I apologise for what will follow. I don't know where this idea came from but I loved the idea for it. The main idea won't be revealed till later, though.

Also, I couldn't think of a title for the story as a whole so... That's why the name sucks.

The blonde American walked into his place of work and grinned at the girl behind the front desk. "Hiya!" he said, cheerily. "Which room am I in today?"

The dark-haired woman smiled up at him, blushing slightly. "Room seventeen, Alfred," she said, quietly. He nodded at her and passed her by, much to her disappointment. Alfred wasn't sure why she was so disappointed – it was a well known fact that he was gay.

He got into the elevator and pressed the button for the correct floor. Slowly, it carried him up past the few floors which were actually used by the hotel for their patrons. This was separated from the top levels by two corridors of "storage". These unused rooms had within them the tools of Alfred's trade and they prevented noises reaching the innocent patrons who didn't know what went on above.

Finally, he reached his destination and entered into a dim hallway. The only light came from lamps on the tables placed at regular intervals along the corridor. The thick, black curtains were pulled tight across the windows so that no-one could see the goings-on within the building. Of course, if they wanted to see them, they could always wait.

Alfred made his way to the other end of the corridor, where he knew the room was. As he passed Room Fifteen, what he like to call the Chain Room, he heard an exclamation from within. "Più! Più profondo!" He grinned: he could feel himself getting into the mood.

At the room, he knocked and entered. The room was not locked and, inside, no-one was waiting. There was a large bed with soft sheets, this time with a simple pattern of roses. The bedside cabinet also held a vase of roses and petals were strewn across the bed. Two, large professional cameras were pointed towards it. A third hung from the ceiling, safely secured. A microphone and sound equipment were propped up in one of the corners. A folding chair was set opposite the bed, as far back as possible. Alfred shrugged and sat on it, leaning back a little.

For a while, nothing else happened. Then, suddenly, he heard someone approach and the door was opened. He looked round to find Francis, Gilbert and Antonio entering. Francis seemed happy, Gilbert looked smug and Antonio was grinning as usual. The blonde director walked to the chair and stood facing Alfred. His blue eyes bored into his and the American grinned before standing and moving out of the way. The man rolled his eyes before sitting down and crossing his legs, elegantly. Today he was wearing a white shirt open far down his chest and his trousers were a little tighter than normal. Alfred approved but said nothing. The German cameraman, meanwhile, was making sure the cameras were all working and pointing in the right direction. He was wearing his usual red hoodie and jeans. A little yellow bird badge was pinned to his shoulder. Alfred still wasn't sure what it meant. As this was going on, Antonio picked up his microphone and placed a set of headphones on his ears. Then he started humming to himself. The Spaniard was in a simple t-shirt and jeans, as well. Whatever was written in Spanish was probably funny but Alfred had never grasped the language. He hadn't grasped a lot of things: that was why he was here.

"So, didja get a new guy, then?" he asked his French director. "When's he getting here?"

"Well, you are unusually early, cher," said Francis, spreading his hands with a smile. "I told both of you to be here in five minutes. Before we start, though, I must say: this will probably be that man's first time at doing something like this. So be nice to him, oui?"

"Sure! I'll be heroic as always!"

"Oui, oui," said Francis as there came a knock on the door. "Entrez!"

Slowly, the door opened, as if the person on the other side was rather hesitant about entering. A smaller blonde man entered, glancing around, taking everything in. Finding Francis, he gazed at him with hesitant green eyes. He seemed to be rather lean but not too thin – he might have even had muscles but they were hidden by his t-shirt which proclaimed he loved London. In fact, he was rather attractive, a fine fit for Alfred. The only problem were his thick eyebrows. Alfred had never seen anything like it.

"Mr. Bonnefoy," said the man, rather stiffly. Alfred immediately recognised the accent as British. He loved that accent; he wasn't sure why, but he loved it. "I'm here but..." He glanced at Alfred. "What exactly is it that I'm going to be doing again?"

Francis chuckled. "Well, you will be doing Alfred," he said with a smirk, gesturing at the tall American. Alfred grinned in response. The Brit glanced at him before glaring at the director once again.

"I was not aware of this situation. May we discuss this privately somewhere?"

"Oui! Let us go to another room, mon cher, et we can discuss it to our hearts' content."

The man glowered but followed the Frenchman from the room. Alfred blinked. "What's up with him?" he asked Gilbert.

"I do not know, Alfred," said Gilbert. "Never met him before, so I couldn't say. You are all set to be filmed, ja?"

