Twin Plans- Chapter 6.

"Come on Brooke! Why can't I leave the car?" Nathan complained as Brooke kept the car doors locked and refused to let him leave.

"Oh stop whining! You know why!" Brooke told him rolling her eyes.

"But Broo-"

"NO!" Brooke yelled cutting him off, "Not until Hales gets here."

"Really Cookie? I think I'll be fine," Now it was Nathans turn to roll his eyes.

"Really? Let us test this my simple minded twin. I bet you 20$ that within two minutes of you being out of this car Rachel will be right here," she stuck out her hand for him to shake.

He eyed her hand for a moment and then took it and said, "Deal," and started to get out of the car, "Besides she's not that much of a stalker,"

Brooke and Nathan met at the front of the car with Brooke leaning on the hood looking expectantly at her watch.

"Give it up Cookie! I was right admit it," Nathan gloated with a smirk on his face.

"I wouldn't talk so soon Nate," Brooke replied with a smirk of her own, "And 3, 2, 1, cue the slut." She said sounding smug, while pointing to the approaching redhead.

"Hey Babe!" Rachel called out as she sauntered over to them in her usual skimpy outfit.

Nathan silently cursed and pulled a twenty dollar bill out and handed it over to Brooke.

"Aw does little Brookie need lunch money?" Rachel sneered as she neared them.

"It was a bet, hoe-bag," Brooke told her.

"About?" Rachel asked in a tone that meant to imply she didn't care what it was anyways.

"You," Brooke answered simply, "Our bet was to see how long you could go without being a creepy stalker bitch,"


Why you little-" She was cut off as Lucas and Haley rushed up to them with Haley saying, "Rachel, just leave," in a tired voice.

Rachel looked at her with a look of distaste that grew into intense hateful glare when Nathan walked closer to her and slung his arm around her shoulders.

"Listen here you-" again she was cut off by Haley.

"I do not have the patience to deal with you today Rachel! Now you either leave now or I make you leave." She threatened raising her voice and everyone else was silent.

"Whatever bitch, bye baby, I'll see you at lunch," She said walking away, throwing Nathan a suggestive wink.

Once she was out of earshot, the little group burst into laughter.

"Wow tutor girl! You even scared me!" Brooke teased as Haley blushed.

"Hales, you're going to be one hell of a body guard," Nathan said, looking down at her blushing.

"Aw did we miss Haley's first act as bodyguard?" Peyton asked breathlessly as she and Jake ran up to the group.

"Yup, Hales can be very scary when she wants to be. I'd suggest not to get on her bad side." Brooke said teasingly.

"Brooke!" Haley said embarrassed.

"Seriously! I think my plan will work out swimmingly," Brooke said with a smirk

"Swimmingly?" Lucas asked confused.

"It's a word! Anyways isn't our Jeyton cutting it a little close today? Have fun playing house?"

"Very funny Brooke," Jake deadpanned as he wrapped his arm around Peyton's waist, and they all started to walk into the school.

"I thought so," Brooke teased, "Anyways, how's little Jenny doing?"

Jake started to smile at the mention of his little girl. "The cold cleared up, so she doing a lot better now."

"Good," Brooke smiled as the bell went off and they all started to walk off to their respective classes.

It was lunch time and Brooke was at her locker switching out her books when she felt a presences behind her, she internally groaned thinking it was Felix and spun around on her heel ready to bitch him out but when she did she was shocked to see it was Lucas.

"Hey Brookie," He said with a smirk.

"You have no idea how happy I am it was you standing behind me!" Brooke said and threw her arms around Lucas for a quick hug before reluctantly pulling away.

"Expecting someone else?" Lucas teased her as they started walking to the quad.

"Unfortunately, yes." Brooke sighed.

"Well it seems Felix can be very easily intimidated," Lucas said with a smirk.

"Luke!" Brooke scolded and turned and looked for their normal table, dragging Lucas along with her.

"Alright!" She announced as she and Lucas sat down and Nathan and Jake looked up at her. "What did you three do?" She demanded, glaring at them.

"Luke!" Jake and Nathan yelled.

"I made one comment!" Lucas defended.

"Guys, please say you didn't do anything you could get in trouble from, he's not worth it." Brooke pleaded, knowing how the guys got when it came to her, Peyton or Haley.

"Well we may have skipped second period.." Nathan started.

"And we may have somehow gotten Felix out of class.." Jake continued.

"And then we may have had a friendly chat with him.." Lucas finished.

Brooke groaned, "Friendly chat, my ass." She muttered while the three boys grinned.

"Hey do you guys want to explain why Felix is walking around sporting a black eye and a split lip?" Peyton asks knowingly with a grin on her face as she and Haley walk up to the table and sat down.

"Simple, we had a friendly chat," Lucas, Nathan and Jake say in unison, all sporting huge grins on their faces.

Sorry for the huge delay in the chapters! Ive got a lot going on right now and I've been super busy! I'll try and update more regularly though! Oh and I changed my pen name because I felt my old one kinda restricted my writing a bit... Anyways, any type of Review is welcomed :)