We were standing there nervous. We just poured our heart and everything into those three performs. Now it is the time we were all waiting for. The judges had their votes turned in and we were now finding out the moment of truth. What we been waiting for.

The one thing we worked for this long. All those week assignments lead to this moment. All the hard work we put into. All the sweat and everything. I grabbed Noah's hand. I was so nervous. I really wanted to win. This moment will tell us if all our hard paid off in the end.

But you know what. I don't care if we win or lose. All that work we did. Did paid off in the end. It gave me a family that I love and I know loves me. It gave my daughter a group of people who adore her and always be there for her. It was where I meet my true love. It was home to me.

Then the announcer came with the final vote. He then said,

"Thank-you for everyone to be hear. But I know what you all want to know. So I will get right to the point."

He told us who was in three place. We clapped. That team left the stage. I was us and the Warblers left on the stage. Then the announcer said,

"In first place is the New Directions."

At that moment in time. I felt like time just froze or was going in slow. I was so happy and excited. We just won. We were going to move on. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and left me up. It was Noah. He spun me around and then put me down. Mr. Shuester went up and collected the first place trophy.

Noah put me down. But the next time he did was something was not expecting. He then got on one knee and pulled out a box. Everyone was now watching us. The room went dead quiet. Was he really doing this?

"Rachel Berry. I since the first day I meet you. I know you were going to drive me crazy. But you know what. I would not want anyone drive me crazy like you. I know this is all sudden and we are still in high school. But I don't want to be without you and Angela in my life. You two are my everything. I don't care if I have to wait for years to say I do to you. But do want to be with you forever. You are headstrong, stubborn, diva. But that is want I love about you. You know what you want and go for it. You have the biggest heart than anyone I know. So will do me the great pleasure and marry me?" He asked me opening up the box to a beautiful engagement ring.

I was token back. I looked around to everyone. Looks like no one know this was going to happen. But you know what. He is the love of my life and the father to my daughter. He is my everything. So I then said,


Everyone clapped for us. I was never happier in my life. My fathers and Noah family came running up to the stage. My fathers had Angela. Everyone was congratulating us.

Right at that moment I know I was the luckiest girl in the whole world. I had a family who loved me and my daughter. I had a guy who loves me. We just won regionals and we were going to nationals. My life can never be better that it was at that moment. All it can do is go up from here.

(A/N Thanks for reading. You guys are amazing. Thank-you readers for staying with me throw this story. This story is now done and ends. If you liked this story maybe go check out my other stories. Keep on reading.)