A/N: Okay... So I enjoyed writing this, and I'm sorry it took quite long. Someone remind me that I actually have to get some sleep now, por favor? Hah. At any rate, SpUk for the lovers, and a ton of FrAli fluff :3 Gracias! (warning: not proof-read)

Antonio ran a hand through his chocolate-brown locks and heaved a heavy sigh. Castile was urging him to battle against the English again, their top competitor in the vast seas. Now, how exactly was he going to do that? The world had been divided between him and his Portuguese brother (although honestly speaking, he had quite a number of cheats on that), and this ship had only been re-fixed after the terrible state it was left in, after sailing towards the pacific: for sure, Victoria has seen better days. However, he had no intentions of following the court. It was the main reason he and Alicia had gone out to sea, anyway. Neither of them were meant to deal with the nasty attitudes humans have – ah, if they only knew. He shook his head as he climbed aboard his vessel, chuckling to himself in dismay.

Several of his sailors, however, gave curt bows as he passed by, "Capitan."

"Is my quarters ready?" it was his immediate question – he wanted to get out of there. He wanted to freely sail the seas once more.

The nearest man to him nodded, "Done and already occupied, Capitan."

"Bue- wait, what?" The Spaniard had finally registered in his brain what his crew had said, and Antonio immediately took off in a dash and burst into the Captain's quarters. Surely enough, there on his bed, lay the still form of a slumbering Arthur Kirkland, his golden-blond hair evidently sticking out of the covers.

The Englishman opened a bleary eye at the sound of the doors opening and closing, and finally seeing the Spaniard, he closed his eyes once more, "You're fucking late."

How familiar.

Antonio laughed, "I didn't think I'd be able to see you this soon," he started, taking off his coat and tossing it into the nearest chair, "Did you miss me that much?"

"Don't be so full of yourself," Arthur grumbled, turning his back on the Spaniard, who grinned at the words unspoken, "I just like your bed, that's all. It's more comfortable here, and so warm…"

It took every bit of Antonio to think twice and not jump into the bed with his lover and supposed enemy, "Of course it is warm, mi corazon," he began, making his way towards the bed and sitting at the bedside, kicking off his shoes, "There is love here."

For a long time, Arthur was silent, and Antonio watched how long both of them would stand being that close to each other, without ripping each other's clothes off.

"… I'm honestly not wearing anything under these covers."

Well… That was one less set of annoying clothes to worry about.

"You know just the right words to say." And without further ado, Antonio pried away the sheets, pressed himself against the smaller man and cupped Arthur's face in his hands, kissing him breathless. Naturally, Arthur could only comply, and completely lose himself in one of the most passionate lovers he's ever had.


"When exactly are you planning to bring out that kind of innovation?"

Arthur shrugged as he watched Antonio mindlessly entwine their fingers together, kissing the back of his hand.

"I figured the prototype should be fixed first before bringing it out to the world," replied Arthur, his green eyes meeting Antonio's, "The twins are doing a marvellous job, although of course, it's just the two of them, so it's not much to dwell about."

"Still," started Antonio, looking up at the wooden ceiling of his quarters, "That makes long-distance communication much easier. Imagine the kind of world with that… what do you call it?"


"Si, that's good," And Antonio grinned.

The Englishman chuckled and said nothing for a long time, before he sighed and closed his eyes, squeezing Antonio's hand, "I talked to Francis."

Antonio stared at the Brit at first, before he drew a deep breath, "I did too."

"Wait, what?!" Arthur turned to the Spaniard in disbelief, who nodded, quietly, "When- how?!"

"He was in my place for a business trip, apparently," Antonio began, meeting Arthur's gaze, "I'd just met with my brother when he walked into the café. He said nothing that you don't already know, and I've already thought about what you said, so I am letting her be with him for a while. I mean," he sighed, "It is better with someone I trust than a complete stranger…" however, his eyes narrowed dangerously, "… wait, when and how did you talk to him?"