"Yeah! Let's see the script, though. Francis said it wasn't ready when I asked for it a few days ago." Gilbert nodded and handed Alfred the script. The American glanced at the lines he had to say. It was the typical sort of things said after a first date. He smiled. A first date for a first time, huh? Francis was being generous with this man. He must have taken a real shine to the newcomer. He quickly learned his lines – and the man's name. "Arthur" was written at his lines. It was a rather heroic name, Alfred felt. Kingly, too. With each new revelation, he was growing more attractive. The audience would love that.

After placing the script back on Francis' chair, Alfred sat on the bed, careful not to disturb the rose petals. Gilbert rolled his eyes. "You know not to touch anything Alfred. How many times do we have to tell you, dummkopf?"

Alfred laughed loudly. "It's not going to matter!"

"Francis will still be upset, sí?" said Antonio, smiling kindly. Alfred always got the sense that the Spaniard thought of him as someone who needed to be babied.

He shrugged. "We can fix it later or something."

At that point, the door opened again and Francis and the new man came in. The Brit looked irritated and uneasy. Alfred wondered what was wrong. Before he could ask, however, Francis handed Arthur the script and sat down. After waiting for Arthur to learn his few lines, he spoke with a tone of authority. "Places, everyone, s'il vous plait!" Arthur walked to the door and stood, facing the room. He scowled at nothing, seemingly preparing himself. Gilbert turned one of the cameras to face him. Alfred, meanwhile, moved to stand before the bed. He spread his arms wide and waited for the word. Gil checked that the other camera was pointed at him and then gave Francis the thumbs up. He nodded and smiled. "Action!"

"Well? What d'ya think?" Alfred asked Arthur, now completely ignoring the other three. He gazed at the Brit who stared back at him before looking around at the roses, looking rather shocked. Alfred was impressed by his skill as an actor if he could look so alarmed after seeing the room beforehand.

"You... did all this... for me?" he asked, hesitantly, stepping forward a little. His clipped British tones sent a pleasant shiver down Alfred's spine and his heart rate increased. He decided not to hide it.

"Yeah! I heard you like roses so I got a whole load of red ones!" He turned and plucked one from the bedside cabinet. Turning, he saw a shocked Arthur with a hand to his chest, his fingers curled slightly, his eyes wide. Grinning, he tore off most of the stem and moved to stand before his new partner. The camera followed him but he paid it no heed as he placed the rose in Arthur's hair. "They suit you well," he added, smiling down at him.

Arthur gazed up at him, speechless. "I... How did you...? They're my favourite..." he managed to say. Alfred was beginning to lose track of what he was doing. How could this man be such a good actor? He placed his hand at the newcomer's cheek and smiled at him.

"I know because I want to everything about you, Arthur."

"You... do? Why...?"

Alfred once again laughed loudly. Arthur glanced up at him in surprise, a blush appearing on his cheeks. It was such a cute appearance that Alfred also flushed a little, unaware that the cameras were catching this unusual occurrence. "Isn't it obvious?"

"Huh-?" began Arthur but he was cut off as Alfred leaned in for a kiss. "Mmf!" he heard Arthur say. He could see the man's surprise in his wide emerald orbs before he closed his own blue ones. Gently, cautiously, he wrapped his arms around the smaller man. Alfred held him close as he felt around his mouth for an opening. Finding one, he slipped his tongue in. For a moment, he was worried when he didn't feel a response: it wouldn't look good on camera and they'd have to start over. However, after a few seconds, Alfred felt the other's tongue slip into his mouth. The American took that chance to entwine their tongues.

Then, once he had deemed it enough to get anyone watching hot and bothered, Alfred tightened his grip on Arthur and picked him up. He carried him to the bed as the Brit struggled, trying to get away from his mouth to speak, to say his lines. Alfred grinned and kissed him each time he managed to get his mouth free. Finally, he dropped his partner on the bed and knelt over him, smiling down at him.

"Just-! What-?! What on Earth are you doing?!" Arthur exclaimed. His blush had spread and he looked much more attractive than he had a moment ago.

Happily, Alfred replied simply. "You know what this is. And you want to do this, don't you?"

"I... I... I don't..." said Arthur, looking away. His eyes shone and his blush darkened. He looked a little upset. Alfred guessed that many a person looked like this when they were trying to hide their feelings from someone. This had been in the script but he hadn't realised it would be this realistic. He almost wanted to stop, concerned for him. Then he remembered the script and leaned forward, kissing Arthur's cheek.

