I know I said day one was over last chapter, but I decided against it. This chapter is day 1 and day 2.

"Now…where the hell is my room?" I wonder out loud.

"Right here, if you want it to be." I hear, and I turn around to see a middle-aged woman inviting me in with a wag of her finger. I give her the classic "bitch, you better be kidding, or I am going to call the authorities to calm your thirsty self" look while shaking my head to emphasize my answer. She gives a pout that would have all cougars proud, and she leaves her door open a crack as if that would change my mind.

I bypass the door, frightened that she would reach out with her sexually deprived paws and drag me to her den for…well, you can finish this metaphor. Because I'm busy trying to find the room I share with Bard, and I have no clue where to even begin. I mean, I could call him, but then I would miss my chance to catch him doing whatever he does when he is alone. And I just can't miss that opportunity.

I decide to give a call to Elizabeth who greets me with fake exasperation. I promptly ignore that, knowing she is trying to get a rise out of me and request for the room number. She labels me as no fun, and she gives me what I want to know. I wish her a good night, and she hisses. Yeah, that seems about right.

So I head off to the room, and at the door, I begin to obnoxiously pound, because let's face it, it is the only pounding I will be doing for a long time.

He takes a while to open the door, and when he does, his face is flushed, and I evilly grin. "I need my bed back. Let me in." I command, and like I suspected he would do, he glances behind him before stepping outside with me and closing the door.

"Umm…dude, I'm kind of busy." He explains.

"You can watch dirty movies later. I want to go to sleep," I complain as I smother a wicked smile into a frown.

"Don't be a dick, man. I have company," he stresses, and though I already know that he does, I can't help but feign innocence for fun.

"Company? Well, why didn't you invite me! You know, three is company. Not just two," I state as I push him aside. I am greeted with a flushed brunette who tries to cover herself from my eyes. "Don't worry. The only breasts I care about are on chickens," I assure her before Bard hits me. "What?"

"Get the fuck out!" He yells at me through clenched teeth.

"What? You not done? I mean, it has been more than two minutes, right?" I ask with a tilt of my head.

That was the final straw. He kicks me out and locks the door.

Day 2

I find shelter in Elizabeth's room. If rumors were to spread, oh well. It's not my fault that the love of my life kicked me out. Nor is it my fault that my best friend kicked me out too. I had no other choice but to lick my wounds in her room. And even though I know all this, the first thing I do when I wake up is go to Ciel's room and explain myself before he is convinced otherwise. Yeah, misunderstandings won't be the thing keeping Ciel and I apart. We will leave that to other stupidity.

I patiently wait for Ciel to open the door after I knock, and I am soon rewarded with a dozy looking Ciel. His teal hair is not immaculate as it usually is, and for some reason, it makes me begin to stand at attention. Well, a part of me, anyways. Insert wink.

"So sexy," I mumble, and I think he takes my comment as sarcasm because he covers his face and scurries under the covers. Taking this as an opportunity to jump in the sheets with him, I hurry and take flight, landing gracefully on Ciel. He makes a noise, and damn if my hormones didn't mistake that as a moan! Like seriously, I am probably hornier than I should be, and with that thought, I roll to the side of the bed. I shouldn't be touching him if I wanted to keep my words I told him yesterday.

"Jeez, Ciel! Learn to take a compliment," I chastise gently. His head peeks out from the blankets to glare at me.

"It's not one. You're just making fun of me because I have bed-head," he steely states.

"If you saw what I see, we wouldn't be having this conversation," I rebuttal.

He ignores me. "Why did you come so early? We are not supposed to get up until 8:30."

"Well, before you hear from someone else, I wanted to tell you something," I begin. He becomes serious, and he abruptly sits up. Like he expects the worse each time I open my mouth. I talk before that thought makes me depressed. "I had to sleep in Elizabeth's room since I was thrown out by Bard. Nothing happened. I might have gained a pound because she force-fed me some cookies but other than that, nothing," I clarify. He breathes out and gives me a smile.

"Okay. Thanks for telling me."

"No problem. I just didn't want you to get the wrong idea." He nods. "You do know I'm gay, right? Like gay-gay. More importantly, you do know I'm in love with you?"

"Yeah, I know." He blushes, acknowledges me, but he doesn't say it back. I make myself okay with that. "So I'm going to take a shower now that you woke me up at this ungodly hour." He gets up and begins to head for the bathroom.

"Is that an invitation for me to join you?" He shuts the door, not even dignifying me with an answer.

I give him his privacy, and I close my eyes, hoping for a few more minutes of shut-eye. I am still tired from yesterday, and a little extra rest would hurt nobody, but true sleep evades me as I hear the door squeak open. Of course, I pretend to be asleep, and I slightly open an eye to see Ciel, who, by the cruelty of gods or the generosity of devils, is naked except for a towel that adorns his slender hips.

Again, like many times before, the sight of him builds this insatiable desire. I want him. I know that, but I don't move. I keep on the farce of sleep to watch him without reprehension and judgement.

I notice something thrilling and irritating as I watch him. He moves without regard to me. Like I am not even there, and he seems free. He is not rushing to change. With leisure, he picks his clothes. He drops his towel without hesitation, and I see his perfect form. His butt is as breathtaking and boner-causing as the rest of him. That is the thrilling part. He is giving me this show, this teasing for free. That is when the irritating part comes in. He is only showing me him because he thinks I can't see him. He thinks I am sleeping. He lets his guard down, assuming that I am no threat because I am unconscious. But I am not. And at that moment, I prove that he can't trust my sleeping form. He can't trust me. Because every part of me wants him, so how could I ever be trusted?