Arthur gulped, "J-just before I got here, actually," the Spaniard didn't seem convinced, "No, Antonio, it was just tea, honestly!" but the Englishman was starting to break into a nervous sweat, "I-I had him taken from the ship just as he got down on Cherbourg. I figured that someone had to pry out what he really felt about the girl, and seeing as you didn't seem to do it, I did. She's just like a daughter to me too, you know?"

To this, Antonio chuckled, "That makes you a pretty young father, then."

"Antonio, this is serious." And when the Brit turned to face him directly, the grin playing upon the Spaniard's lips faded.

"… What do you mean?" the Spanish Captain asked.

Arthur pondered on the right set of words to use, "I… Have never seen him like this before," and when Antonio raised an eyebrow, the Brit found it just to continue, "I mean… Are you certain that all those years ago, he never really felt anything for you? Nothing serious, completely nothing at all?"

With that, Antonio turned away, "… We were children," he began, "And regardless of that, he never said anything, so I didn't either. I mean-" his pleading green eyes met Arthur's, "Would you have believed him? Had he professed love, but seeing him act flighty with everyone else? What exactly would you believe?"

Seeing his lover's worry, Arthur cupped Antonio's face gently into his hands, "I've been with the Frog for several years too, remember?" and the brunet nodded here, "And as much as I hate him for a lot of things, and want to constantly punch him in the face whenever I see him-" Antonio resisted his urge to chuckle here, "- There are still parts of him that are acceptable, if not completely good."

Antonio found it suitable to pull Arthur down for a light kiss here, which startled the Brit, but accepted the gesture of appreciation nonetheless.

"So, you mean to say…" began Antonio, finally pulling away as both he and Arthur were breathless and red in the cheeks, "That if Francis did have some romantic feelings towards me back then…?"

"Yes," replied Arthur, wrapping his arms around the Spaniard and leaning into his lithe chest, "He will be drawn to Alicia, just as much as she is drawn to him."


The seas were calm in the Atlantic, and there was mellifluous sailing for once. It was as though the universe was conniving to give them both this one night of peace, one soft hum for a reunion. She wasn't used to it – but then again, anything that the Frenchman did was something out of the ordinary for her. She had never been used to affectionate embraces, loving glances and nights too hot to bear. His slightest touch made her heart want to leap out of her chest. And lying in bed with someone that wasn't her son certainly wasn't something she was accustomed to.

But it felt good, oh yes. Alicia had been trying to deny it to herself for the longest time, but it was starting to get much more difficult than it used to be.

"Tell me, Alicia," began the French Captain, entwining their fingers as she lay in his arms once more, in that bed they shared within the Captain's quarters, "Have you ever been to Paris?" a soft smile played upon his lips as he looked at her, "I would really love to show you my home, it is really quite beautiful."

The young Spaniard thought for a moment, "Hm…" she mused, "Rouen and Bordeaux, Capitan, but never Paris," however, she smiled warmly, looking up to meet his gaze, "If you'd take me, I'd love to go~"

"Well then, I do believe I'd have to take you," Francis said with a small chuckle, brushing away bristles of her long, black curls away from her face, "It has been a while since I had been home."

Alicia smiled contentedly at the thought, "That sounds wonderful, Capitan."

All of a sudden, the Frenchman's face fell, "Why do you keep calling me 'Captain'?" he asked, a frown evident upon his features, even in the dim light, "We are much more than crew-mates now…"

A light flush rose into Alicia's cheeks, "I-I know," she mumbled, lightly stumbling upon her words, making Francis chuckle at her, "It's just… I've known nothing but authority before, so I suppose I'm not used to it. I'm sorry… Francis."

"Don't be sorry, mon amour," and he kissed her forehead affectionately, "I was only wondering."

She moved closer to him wrapping her arms around his torso, making Francis raise an amused, but nonetheless pleased, eyebrow, "… You know I wouldn't have it any other way, right?"

Her quiet gesture only made Francis pull her even closer, engaging in their shared warmth, "Oui, of course."