"I know you do, Arthur. Don't worry. I'll be gentle."

Arthur looked back at him. "A-Alfred... Will... Will it really be all right?"

"Sure!" Alfred grinned.

"W-Well... As long as... you're gentle."

Alfred grinned and kissed his new partner full on the lips. He quickly removed Arthur's top, throwing his own on top of it. When he looked back down, Arthur was looking to the side. This wasn't in the bare-boned script – Francis wrote the lines and the story leading up to the sex but, afterwards, they were mostly on their own. "Arthur?"

He looked round, his eyes widening in shock. Perhaps he hadn't realised his distraction. "S-Sorry! The... The roses. I can smell them. It's quite relaxing." He smiled at Alfred and the American felt his heart skip a beat as he looked down at the worried and blushing man. He was really handsome – the eyebrows, formerly something not considered good, didn't detract from his looks at all. "And... And I have something to tell you..." Alfred recognised the line from the script, though he didn't care for the timing. Francis could be a little sadistic when it came to writing these scripts. "I... This is my first time... actually... bedding a man... I have never gotten this far... before."

Brushing Arthur's eyebrows with a thumb, Alfred smiled gently. "It's okay." Then he leant forward and kissed him between his eyebrows. He sat up a little to see the surprise on Arthur's face before leaning over again to kiss him at the bridge of his nose. He continued to kiss him: on his nose, his mouth, his jaw, his collarbone. When he reached there, he received a gasp of surprise and Arthur tensed. Grinning, he moved to kiss him on the neck.

He gasped again. "Alfred! Wait! I-!" But Alfred stopped him from saying anything further by kissing him full on the mouth. Once again, he slipped in his tongue. This time, however, once he had wrapped his tongue around the other's, he made the kiss last longer. He felt himself getting turned on: his heart was beating faster and he could feel himself pressing against his jeans. He'd have to take them off soon. He broke the kiss and watched Arthur panting. He had turned really red and his eyes seemed to be watering. Alfred smiled and kissed at his neck, sucking and nibbling. A moan escaped Arthur's lips and Alfred felt happy.

Now that Arthur had stopped protesting, Alfred moved back to his chest. He kissed along his lean frame, marvelling that it looked so good despite the lack of muscles. Finally, he reached one of Arthur's nipples. He heard a gasp and he glanced up at Arthur who had propped himself on his elbows to look at him. As he opened his mouth, Alfred kissed his new target before placing his lips around it. He began to suck, using his tongue as much as possible. He heard another gasp and glanced up: Arthur had his head thrown back, presumably in pleasure. Alfred lifted his hand and touched Arthur's neck before tracing his way to the other nipple. He felt the Brit shiver underneath him. When he reached the other one, he began to squeeze and roll it between finger and thumb. There was another gasp followed by an exclamation: "A-Al... fred!"

Grinning again, Alfred continued kissing his way down to Arthur's pants. He heard the gasp as he reached the waistband and grinned. "W-Wait..." muttered Arthur. Frowning at the words, Alfred moved further down to his crotch. He took him in his mouth without taking his clothes off and sucked a little. "Ah!" he heard Arthur say as he squirmed beneath him. "No... Don't... Not... Take them off..." Arthur said through his panting.

"Sure thing, babe!" said Alfred. He hurriedly unzipped and pulled of the pants, Arthur's rather British underwear soon joining them. His grin wide once again, Alfred kissed at Arthur's leg, close to his lower regions but not close enough to touch him. He felt Arthur tensing again and smirked. Licking up his leg, he heard the sigh from Arthur followed by another gasp as he turned his head and licked at his rod. He licked up and down it, nibbling slightly. Arthur gasped and moaned and tried to speak but Alfred ignored him, concentrating on what he was doing. Finally, he took all of him in his mouth.

"N-No!" gasped Arthur. He propped himself on his elbows and Alfred looked up at him. He almost opened his mouth in shock. Arthur's face had turned a dark shade of red. His eyebrows twisted into a mixed expression of worry and holding back pleasure. That face... Alfred's heart skipped a beat. His breath caught in his throat. He could feel himself get very turned on and he ached to pull his pants off. In all his years of making these films, he had never felt like this simply from seeing someone's erotic expression. Was this something which had eluded him for so long? Was this what everyone called love? It couldn't be... He stared at Arthur, who gazed back through the haze of lust. "D-Don't do that! I... I'll come. Stop!"

