Hey guys its Undercoverartist! Here's a new chapter!

Beck POV

I leaned against my locker, watching Tori and Eric fight in the corner of the hallway. This had been my normal morning for two weeks. Be driven to school with Tori by Trina or Andre, then I would walk across the street to get a coffee while Tori went to go see Eric. And every time I came back, I would see Tori and Eric fighting. Then I would walk to Sikowitz's class and watch as Tori came in all upset several minutes later. I don't why she didn't just break up with Eric already, from what I had seen he didn't seem like a great guy.

I met up with Andre and walked to Sikowitz's with him.

"Look, it's Tori and Eric fighting again, surprise, surprise." Andre said as we walked past them.

"Seriously. Were they always like this?" I asked.

"Nah, They used to be fine, but recently they've just been a mess."

"Seems like it."

Once we reached Sikowitz's, I sat down with Andre for 5 minutes before Tori came in right on cue, eyes red and watery.

"Now class, today we are doing some romantic pair up scenes" Sikowitz said to start the class. "I'm going to pass this hat around. The name on the paper is your partner. It doesn't matter if it's a guy or girl, you will do it. You may be up for a big role one day that's homosexual, so don't whine to me if you pick a name of your same sex. You will get no practice time, and the class will randomly shout out a scenario." Sikowitz picked up the hat and moved around. "Beck you're first" He said as he waved the hat in front of me. I pulled out a piece of paper and slowly opened it as he moved around to the rest of the class. My paper said "Tori." Okay, great. Not. Tori was a complete mess and she had barely talked to me in the past few weeks, she was always in her room.

I closed my eyes and prepared for the awkwardness as I waited for our turn. In what felt like seconds, Sikowitz yelled, "Beck, you're first. Who'd you pick?"

"Tori" I responded, as I stepped up to the stage as I held the paper over my head.

"Alrighty, Tori lets make it up here." Sikowitz said as Tori stepped up.

"Now class, shout out a scenario!" Sikowitz roared.

"Ooh, a couple that has cancer and they are spending there last night together before they get treated and everything changes." Cat yells excitedly. Everyone looks at her surprised.

"Hey, I can be serious" Cat says, slumping down in her chair with her arms crossed and a pout on her face.

"Alright, you heard her. Your names are Kath and Aidan. And go!" Sikowitz yelled.

"Aidan. I just wish we could go back to before. Before the diagnosis, before the pain. And the worst is yet to come and I—"

I don't know what makes me do it, But I lean in and kiss Tori's character. The kiss is short, but sweet. I feel warm and happy, until after the kiss I look into Tori's eyes and she's horrified. That reality hits me, yes I kissed Tori's character in the scene but I also kissed Tori in real life. What the heck did I just do? I've been watching a lot of movies, and that's what the guy does a lot, but oh my gosh I just kissed Tori, what the hell is wrong with me. I'm shocked back to reality for a second. I try and get back to my character.

"Kath." I say grabbed her hand, "I love you. I love you and that's all that matters. We're strong enough to make it through this. Because my love for you is greater than any cancer—" I'm interrupted by Sikowitz clapping. I look over and his eyes are watering. "That was too much, who picked that prompt!" Sikowitz wailed as he wiped his eyes with a tissue.

I look back and Tori and a tear rolls down her face from her already red, puffy eyes.

"Tori, are you okay?" I ask and Tori wipes her eyes.

"I'm fine. It's nothing." She says as she runs out of the class, leaving me alone on stage.

6 hours later

I hit my locker as soon as the final bell rings. I see Andre walks over to me.

"Dude, what was with that kiss.", he asks immediately. I groan. I knew he'd ask.

"I don't even know man. I'm still new to this. I just thought it was the right move? Do people not usually kiss in romantic scenes?" Andre chuckles, "No, not usually in class"

I bang my head on the locker. "Will I ever live this down?"

Andre pats my back. "Never", he chuckles again. "But Tori took it well."

"No, she didn't. She looked horrified then ran off stage."

"Oh yeah, forgot about that."

"Yeah. And now I have to go ride home with her."

"You know what. Trina or Eric can give her a ride. I'll drive you home."


"Really. I wouldn't want to ride with Tori, if I kissed her in class either.

"Oh, shut up." I say as we walk out.

Several hours later.

My plan of avoiding Tori has worked until now. It's 12:06 AM and I have to interview a person for this paper I'm writing. Of course, it's due in the morning and I didn't interview anyone, heck I didn't even know I had to interview someone until just now. Tori is the only one with her light on. I knock on her door.

"Come in." She says.

"Hey.." I say as I walk in.
"Hey…I'm sorry about earlier." Tori says.

"No, I'm sorry." I say as I sit next to her on her bed. "I didn't know people didn't actually kiss during class improv scenes. The movies lied to me."

"People don't kiss in class because they aren't brave enough. I like that you posse that bravery." Tori says smiling at me with her pencil between her teeth. She pulls out her pencil and looks down at her notebook. "The kiss didn't bother me. It was the scene. It just made me want a real relationship, not the shit that Eric and I have." I listen to Tori, surprised that's she's being so open with me.

"I just want what's in the movie scenes, what's in the romantic improv scenes." tori continues.

"So you want cancer?" I joke about the situation of our earlier scene. She laughs.

"Nice one. But you know what I mean, right? Have you felt that way? You just want someone to care about you, love you?"

"I think everyone feels that way."

"Yeah." Tori says looking at the ceiling, looking as if she's about to cry.

"Hey" I say as I put my hand on her shoulder. "You'll find someone better." I feel weird as I say this, because I've never really had a friend that's a girl to comfort before. Guys never talk this way. All my friends ever talk about is how hot the girls at our school are.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to dump this emotional load on you. Sorry." Tori says as she looks back at me.

"Don't worry, it's fine."

"Well, I should probably get to bed." Tori says as she gets up and sets her notebook on her nigh stand. "See you tomorrow?"

"See ya." I say as I get up and leave. Only then is when I realize I have no interview written. Guess, I'll make someone up. I start thinking of names as I walk back to my room.

Let us know what you think! :)