Sorry everyone. Its been like forever since I have updated this story. I sort of hit a bit of the writers block when it comes to this story. I have different scenarios that I want to happen I just need to figure out a way to connect them all. But don't worry, I still plan on continuing this story, just don't know when the updates will happen.
As soon as Flora opened the door to her room the girls were on her with questions.
"How did it go?"
"Was it nice?"
"What did you talk about?"
"What did you do?"
"Was the date fun?
"Did he kiss you?"
Flora put her hands up in front of herself in defense and laughed at the group. "Easy you guys. I'll tell you everything just give me a second." Flora took a deep breath. "The date went well. Hunter seems like a really nice guy. He took me horse back riding and a picnic. We just spent the time talking and getting to know each other better."
"That sounds nice. Now that you have met the guy and got to know him a bit, are you feeling better about the betrothal?" Aisha asked.
All the girls looked to Flora and awaited her answer.
"I'm still not happy about the marriage but yeah, I guess I am feeling a bit better about the whole thing."
"Not that your feelings aren't important but let's get to my question." Stella interrupted. "Did you two kiss?"
Flora didn't answer but her blush did, making the girls squeal. "We didn't really kiss." Flora defended. "He just kissed me on the cheek."
"That's still super sweet." Bloom said.
"Yeah. It's good that he isn't down your throat just because you two are engaged."
"MUSA!" The girls said in unison.
The musical fairy shrugged. "Just saying."
"All in all it was a very nice date. Even if the two of us don't fall in love I can still see us being good friends." Flora said honestly. "Now excuse me guys. I need to get ready for dinner and after that I'm going to visit Helia again."
Dinner went as it usually did. Flora finished quickly and excused herself early to visit Helia.
"Well hello princess." Helia looked up from a book and smiled. "I didn't expect you back so soon."
"Why not?"
Helia shrugged. "I heard you had a busy day and thought you might be tired."
"I have enough energy to visit you." She said sincerely.
That seemed to cheer Helia up a bit. "So I talked to the king and we thought it would be best if you started some self-defense training."
"Yes, my father already talked to me about it. I'm supposed to start this evening, but I don't see how I can do that with you being in bed and all."
"Nonsense." Helia said. "I only hurt my shoulder. My legs are totally fine." He then removed his covers and swung his legs over the edge. "Give me a second to change and we will be going."
"W-what?" Flora stammered. "B-but I'm not ready." She looked down at her formal gown that she wore to dinner. If she got a single stain on this dress Stella would kill her.
"Then go change as well and I will meet you at the RG training grounds."
About half hour later, Helia was standing in the middle of the training grounds dressed in a black tshirt with the royal emblem on the back and a pair of khakis with his arm in a sling.
"Now where is she?" Helia looked around the area, but still couldn't find the princess.
"Here I am!"
Helia turned and smiled when he saw the beautiful brunette running in his direction.
"Sorry I'm late." She said when she was standing in front of him. "Stella just wouldn't let me leave until she had the perfect outfit for me."
Helia chuckled. "Sounds like her. I will say that she did a good job."
Flora was wearing what looked like a purple romper made out of some shining material. She had on matching socks that went up all the way to mid-thigh. She had on coral boots that went up to her knees and a coral vest. Her belt was lavender along with her gloves and she finished the outfit off with her hair in pigtails.
"So are you ready?" He asked.
"I think so, but I'm a little nervous."
"Don't be. We are going to take this slow. First, I'm going to test your skill level."
"How are you going to do that?" She looked at his arm.
Helia laughed. "We live in a world full of magic, remember. You will fight against simulators while I give you pointers, at least until my shoulder heals." He then pressed a couple of buttons on his watch.
Soon the entire area was covered in a blue shield.
"This barrier will keep anyone from interrupting us." Helia explained. "And will keep you from running away." He added with a smile.
"Very funny."
Helia hit some more buttons on his watch and suddenly a figure appeared out of nowhere.
It had a human shape but no face. It looked like it was made out of the same material that Aisha's morphix, except this was grey instead of pink.
