A/N: Okay, so this is my third time re making this story. I have been working my way backwards from certain points in the story, so now I'm ready to start from the beginning. This is my first fanfic about Harry being raised by the Weasleys, and frankly, I'm quite nervous. While writing this, I'll be taking a break from writing Quads, my other story, because this is my "baby" story, and Quads is the older sibling, so this is going to get some more attention. I actually have a lot of this story planned out, so Spoiler Alert, all of you Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Fred, and Dobby fans are going to really love this story. *Cough, Cough* the boy who has been asking me out all year will love me more because all of those people, including Dobby (Dobby is his favorite character. He cried when Dobby died.) will survive. So, here we go. OH! I almost forgot! The pairings are Harry/Luna, Neville/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Remus/Tonks, and Molly/Arthur. NOW, here we go.

Disclaimer: I do not own HP. If I did, I would make the fanfic Harry Potter and the Punishment for Immaturity into a movie. That is one amazing fanfic. Good job, Obliviate.

Chapter One: Weasleys at the park

Three year old Harry Potter sat in his cupboard, thinking about the dream he had just had. It was early morning. Maybe eight, maybe nine, he didn't know. All that was on his mind was the dream. In his dream, he had been at a pond. A pond somewhere he didn't remember ever being. At the pond, there had been a woman with red hair and green eyes, just like his, and a black haired man that had hair just like his. They were talking and the red haired woman was singing to him. Everything was perfect.

Then he turned onto one of his bruises and woke with a start.

Harry put his ear to the door and heard his aunt, uncle, and cousin in the kitchen. His aunt had bacon on the stove and was gossiping about the neighbors in her whiny voice, Uncle Vernon was complaining about something in the newspaper, and Dudley, his cousin, was demanding more bacon. Dudley was unusually fat like Uncle Vernon and was always demanding food and throwing bratty little tantrums. That was the only thing that Dudley was good at.
Harry sat for a few minutes and looked around his dark cupboard. He wondered when he would be allowed to eat next. He was roughly twenty three pounds, whereas Dudley was about sixty pounds. Just then, he heard Uncle Vernon's voice and a chair scooting on the floor.

"Why don't you take Dudders to the park?" he asked in a fond voice.

"What do we do about the freak?" Aunt Petunia asked him in a rather disdainful voice, referring to Harry. Her voice was rather muffled.
"Is Mrs. Figg home?" Uncle Vernon asked gruffly. Aunt Petunia shook her head. "She's out of town at some wedding in Scotland," Aunt Petunia sounded very upset.

"Well… take him, but keep him away from Duddy," Dudley hadn't been listening when Uncle Vernon said that. He was too busy making sure that he got every piece of bacon down off his plate.

Harry's heart made a leap. He was going to go the park! This could turn out to be a wonderful day! Maybe he'd make a friend that Dudley wouldn't scare away! Harry thought about all of the friends that Dudley had scared away: Anna, Ben, Fiona, Reggie… the list was too long, but maybe, just maybe he'd make a new friend.

It was over an hour before Aunt Petunia let him out of cupboard and gave him his breakfast: two slices of dry bread and some water from the hose.

Harry scarfed it down. Oh, he was so hungry! He hadn't eaten in two days because Uncle Vernon had gotten demoted from his job and was for some odd reason convinced that Harry had something to do with it.

Harry had a feeling that the only he was eating today was because Aunt Petunia didn't want him going to the park looking hungry. It had happened before and one of the neighbors had gotten suspicious and called Child Protective Services, who had done an inquiry. Harry hadn't been able to move for three weeks without pain after Uncle Vernon had walloped him. Harry's tears only made it worse.

Uncle Vernon kissed Aunt Petunia and Dudley (who wasn't paying attention) and left for work. Harry finished up his bread and water and stepped on the kitchen stool and began to scrub the dishes that were already in the sink.

"Boy, you're going to the park with us," Aunt Petunia started. "I want you to stay as far away from Dudley as you can, understand?" Harry grinned and nodded. He didn't care if he had to play far away from Dudley, it would just make it better for both of them.

Once Harry had finished cleaning the dishes, he'd taken off his worn and torn pajama pants and put on some of Dudley's worn out jeans, which he had to hold up because they were about three times his size.

Aunt Petunia cranked the car up and helped Dudley into the car seat. Harry didn't have a car seat because it was "too expensive" and he "didn't deserve it". Dudley had complained all the way to the park that Harry would mess up his chance to make friends. The thing was, Dudley didn't have friends, he had what Harry's old friend, Fiona, who was two years older than him described as "followers". Piers, Dennis, and Gordon were the only neighborhood kids that weren't afraid of Dudley, and that was just because they were dumber than sacks of dandelions.

