To love and Obey!
What happens when love is won and then taken and forced to obey? Dean/Seth and The Wyatt Family...
It was a beautiful day in heaven when Dean Ambrose asked for Seth Rollins hand in marriage.
Friends stood beside them as Dean proposed to the two toned haired man. Seth looked in awe at the love piercing through his eyes to his soul.
Newlyweds John Cena and Randy Orton smiled as their friends promised marriage to one another and Roman the third member of the shield stood with his lover of a year Heath Slater.
Dean took his trembling hands and cupped Seth's face, leaning in before love to kiss the man of his waking dreams.
The locker room filled with friends whistled as tears of sweet joy fell from the lovers eyes, two hearts were joined and life could not be any sweeter...
Back in the swamps was a home of horrors filled with loss, pain and grief, one lonely man sat before a TV as a wrestling program played and the words "Sierra Hotel India Echo Lima Delta" filled the sound of the dark damp back woods home.
The bearded man rocked back and forth with his glass of red liquid in his hand as one half of the current tag teams champions entered the ring.
"I want him." stated the man whose eyes could bore into someones very soul.
Down the hall A scream was heard and the word "Obey" was yelled followed by the sound of a slap. A silent ok could be heard as the missing man cried out in pain.
The bearded man rocked and he smiled as his 'son' Luke played with his toy down the hall.
That smile never lasted long though because he wanted that man on the screen, he was getting lonely in the back of the woods.
Slowly as the man fought in the ring the rocking mans hand found its way into his pants. Rubbing his manhood as his second 'Son' Erick skinned what ever animal he had just caught for their dinner.
"Then he shall be yours."...Standing before them was the one man who craved revenge from wrongs made in the past, Dean Ambrose would pay deary for what he had done...
A/N, Yes I know this chapter is very short but before I continue I wanted to know if this story held any interest and if anyone would like to read it! Just a warning it will be dark and contain graphic violence, Dark Themes and Non/con situations. Many characters of the WWE will be involved...Who knows just where this story will go...
Please Review and let me know if I should continue...MJ