"Now I want you to come at this with all you have. It doesn't feel anything so don't worry about hurting it, but it will attack you like any human would." He warned. "Ready?"
Flora gulped, but nodded. "Ready."
In an instant, the figure was on the offense. It lunged towards Flora. On instinct Flora held out her hand calling on her magic, but nothing happened. She looked at her hand in confusion.
"I forgot to mention, I set it so no magic can be used within the arena."
"That's not fair!" Flora called out as she turned and ran away from the figure. "How am I supposed to defend myself?"
"That's the point. You won't always be able to call on your magic so you need to learn to be resourceful."
"You could have told me that earlier." Flora stopped and looked around. Frantic to find anything that would help her defeat this thing. That's when her eyes caught the weapons rack standing in the corner of the field. The only problem was that the figure was standing in her way. When it took a step forward, Flora took a step back. It moved two forward, Flora took two back. They continued this dance until Flora's back hit something hard. She looked over her shoulder and saw that a tree blocked her way. She could no longer evade the figure as it continues to come towards her.
Her mind was racing. Trying to come with any way to defeat this thing, but before she could defeat it she and to dodge it. The figure got closer and lunged at her. Flora jumped up and grabbed on to the closest tree branch. She swung a bit and spun until she was standing on top of the branch. Now that she was out of reach of the figure Flora could figure out what to do next.
She could see Helia standing a short distance away watching her closely; she did her best to ignore him. Instead she looked for some type of weapon that's when she saw the weapons rack on the other side of the field.
The figure was still below her trying to jump up and grab her foot. Flora waited and then stomped on its hand. The thing jolted back like any human would and Flora took this opportunity to jump down.
The landing wasn't graceful. She tumbled a bit and knew that she would be receiving some nasty bruises but she didn't let that stop her. She quickly got to her feet and began to run as fast as she could towards the other side of the training grounds.
Regretfully, Flora looked back and saw that the figure had recovered and was chasing after her. She picked up her pace.
Eventually, she came to the weapons rack and grabbed the first thing she saw, which happened to be a sword.
Without even thinking she swung it as hard as she could. The figure was to far away to be hit by the blade but Flora was surprised when she saw the thing fall backwards.
"I think that's enough." Helia came walking over. He hit a couple buttons on his watch and the figure disappeared.
It was only then that Flora relaxed.
"You did good." Helia smiled at her. "You used your surroundings well and you were fast thinking."
"But what happened? I know I didn't touch the figure with my sword, so why did he fall down?"
"Ah, well that is because the sword you chose is actually one of Lynphea's special Elemental Weapons."
"Elemental Weapons?"
"Yes, they were developed at Lynphea College, the one where your sister goes. Anyways, these weapons have a special connection to the earth and can call upon it in different ways. Such as the hammer causing earthquakes or a blade catching on fire."
"So mine has a connection to the wind?"
"Sort of, the one you chose is actually a very special sword. We call it Storm Runner."
"Storm Runner has a connection not just to wind, but to lightening and thunder."
"This one sword can do all that?" Flora held the sword at arm's length."
"Who usually uses it?"
"No one right now, I'm afraid."
"Why not? It sounds like it could be very powerful."
"It is. It's just that the sword is to small and light for any of us in the Royal Guard to use it. We are used to larger weapons so adjusting to this one is rather difficult."
"It seems fine to me." Flora actually liked the fact that it was smaller. It made it much easier for her to handle.
"Well since you like it so much, why don't we make it your training weapon."
"Really?" Flora was surprised. "You are giving me a weapon alredy?"
"I don't want you going off and challenging monsters or anything, but it does make it easier to train you if you have a single weapon. You will learn much faster."
"Thank you." Flora looked at her new sword and smiled. She was still uncomfortable with fighting and she wasn't sure how she would do in swordsmanship, but that didn't mean she wasn't excited.
"It's been a long day and we will have to do it again tomorrow. So how about I walk you to your room to get some rest?"
Flora put Storm Runner back on the rack and the two headed back to the palace for the night.