It took them thirty minutes to get to the park, due to a traffic jam. When they got out, Harry looked at the playground. There weren't many kids there. They only kids that were there was a couple of redheaded kids and some younger children on the swings and in the sandbox. Dudley ran over to the slide and Aunt Petunia sat down on the bench and began reading book.

Harry looked around; there was a little girl with fiery red hair around his age playing in the sandbox. Harry looked at her and then started to walk over, when he heard a shout of "Ouch! What was that for?" He turned around a saw a boy older than him being knocked up against the slide by Dudley. The boy appeared to be about five or six and was identical to the one at the top of the slide and had fiery red hair, just like the girl in the sandbox.

"Georgie!" called the boy at the top of the slide. Dudley laughed and let the boy called Georgie go and he and the other boy ran to a woman sitting at a picnic table with two boys who were much older than Harry. Harry watched as they both talked to her and pointed to Dudley. The woman's expression changed to a look like a saber tooth tiger. She stood up and walked over to Aunt Petunia.
Harry didn't hear what the woman was saying, but he could hear the volume of what she was saying. She was shouting angrily about what Dudley had just done. After a moment, Harry didn't stay to listen; he continued over to the sandbox and plopped down next to the girl with the red hair.

"Hi," he said to her, scooping some sand into his hand.

"Hi," said the girl.

"What's your name?" Harry asked, gathering some sand together.

"Ginny," she told him. "Ginny Weasley,"

"I'm Hawwy,"

"Wanna help?" Ginny asked with a grin. Harry nodded. It looked like he had made a new friend!

After playing with Ginny, Harry was wondering around the playground and found himself over by the picnic table where the woman sat. She had shoulder length, wavy red hair, hazel eyes, and appeared to be in her late thirties or early forties.

"Hi," said Harry meekly to her. She smiled kindly.

"Hello, dear; what's your name?"
"I'm Hawwy," He blushed and looked down.

"My name is Molly Weasley. Would you like to sit? My son, Ron is probably around your age. He'll be back in a minute," Harry nodded slowly and carefully climbed onto the bench. He remembered that Ginny had told him her last name was Weasley.

"Are you Ginny's mummy?" Harry asked Molly. Molly nodded. "I am; I saw you two playing. Did you have fun?" Harry nodded eagerly. She was a lot nicer Aunt Petunia, but what came out of his mouth next made Molly's heart ache.

"I wish I had a mummy…" Molly looked over at Aunt Petunia. "I thought that was your mum?" Harry shook his head.

"Dat's Aunt 'Tunia. She's Dudley's mummy," he pointed to Dudley, who was on the swings. Molly looked at Dudley and then back at Harry.

'Good Lord!' she thought. 'That boy is huge!'

"How old are you, dear?" Molly asked curiously. Harry held up three fingers. "I'm thrwee! Dudley is too, but he's older 'an me." Molly nodded and then looked at Dudley than back at Harry. Dudley looked like a small whale, whereas Harry seemed to be skin and bones. She was wondering why, when her youngest so, Ron came jogging back from a bathroom next to the playground.

"Hi mummy!" shouted Ron excitedly and climbed up on the bench. Harry looked over to him. "Hi," Ron gawked.

"You's Hawwy Potter!" he pointed at Harry's lightning scar. Harry nodded slowly and Molly looked at him as though she knew him. Just then, Aunt Petunia called, "Harry! Get over here!" in an angry voice.
"Sowwy, gotta go!" Harry leapt off of the bench and ran towards them.

Dudley was crying fake tears and was talking about how Harry hit him. Just as Harry was about to tell Aunt Petunia that he didn't hit Dudley, she reached out and slapped him so hard he was knocked backwards onto his bottom and left with a red handprint and a ring print on his face. Harry blinked back his tears as his aunt dragged him away.

Molly and her sons had witnessed the whole thing. Why did she slap him so hard? What did he do to warrant such a hard slap?

"Bill, you saw what that woman did to him, right? I'm not imagining that?" Bill nodded.

"Yeah, I saw that. Isn't that Lily's sister?" Molly nodded. "Yes, that's Petunia. I think I'm going to see if Dumbledore will check on Harry. I still can't believe that's Harry Potter. Look at him compared to that other child! He seems so sweet, and that other boy is such a brat." She shook her head at what Aunt Petunia had said to her about how "her Dudley could never do anything bad" and said that George must have done something to him. Molly thought that this was an extremely pathetic answer.

She stayed at the park for about thirty minutes after that, before gathering up her children and heading home. Little did she know that the small raven haired was facing a horrible punishment.

A beating from his uncle.

A/N: Okay, here we go. I've finally finished the first chapter. The next chapter will have Molly and Arthur or just Molly going to see Dumbledore about Harry and Dumbledore going to check on Harry. I really hope that you guys like this. Please read and review. Just so you know, Quads, my other story will NOT be discontinued or abandoned, so please don't think that.

XOXO, Clover :-D