I do not own Phineas and Ferb, especially not the first few lines of this story because they came straight from the episode "Great balls of water."

Chapter 1

"Wow! A party on the lake?" Jeremy exclaimed. "I never would have thought of that! You come up with the best ideas. We can go to the mall tomorrow."

"You really want to go to the mall again?" Candace asked.

"We're teenagers. It's what we do," Jeremy said as he put his arm around her shoulders.

A little while later, the two teens were playing in the recently created lake in the middle of Danville Park with Phineas, Ferb and their friends. They were hitting a beach ball back and forth to each other, just trying to keep it from landing in the water.

As Candace was leaning forward to hit the ball back to her boyfriend, she abruptly stopped. She was staring down at the water, but wasn't really looking at anything in particular.

The beach ball bounced off her head. She jumped slightly in surprise and then remembered where she was. She stood up again in the waist deep water, appearing to be deep in thought.

"Candace?" Jeremy called to her. "Candace, are you okay?" He waded closer when Candace did not react. "Candace, what's wrong?"

Candace looked right into Jeremy's eyes and with all the seriousness in the world said, "How is standing in a wheat field extraordinary?"

Jeremy frowned. "What?"

Candace wandered a few steps, looking very intently down at the water. "Earlier today, I did a spontaneous musical number."

Jeremy looked even more confused. "About what?"

Candace didn't respond for a moment. "Huh? Oh, I was trying to think of ways to make myself more interesting, and I was rapid-fire listing different things that I thought would make me extraordinary, and one of the things I said was 'standing in a wheat field.'"

Jeremy blinked. "Was it for a rhyme?"

"Well, kind of. But it was the first half of the rhyme. The next line was 'going on a snipe hunt, gotta keep my eyes peeled.' I couldn't have come up with anything else that rhymed with 'peeled?' There's gotta be a million rhymes and slant rhymes for 'peeled.' So why did I say 'standing in a wheat field?'"

"Was the snipe hunt in the wheat field?"

"No, but that would have made infinitely more sense."

"Then I have no idea." He put his arm around her shoulders again. "But you don't need to change anything about yourself. I like you just the way you are."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Not the point. Why the heck did I think standing in a wheat field was interesting?"

Jeremy waded over to fetch the beach ball. "I don't know. Are we going to keep playing or are you going to get stuck on this?"

Several hours later…

Candace was laying in bed staring up at the ceiling, fingers laced behind her head. Her sheets were all pushed to the side, for it was too hot for covers. She was deep in thought.

Her first thought was I should ask Dad to put up a ceiling fan in here. I need more air circulation.

Her seconds thought was How is standing in a wheat field interesting?

It was a spontaneous musical number. I didn't think about the lyrics beforehand. I just sang them. Somehow, subconsciously, I must have thought standing in a wheat field was interesting. But why?

The question plagued her mind. She could not fall asleep. Her clock read 1:32am.

"That does it."

Candace swung her legs out of bed and stood up. She didn't bother changing out of her pajamas, she just pulled her shoes on. As quietly as she could, she made her way down to the garage and pulled her bike off the ceiling hook from which it hung. She reached for her helmet, but then remembered that Ferb had just bought a new bike helmet that had a battery-powered headlamp on it. It was a bit of a tight fit, but at least she would be able to see.

She walked the bike out the side door and climbed on. She clicked on the headlamp. For being so small, it lit her way surprisingly well. She put her feet up on the pedals and rolled down the slightly inclined driveway. When she reached the sidewalk, she turned left and began to pedal.

"I don't know why I thought standing in a wheat field would be extraordinary, but by golly, I'm gonna find out!"

This song was so catchy, but that one line seems really out of place. It was just begging to have a story written about it! Also, I've been looking for a place to use that line, "That would have made infinitely more sense," which I actually just now realized Major Monogram used in "Bully Bust."