And for the longest time, they fell into a comfortable silence – just the two of them, lying in each other's arms. They hadn't torn each other's clothes off that night, or any form of mischief that would equate to it. It was relaxing, and possibly refreshing for the Frenchman, who had never had this sort of experience with anyone else before. It was a kind of comfort that made him want to stay in bed and not get up – which was, even for him, usually unattainable. For once, he felt at home in the situation. Then, all of a sudden, he heard a soft, melodious tune coming from Alicia:

"I open my eyes, to the sun rising," she began, "And all I see is ocean blue.

"Keeping an eye out on the horizon, watching for some sign of… you."

A small smile played upon Francis' lips and he sighed happily, "I love hearing you sing, Alicia," he whispered, nuzzling her lightly, his eyes closing, "Your voice is very beautiful."

Alicia couldn't help but smile at the compliment, looking up at him, "…You're the only one I've ever sung for," she started in a hushed tone, running her hand through his hair, "It is all right, Capitan. You can go to sleep if you want. I'll be here with you."

Francis weakly opened his eyes and took her hand from his head, holding it firmly in his hand, "Okay," he began, closing his eyes once more, "But no leaving."

If it were any other case, she would have laughed at the thought, but Alicia noted the innocence and honesty in his plead. She smiled and entwined their fingers together, leaning into his chest and taking in the familiar scent of cigarettes and sweets, "No leaving, Capitan Francis…

"I promise."


It was a deal to show Arthur a lesson – nothing personal for either of them. The child (as Francis would usually refer to him) was out of control as he braved the seas and was pillaging every place that would be an ally to either him or Antonio – especially since the Brit had the Portuguese on his side. He looked up at Antonio, who was barking orders around and noticed how much the young Spaniard had grown too – a messy mane of long, chocolate-coloured hair was tied neatly behind him, and his very distinctly shaped eyes would turn to his men ever so slightly, hovering over everything that was set in place. Francis had to admit it to himself again: there was once a time when this man meant the world to him – his heart, his mind, his everything.

"You ready, amigo?" green eyes nearly disappeared in a wide, toothy grin as Antonio smirked at his best friend.

Well… Of course now, everything has changed.

"Oui, mon ami," began the blond, walking up the plank and into the main deck to stand by his friend, "We must hurry so that-"

"Toni! Toni!" Loud cries began to come from a distance, "Un momento, por favor! Antonio!"

Hearing his name called, and probably knowing whose voice it was, Antonio turned, his eyes widening and his breathing hitched, "Hermana?"

And much to the Frenchman's surprise, he was pushed out of the way when the woman arrived in the scene on a black stallion, riding right up the coast. Francis stared hard and well at her for a while, before a short gasp escaped his lips. She was typical of any Spanish woman in the age, with her long-sleeved blouses and large, thick skirts. But the amount of lace and the intricate details told him that this wasn't just an ordinary woman. Her hair flowed up to her back in long, beautiful black curls, and her eyes were just as distinctly shaped as Antonio's. They had the same sun-kissed skin, including the very shape of her face, and the only difference were her breath-taking, honey-brown eyes. For a long time, Francis was stunned. He'd never been that mesmerized by anyone's eyes ever before.

"… Antonio, please," Francis finally heard her plead, "Take me with you. I want to see him. I need to see that he is fine."

"It's a low blow, even for him-"

"Hm?" Now, Francis wanted to participate in the conversation, coming back down to meet the two Spaniards, "What is it, Toni?"

Antonio's eyes turned to him very seriously, "Arthur had Lovino kidnapped."

"Please," begged the woman before them, her amber eyes turning to plead under Antonio's fierce gaze, "Take me with you. I need my son."

At that statement, Francis raised an eyebrow, but Antonio pulled them both aboard, "We haven't gotten much time, so all right…" And the Spanish Captain began to bark orders. Once they were in open waters, Antonio hung an arm around the only woman aboard, "How are the other children, Alicia?"

