We've got Spiderman's location and we're starting a plan. Fury said to come get you…"
He trailed off seeing distress on Coulson's normally calm face. He looked like he'd been in quite a hurry to see them as well.
"What is it? What's wrong?" asked Tiger, quick to get to the root of the problem.
Coulson looked hesitant to continue, as if just saying what it was would make it all too real.
"The team keeping tabs on May Parker has been taken out She'd nowhere to be found at the scene. We suspect Osborn…" he trailed off looking to Harry as if just noticing his presence. The fact that it took the observant agent this long to notice really showed how shaken he was. They all knew he had had a thing for Peter's Aunt. And who could blame him? She was quite an amazing woman.
Nova whipped around to face Harry. His expression was something caught between panic, rage, and intense concern. He grabbed Harry by the collar and dragged him down to meet his face.
"Did you know about this!? Peter being in this situation is bad enough, but at least he can handle himself alone! What do you think Osborn's gonna do now that he has Peter's aunt, huh?"
The others went to drag Nova off of Harry, who looked just as panicked as Sam. He loved May like a mother. By no means did he wish for her to be harmed. At that moment Luke spoke up.
"We don't have the time to plan anymore. We need to go get them now."
"I'm with Power-man on this one. The stakes have been raised" replied Ava.
"We cannot! There are too many risks." Argued Ironfist, although with reluctance.
From the side of the group, Coulson was getting off of his phone and approaching the group.
"Don't you guys worry about that, I put in a call. Let's move out."
Peter stared in horror at his bound and gagged aunt. He thrashed wildly on the table, pulling at his restraints. But even with all of his strength, he couldn't get out. He looked desperately back and forth between his Aunt May to Osborn, begging with his eyes. Norman just responded with a cruel smile. He was thrilled at Peter's obvious torment.
"Please! Please, leave her out of this! She doesn't know anything! She's all I have! Please, let her go! Leave her out of it!" he yelled desperately to Norman.
Norman dropped his aunt to calmly pick up a stool and move over to Peter with cool, calculating eyes. He sat down and looked Peter in the eyes.
"Now really Peter, I thought a superhero would be above begging like a dog."
Peter stared at the man, who currently held all the cards. He tried to think of something, anything, that would give him an advantage.. But alas, he had nothing to gamble with in this game. He moved his gaze over to his aunt for the first time since he'd realized exactly who it was Norman had brought with him.
Her eyes held such shock as she looked at him. They held a hint of betrayal and hurt too. Peter couldn't stand the look but knew he deserved it. He tried to convey with his own eyes everything he felt: the reasons why he couldn't let her know who he was, how sorry he was for getting her into this mess. And he felt that his message must have at least partially gotten through, because even though her eyes still held the fear and panic, they softened a little and she nodded at him in understanding. All Peter could hope for now was either that Norman wasn't planning anything too bad for her and took her to make a point, or that his team would come before anything could happen. They held each other's tear filled gaze as Peter's inner monologue was interrupted, once again, by Osborn.
"While this scene is touching, I'd like to get a move on. I do have a multi-billion dollar company to run you know. I haven't got all day"
If Peter had been in almost any other situation, he would've had a sassy comeback ready. But now was not the time, and he didn't dare make Osborn even more angry than he was. He watched as Osborn strode over to his caretaker and pseudo-mother of 10+ years and removed something out of his pocket: a small blade. His eyes flicked from the knife to Osborn, a menacing look in the man's eyes.
"You see, I'm going to make this quick, without the long, villainous speech. That always seems to distract us from the real task at hand"
And with that, he leaned over with the knife and slid it across May's throat. Her eyes widened in pain and fear, she looked over to Peter one last time as the blood gurgled up into her mouth and the life began to fade from her eyes.
Peter screamed and pleaded desperately the entire time, begging Norman to stop and unable to look away. His aunt collapsed on to the cold, concrete floor into a puddle of her own blood. After what seemed like ages, Peter stopped screaming and stared at his aunt. His pleas had gone unheard and ignored by Norman.
"Poor, pathetic Peter," crooned Osborn mockingly at Peter, "Little orphan boy: No mother, no father, no uncle…and now," he looked from Peter to May's body lying on the floor "no aunt"
And Osborn walked out, leaving Peter alone in his grief. The reality soon began to sit in. This was real. This was happening. He would never talk to her again, hear her humming in the mornings, or complain to her about school….
She was gone.