"Ju' cu'," Alfred mumbled around Arthur who gasped and moaned at the sensation. The American felt a sudden desire and desperation to make Arthur happy and to help him climax. He began to bob his head up and down, sucking and licking, raking his teeth along him. The Brit cried out several times but he seemed to be holding back. Alfred stopped for breath and held his leg carefully. "Arthur... You don't need to hold back," he muttered as he kissed his thigh.

"Nngh!" was the only response he received. Glancing up at him with a smile, he noticed Arthur's hands clutching the sheets. Alfred's smile widened and he stooped again, taking him in his mouth. Slowly, he made his way further down, finally getting all of it in his mouth. "Ah!" he heard. "Co-Com-! Nnngh!" Alfred felt the sticky substance run down his throat. He forced himself not to let go, swallowing all of it – another first on camera. He came up, wiping at his mouth. Alfred froze as he saw Arthur's state.

The British man was red-faced and panting. There were tears at his eyes which shimmered and shone. Seeing Alfred looking, he gasped and raised an arm, covering his face. He shook his head. Before Arthur could speak, however, Alfred gently pulled the arm away so that they were looking at each other. "Don't," he murmured, smiling down at the man.

The hesitant smile he received in reply caused Alfred to remember his own needs and he began to unbuckle his belt. He fumbled with it and, frustrated, was about to curse – something Francis despised – when he felt hands gently help him. He looked at Arthur and they smiled at each other. Just as quickly as it had come, Arthur's smile vanished, his cheeks turning red once more. Alfred ignored this and kicked off his pants, revealing himself. The Brit's eyes widened. Alfred's smile widened to a grin. "It's big, ain't it?"

Arthur rolled his eyes and smirked at him. "I've seen bigger," he said, teasingly.

"Oh? So how many men have you spied on in the showers?" asked Alfred with a laugh. As Arthur blushed, Alfred leant forward and kissed him, their tongues melding with each other. The American then reached down and spread Arthur's legs before finding his destination.

"W-Wait," breathed Arthur as he pulled away from Alfred. He seemed a little worried but Alfred just reassured him with a smile. He grabbed a condom from the bedside table and slipped it on before sticking his fingers in Arthur's mouth. He felt Arthur's tongue lick them a little hesitantly but he pulled them out before there was any protest. "A-Ah!" Arthur whispered as Alfred pushed gently into him. He gasped and groaned, his back arching at the contact.

"Just bear with it," Alfred whispered into his ear as he pushed further in. Once he had gotten it in as far as he could, he inserted another one, relishing the cries and gasps from the other man. When they were both in, he widened the entrance, slowly, letting Arthur get used to it. Soon, Arthur had stopped gasping in pain and pleasure and was only moaning softly. Judging it to be time, Alfred pushed against Arthur who moaned and gazed at him through a haze of lust. Then he thrust in and Arthur cried out, tears at his eyes. Alfred gazed down at his partner, his own eyes clouding with lust as he felt Arthur tense around him. It felt glorious, better than anything he had felt before. After waiting for a moment to let Arthur grow accustomed to him, he began his steady thrusting. Gathering up Arthur in his arms, he pressed his body into the smaller man's. He felt Arthur's arms surround him, his nails digging into his back.

For several minutes they continued like this: thrusting, groaning, gripping, kissing. Finally, Alfred felt the pressure to be too much and he let go. Soon after, Arthur did the same. Panting, Alfred pulled out and, after getting rid of the condom, he flopped down onto the bed beside the smaller man. Arthur's eyes were half-closed and he was breathing heavily. Smiling at how cute the Brit was, especially with the rose still in his hair, Alfred pulled him into an embrace. "You can sleep now," he whispered.


He put a finger to Arthur's lips. "We can talk in the morning."

"Coupez!" The shout echoed around the room and Alfred blinked. Arthur looked round blearily. Francis was sitting on his chair, leaning forward. The red in his cheeks indicated to Alfred that what they had been doing had not only been good for the film but had also turned Francis on. Glancing at Gilbert, he saw that he was blushing and hiding himself by sitting on the stool attached to one of his cameras. Antonio was just grinning. The director clapped, smirking at Arthur. "Bravo. Especially for your first time being filmed doing something like this, oui?"

Alfred suddenly felt firm hands pushing him away. Surprised, he slid off the bed and landed, hard. Arthur stood, searching for his clothes. A scowl was on his face and he grabbed the flower from his hair, throwing it aside. It landed on Alfred's lap and he stared at it. "Shut up!" growled the Brit, suddenly vicious.

