Cha8: The Quest Continues

The following day Stiles went with Al, they dismissed the pack, leaving to their next destination. They went two towns over, ending up at a "local" library. Al guided him to a door he pulled out a glass/golden key inserted and turned the door. A quick bright red light took the door over; Al turned the handle and pulled Stiles inside. Inside they were billions of books, so many different covers, languages and forms. Stiles was dying to get his hands on them. They looked so fragile and old yet new and lasting with a hard cover. Then walking to one aisle a blue book started to glow, then a green one, a purple one next thing he knew Stiles had 20 books in his arms. Stiles took the books and looked for a place to read them. There was a nice place under a window. The inside of the library was never-ending. The ceiling was made of colorful glass the light brighten the room without a light bulb. The walls and furniture were made of wood and silver medieval style everything was so beautiful. Stiles never felt so curious and thirty for knowledge. After a few hours Al and Stiles left the library with a few book of course, then they went to a museum, nobody was there it was him and Al. Al grab Stiles by the arm they stood in front of a panting and Stiles could have sworn it smiled at him. The pictures were starting to move, and talk like they were a live (very HP like but better). Later on Stiles learned spells and barriers. The day went smoothly; all the time they didn't notice a pair of red eyes following them.

Derek was torn inside out, three days without his pack and mate and he was going insane. After that dream he couldn't stop thinking of Stiles. His laugh, his voice, his warmth, his smile everything that reminded him of Stiles. Then he saw it, he was going to talk to Stiles to beg him to take him back but when he saw his pack in high spirits laughing, happy and someone he never knew. His wolf was going berserk, that guy was touching his mate, laughing with his mate he tried to get close but he couldn't someone put a barrier around them and then they left. He followed them but lost them somewhere along the way. Not knowing where they went he left. The next day it went the same but with a different guy. He tried again but he didn't know what to do. His wolf howled of loneliness his heart was breaking to pieces, it this his punishment? He asked himself, to lose his family and pack for the second time? This time he can't blame Jennifer or other person because he was the one who broke his mate's heart in the first place. Because if this, his punishment then he wished to be dead with the rest of the Hale pack.


I know super short is just that i am working on some colleges stuff so this is a little to satisfy my updated chapters hunger forward to what happens next.