"They are fine," replied the young girl, attempting a small smile, "Miguel is big enough to protect his sister for the meantime. I made sure to lock the house, and Maria can cook…"

"That's very good. At least, we have only one child to worry about," And Antonio noticed Francis' inquiring gazes and chuckled, "Ah, by the way, meet Capitan Francis Bonnefoy of the French Armada," he winked and Alicia nodded, probably knowing that he wasn't just an ordinary man either, "Amigo," Antonio's gaze softened at the woman in his arms, "This is Alicia," he explained shortly, "She is… somewhat like a sister to me."

"Somewhat but not quite?" Francis raised an eyebrow and Antonio could only laugh.

The brunet was about to retaliate with his usual hints of over-protectiveness when one of his men shouted, "English Flags down starboard."

Antonio gave Francis a knowing glance, and both of them knew that this conversation would be continued much later. They had a child to save, and the moment they had done just so (especially since Alicia made sure to run into every form of imminent danger just to save the little Italian who had, sadly, pissed himself scared), the Englishman was in the dungeon of the main ship of the Spanish Armada, with Antonio and Alicia, who had the then-slumbering Lovino in her arms. The Brit was stripped off any weapons, with hands bound behind his back. But his scowl was ever-present, and he glared at the child more than he did to either of the two Spaniards.

"What the fuck?!" demanded Antonio, making Alicia turn the sensitive ears of the child away from them, "You could have done anything," he pressed on the word angrily, "Anythingelse… And you dared to take Lovino-?"

"Why does that brat have so much worth to you than me?!"

The question shot through Antonio like an arrow to the heart, "…That is what this is all about?"

Arthur remained quiet, but turned away, a heavy blush evident in his face. Antonio sighed and turned to his sister – "Please leave us."

"Si, hermano." And just as Alicia turned, Arthur suddenly spoke.

"Eh? Your sister, huh?" he started in mild amusement, using low whispers, "Could've sworn she was part of your crew, with how she tore through my men to get that brat back… The girl would make a good pirate…"

To that Antonio nodded, "That I know," and the Spaniard sighed again, "I need to speak with Arturo alone… That means you have to go too, Francis."

And much to Alicia's surprise, Francis joined her from within the shadows he had been hiding in, and both of them went back up the deck to attempt to alleviate themselves from the awkwardness that would ensue had the two young men resolved their current sexual tensions. Especially since –

"Not really something a child should hear, hm?" Francis asked as he offered a hand to Alicia upon reaching the main deck. Below them, loud moans and unintelligible groans were heard. The men exchanged nervous glances before doing about their daily work.

Chuckling, Alicia took the hand he offered and nodded, "No. I'd rather keep Lovino innocent for as long as necessary," then, much to his surprise, she did something he certainly did not expect.

Alicia smiled. Not even at him – she smiled at the little boy in her arms.

It wasn't that he had never seen a woman smile, but there was something in this one. It was pure, it was honest, and it was something he thought only Antonio could pull off. It was a smile that would melt the whole world and rid it of its misery if it were given the chance, because merde, Francis felt his breath slowly taken away, he couldn't help but smile back. That smile of hers was genuine, relieved, with that tender softness to it that made it all the more beautiful, and being himself, he couldn't handle but admire such beauty. Her smile…

Her smile was more beautiful than the sun.


The sun hadn't been pouring into the room yet, but Francis slowly and groggily opened his eyes. He's had it with these dreams, honestly, because they all just seem so melancholic over the past. And yet, this one had certainly answered his queries over his past few thoughts… A soft chuckle escaped his lips – with one smile, eh?

Arms wrapped around his torso, and hands entwined in his told him that the previous night's promise had indeed been kept. The slumbering Spaniard was still indeed in his arms, and playing upon her lips was such a gentle and slight grin that the Frenchman couldn't help but bend down to lightly kiss her, before nuzzling her head lightly, intoxicating himself with the scent of coffee that had stuck to her before falling back asleep.