It had been a week since the Fall, and Team Free Will (plus Kevin) were holed up in the Library. Kevin was wandering around somewhere inside, while Sam and Dean were sitting at the table with piles of open books covering the surface. Cas walked into the room from the hallway and sat next to Dean. Dean tensed and then looked over at Cas.

"You need a bath." He said, wrinkling his nose. Cas cocked his head, unsure as to what Dean was talking about.

"A what?"

"A bath, Cas. So that you don't smell like you're rotting." Dean said, standing up. He clapped his hand on Cas's shoulder. Cas got up and followed him back down the residence hall to the bathroom.

"So, uh, if I tell you what to do, will you be okay?" Dean asked. Cas nods.

"I should be."

"Okay, then this, is shampoo. It goes in your hair. This is soap. You rub it all over yourself. Then, this is conditioner. You put it in your hair, leave it for a few minutes, and then wash it out. Got it?" Dean asked. Cas nodded. He stepped into the shower, and then stared at the handle.

"Uh, Cas. You have to take your clothes off first."

"Oh. Why?"

"You have to wash those, too." Dean felt himself blush as Cas stared pulling off his clothes.

"Call me if you need something." He said, and then went out of the bathroom and closed the door behind him. Barely a moment later Cas called out his name, and Dean sighed.

When he opened the door, he groaned in exasperation and turned his back.

"Cas. Could you pull the curtain forward, please?"

When Dean heard the curtain move, he glanced over his shoulder. Cas was hidden behind the curtain, with his face sticking out. Dean walked over and pointed to the handle.

"Turn that towards me, but only to here, so that you don't get too hot." He said, planting his finger at the spot he usually had the water at. Cas did so, and after shivering in the cold water for a few minutes, he relaxed as comfortable heat began covering his body.

"Wow." He whispered, enjoying the new sensation.

"Okay, so you remember what I told you?" Dean asked, eager to leave.

"Yes, I think so." Cas said, reaching for the shampoo. He poured it in his palm until it covered the surface, and then began lathering it over his body. Dean closed his eyes and rubbed his temple, too stressed out by naked-Cas to find the slip-up funny. The last thing Dean wanted to do was go in there and have to do the steps for him.

"Dammit, Cas. That was supposed to go in your hair." He said in frustration.