A/N: OK. Here it is. I promised you guys a little fluffy epilogue to diffuse the angst that was this story, so here it is. Thank you all so so SO much again for reading and if you left a review, you are 5000% more wonderful and I love you. Hopefully more inspiration will come to me and I'll write more fics for this pairing soon! xx


In one swift movement, Cora opened the door, grabbed his hand, and tugged him down the hallway to her bedroom. According to her brother's rules, it was way past visting-without-getting-killed time, but this couldn't wait.

She stepped lightly and quickly, not making a sound until the door to her room shut with a quiet click behind them. Cora stopped to listen, but she didn't hear any signs of her brother coming to bust them.

"What did you need me to come over for?" Isaac inquired, his eyebrows pulling together. "You said it was urgent, but if Derek finds out -"

"He won't find out," Cora told him, running her hands from his shoulders down to his chest. With a firm push, he fell back onto her bed, propping himself up on his elbows as she straddled him. Isaac caught on quickly, his hand behind her neck pulling her lips to his in a soft kiss.

She kissed him back, deepening it slightly as he slipped his tongue into her mouth and his hand found her lower back. His fingers moved under her t-shirt, grazing her skin and making her ache for more contact. She pulled back just long enough to tug off her shirt, tossing it carelessly to the side, her gaze steady with his.

"I never got a chance to thank you for saving my life," Cora explained quietly, reaching around to unhook her bra. "And just… not giving up hope in general."

"Cora…" Isaac wanted to remind her that it was really Lydia who had saved her life by performing CPR, but once the bra fell away he was completely at a loss for words. He sat up just enough to allow her to remove his pullover, and then his mouth was on her neck, shoulder, collarbone - anything and everything in sight. The brunette moaned when his lips latched on to her nipple, his tongue tracing around it, making her feel the sensation all the way in her core.

Her fingers carded through his curls as he moved to the other breast, and she wondered for a moment why they hadn't done this sooner. It wasn't like they hadn't liked each other before the Darach had thrown them all for a loop, but things definitely felt different now.

Some nights she couldn't even sleep without him next to her, his long fingers running through her hair. They were connected now. All of this was the least she could do to repay him for everything that he'd done for her. With a tug at his hair, she pulled his mouth back up to hers and kissed him hard, pressing her body against his.

For the most part, they managed to be quiet - although they both knew that even the quietest sounds were loud enough to be heard by the ears of a werewolf. But luckily they weren't interrupted.

Cora rested her head against Isaac's chest, focusing on the rise and fall of it with each breath as she idly played with his fingers. "You're kind of amazing, you know that?" He said softly after a long moment of silence."

"You're not just saying that because I let you have sex with me, are you?" The brunette asked, barking out a laugh as she tilted her head to look up at him.

"Well, I mean…" Isaac trailed off jokingly, laughing and shaking his head when she threw him a lethal glare. "No, of course not. I just… I should've listened to you when you told me that you'd be alright. I shouldn't have listened to anyone but you."

Cora sighed, pushing herself up onto her elbows next to him. She ran her hands over her face and through her hair. "You were under a lot of stress. It's -"

"Don't say it's okay, because it's not." The beta pressed his lips together, and he reached forward to cup her face, his thumb running across her cheek. "You needed me and I wasn't there for you."

"You can't live in regret, Isaac. It's all over now. I'm alright, the Darach has moved on, we're together, my brother hasn't killed you yet." Cora quirked a brow at the last part, smirking a little and leaning upward to press a kiss to his lips. "That should be enough."

Isaac exhaled deeply, leaning his head back against the headboard of her bed. "You're right," he said finally, managing a small smile as he looked at her.

Cora grinned, resting her head against his chest again. "I'm always right," she pointed out. "You should know that by now."