Once Sakura felt strong enough to walk, everyone headed back to the village.

"You know Sakura, I can take you back to the village using the Flying Rasin Justu if you need me to…" Naruto offered.

"No, thank you Naruto. But I'm fine." Sakura replied.

"Are you sure?" Sasuke asked.

"Mhm! I'm alright."

Once they got back to the village, Sasuke and Sakura headed back to their home. As soon as they entered their home, they walked into the spare bedroom that Sakura had converted into a nursery and laid Daisuke and Shina into the crib. Sasuke took Sakura's hand and led her to their bedroom.

"So… how did you know what to name the kids?" Sasuke asked as they sat down on the bed.

"Mikoto told me."

Sasuke froze. "Mikoto?!"

Sakura looked at Sasuke. "Yea. When I fell unconscious, I found myself alone in a very bright, never ending room. Some woman named Mikoto Uchiha came up to me and told me that I was in the realm between the living and the dead."

"And then what?"

"We talked for a bit… she kept questioning why I was so devoted to you… why I was trying so hard while in labor…"

"What did you say?"

"The truth… I told her that I did not want to see you lose your family again."

Sasuke was silent for a moment.

"She had informed me that I was giving birth to twins… she told me that she did not believe that my life should've ended right then and there… and right before I regained consciousness, she hugged me and told me to give you the family that you have always wanted… and that Shina, Daisuke and I were the only ones who could."

Sasuke couldn't believe what he was hearing. 'Mother…' he thought. 'Thank you for bringing my Sakura back to me.'

"Sakura… did Mikoto Uchiha tell you who she was exactly?"

"What do you mean? She said that I reminded her of your mother… and she seemed to know a lot about you and your family… is she related to you or something?"

"Sakura… you definitely remind me of my mother… In more ways than one. So it is no surprise that she would say that you remind her of herself."

Sakura's eyes widened. "Y-you mean… that the person I was talking to… Mikoto… is your mother?!"


Sakura could not believe that the person that had tested her and sent her back to the world of the living was her mother-in-law. "She wouldn't tell me who she was in realtion to you… I… I didn't know…"

Sasuke laughed and hugged Sakura tightly.


"Oh Sakura! You don't know how happy it makes me to know that my own mother was still looking after me all this time! And just as she said she would do, long before she died… she continued to look after the members of the Uchiha clan."

"Oh, Sasuke…" Sakura said as she hugged him back.

'Finally Mother… Father… Big Brother… Our family can grow bigger… and our clan even stronger… Thank you…' Sasuke thought.

This is a story about two people. Two people who knew each other for a long time but were never really friends. This is a story about love. How it was gained… and how it was lost. And how two tiny babies brought those two people together.

The End