"Now, now, cher. There is no need to be like that," said the Frenchman with a frown.

Arthur pulled on his underwear and pants, wincing every so often. He grabbed his shirt, glancing at Alfred to scowl at him. "You told me I had to act – you never said anything about actually doing it."

"Well, desolé, cher. I like realism in my films. I thought you knew that."

The newcomer glared around the room. "Well, if you must know, that hurt!" A blush crept across his cheeks. "I've never done it like that before!"

A silence descended. Then Antonio laughed, encouraging Alfred, Francis and Gilbert to do the same. "So it really was your first time?" said the Spaniard through his laughter.

The blush darkened and Arthur looked unimpressed. He growled and pulled on his shirt. "If that's everything...?" he said pointedly.

"Oui, that was perfect. Merci beaucoup!"

"Good! I'm leaving," snapped Arthur and left the room.

Francis chuckled. "Are you going to let him leave, Alfred, chéri?

"Huh?" said Alfred, standing up. The rose fell but he grabbed it before it reached the floor. Looking round, he grabbed his own clothes. "Why should I go after him?"

"Well, if he decides to quit, you know what will happen, oui?" Alfred froze and glanced at Francis. The Frenchman was smiling slightly, watching to see his choice. He knew well what would happen if he lost another partner. He had already had multiple partners for these films. But none of them had been the right fit and they had coupled with others whom Francis had employed. Whenever that happened, there was no use for Alfred – but no other income for the American. So Francis took pity on him and paid him. Yet, he couldn't pay him for nothing: there had to be a use for him. So, to keep himself in a job and to pay for food, Alfred had offered to have sex with Francis. He had accepted and it had been commonplace since then, with the way Alfred went through partners.

Adjusting his glasses which had managed to stay on his face throughout, Alfred hurried to the door, carrying his clothes and the rose. Getting out of the room, he looked down the corridor and saw Arthur just getting to the elevator doors. "Hey! Wait!" Alfred called down the corridor. When Arthur turned to see who was there, he gaped at the taller man as he came rushing towards him, his bundle of clothes the only thing keeping him decent.

"What the-?! What are you doing?! Put your clothes on!"

Alfred grinned and hurriedly pulled on his boxers and pants. "Hey, don't leave just yet!"

"My job here is done," said Arthur, crossing his arms. "I don't need to stay here."

"Well, I didn't mean you didn't need to leave," said Alfred as he pulled his shirt back on. "I just meant you shouldn't leave without me!" He grinned at the smaller man and held out the flower. Arthur's eyes narrowed and he took it from him.

"And why exactly would that be?"

"Since we're gonna be working together, we should get to know each other, right? I know a diner near here. We could go get something to eat! I'm starved!"

The British man seemed dubious, and looked him up and down as the elevator arrived. "I suppose it couldn't hurt to get to know my workmate..."

"Cool! Let's go!" Alfred grabbed Arthur's hand and pulled him into the elevator. He ignored the man's protests and kept hold of it as he pressed the button for the first floor.

Arthur did not seem impressed by the 24 hour diner. He glared around the interior and then back at Alfred who only smiled at him in response. He hadn't expected Arthur to accompany him and he was rather happy that he had. A date with this man – he hadn't even thought about that with anyone else he'd worked with but with Arthur everything was different. Just being near him was both relaxing and nerve-racking.

A waitress came over and took their order. Alfred ordered coffee and a few burgers. Arthur chose some waffles and a cup of tea. Once she had gone, Alfred fished for something to talk about. "Um... Where do you come from? London?" He nodded at the t-shirt.

The Brit clicked his tongue. "Yes. But that's not why I'm wearing this. Francis told me to wear something which told people where I came from. And I found this."

"Ah. Well, I'm from New York."

"I see." In the silence that followed, Arthur glanced round. Alfred followed his gaze and saw that he was gazing at a waitress with a large chest. She had just bent over to place the order on the table of a scruffy-looking man with a lot of stubble. Perhaps a trucker. When Alfred looked back round, Arthur was staring back at him. "So, you're gay?"

"Yup. Or I was the last time I checked. I suppose it was because of my love of superheroes. The ones I like are all guys so, y'know." He grinned and shrugged. "You?"

The other man just raised an eyebrow. "And you've been having sex for money for how long?"

Deciding not to mention his trysts with Francis, Alfred corrected him. "You mean, acting in an adult film, right? A few years now. How come you're just starting out, anyway?"

A blush crept across Arthur's face and Alfred admired him with a small smile. Arthur looked up when the waitress appeared and set their meals in front of them. Alfred pounced on his and began to eat. Perhaps feeling an obligation to continue the conversation, Arthur spoke once he had had a sip of his tea. "I'm an actor. I've been in a few advertisements and some of those picture stories for columns. But... I can't seem to get hired by anyone around here."

"Yeah, L.A. is awful for that," Alfred said with a nod. "What sort of commercials?"

The blush deepened. "For... For medicine... It doesn't matter! Er, I mean... Wh... Why are you doing this, then? You didn't just decide to become one, did you?"

"Nah," said Alfred as he finished off a burger and took a gulp of coffee. "I wanted to be a superhero when I was a kid. Then I grew up and wanted to be an astronaut. But I didn't get into NASA so I tried to become a rocket scientist. But I couldn't keep up with what they were wanting. So I thought I'd make awesome video games. But, uh, I couldn't get accepted to an art school. And my comic books were all rejected. So I thought I'd become an actor." He shrugged. "Unless you're awesome, you don't get into anything round here. Besides, I didn't really have my heart set on it. I was ready to give up on that idea till Francis found me! And he told me what he wanted and I thought: I can do that!"

"I hope he explained it to you better than what he said to me. Those damn hints didn't make a blind bit of sense! And I understood him entirely wrong!" Arthur jabbed a fork into his waffle. "Tsk! Now I hurt all over!"

"Hey, what did you think we were doing?"

Arthur's eyes widened and he glanced out the window. "It... Well... I thought... It doesn't matter, okay?"

"Aw, c'mon. I mean, we've had sex – you can tell me anything!"

"Would you keep it down?!" Arthur hissed across the table.

"Hm?" said Alfred as he polished off his third burger.

"Tsk! Forget it. I'm going home." Arthur pulled out his wallet and threw some bills on the table. Alfred's eyes widened.

"Hey, no, wait!" he exclaimed, grabbing the man's wrist. Arthur looked at him blankly. "Er... Well... Can we meet up before the next filming? We... can talk when you're not tired or grumpy or whatever. Here." He quickly grabbed a napkin and looked round for a pen. One dropped on the table – Arthur had given him one he had in his pocket. The American grinned and scribbled down his number. "Here. Call me, 'kay?"

Arthur took the napkin with a sigh. "I'll think about it. And it will depend on other responsibilities." He slipped it into his pocket with a wince and left. Alfred smiled. He had taken the number so that was something. He stared into space as he ate the rest of his burgers. His eyes widened as he realised that Arthur had left his pen behind. Should he go after him? Or was it a present? He picked it up and stared at it, not noticing that he was wiping his mouth on a napkin with a certain waitress' number on it...

Er, sorry if Alfred and Francis seem a bit... slutty? And I'm not too clued up on adult films so I don't know whether they actually do it or not (I'm trying to be rather vague, just in case this site doesn't like me for this). But in this one they do cause of Francis' insistence. Though... I don't think any of them mind.

Some things which will not turn up in the story but are there: There are other people who are filmed. These include GerIta (hence the Italian calling out when Alfred went by), GiriPan, RoChu and DenNor. Tino and Berwald were offered but Tino refused and Berwald didn't want to upset him so they never discussed it further. There is Spamano happening somewhere, just not filmed - Lovino is actually in charge of a business empire (he doesn't do much, it was inherited from his grandfather and all he needs to do is approve of this or that). Antonio goes to visit since he's friends with him and Feliciano (from work) and Lovino, despite saying they're not a couple, always grabs him as soon as he's through the door and drags him to bed. There are other couples which will turn up or be hinted at later so I won't say any more here.

The advert Arthur acted in - basically the same sort of one Sam from Supernatural had to do that one time in the episode Changing Channels.

"I can do that!" - I was reading it over and could only think of Chekov from Star Trek...

Also, just in case: The point of this story is that Alfred falls in love with Arthur during the filming. But... Arthur doesn't seem to like him back... And the story will revolve around why he doesn't want to... So it's not really about the stuff they do in that hotel... But that will, er, feature heavily.

Another thing: I know pretty much how many chapters there'll be. Another 4 chapters, an epiloge and then an extra which will be from Arthur's POV.

Sorry for the badly written adult film scene. Like I said, I wanted to be as vague as possible but then I came across the problem of naming parts without naming them... And I've never really done this before so, um... Sorry. *bows deeply in apology*