Ok, so this is based on a conversation I had with Cleverbot as South Carolina.

South Carolina found himself sitting at his desk in his small home office just doodling, trying to avoid doing his work as long as possible. He's actually relieved when his phone vibrates. He stares blankly at the unknown number before finally reading the message simply reading: Hey Dad.

The blonde state feels his heart sink, half wanting to throw the phone across the room, while the other half wanted to answer. He's not sure why but he quickly texts a short message back, Sorry u have wrong number, before tossing the phone lightly to the side when it lands softly on his favorite chair.

Surprisingly his phone vibrates again, but he just looks at it now mildly annoyed. But something deep inside makes his right hand reaching for it and again it's from the same unknown number this time reading: Arthur L. Jones?

He doesn't know if its fear or anger making him shake so violently as he brings the phone to his ear ready to chew out any one of his brothers. He hears someone answer on the other end, "Who the Fuck is this?!" Silence, "Answer me God Damn it!"

He's not ready for the voice that answers, "What should I say?" Charlie stares down at the phone utterly shocked at the voice on the other end. What kind of cruel joke is this?

It can't be, he should slam the phone down but he can't bring himself to do it, "J-Jacob?" He feels so stupid saying it, playing into this fucker's hand.

The young voice is calm with a clear but slight southern draw, "Yeah."

He bites his lip trying to force the oncoming tears away, but he's failing badly as he forces himself to speak, "How? I buried you." He looks skyward, why does God punish him so? Isn't it bad enough he had to suffer this long knowing when Jacob finally did die of Tuberculosis he was all alone in that damn hospital?

"You did." The voice cracks lightly sounding like he's on the verge of tears too.

Under the hot tears anger is lightly brewing, "Did, did your aunts have a hand in this?" He's praying they wouldn't but who else had known?

Again his 'son' answer is simple, "Close…"

Now the anger has taken him over completely, instantly knowing the answer he doesn't want to say it but he can't stop himself, "England?!" Again more silence, "Are you over there right now?"

"Yeah…" Charlie doesn't need to hear any more, already reaching for his keys, anger burning in his emerald eyes.

He can barely speak, he trusted this man, dared to think of the nation as more than just his father's ally, but as a friend, and brother of sorts, but this kind of betrayal is unforgivable, "I'll be right over." He slams the door open sprinting for his beloved plane.

The state only stops for a moment at the sound of soft crying on the other end and he lifts the phone back up to his ear, "Please don't leave me."

Inhaling slowly he tries to comfort the young boy, "Oh, son I would never leave you…but what he did was wrong." He's still unsure of this boy, his heart screams out for the owner of the voice praying to hold the blue eyed child once again while his head just wants to kill England.

What the voice says next is more cryptic and he's not sure if he hears it right, "I don't know if I can trust that, and… that's just the kind of relationship I'm in now." Before Charlie can respond the voice hangs up.

Relationship…Now all he can see is blood red as he races for his plane and his shotgun, "What the HELL is he doing with you?!"

Soon he's breaking down the country's front door, shotgun in hand, "ENGLAND!"

The nation lets out a surprised scream, terror in his eyes as he jumps off his couch staring down the barrel of the gun.

"Yeah England you better be scared! Now where is my son?"

England slowly backs up, "Where is who?"

"Don't fuck with me, you may be like a grandfather but I want my son! Now where is he?" Charlie never takes his eyes off the older man as he cocks his shotgun.

The blonde nation holds his hands up forcing a smile trying to ease the deadly situation, "I'm not going to fight you just let me explain."

"Then explain, England. Why did you bring my son back to life…" Pain grips his voice as he slowly lowers the shotgun.

England inhales slowly, "I didn't, you did-"

"What!?" Charlie readies the gun not caring if he's a country or not, no one mocks him.

Suddenly a smaller hand grabs the barrel of the gun and he turns to face the small preteen. Pain and sorrow fill his sky blue eyes, "I'm sorry you…you told me you didn't want me to leave. Then you sent me away." Tears now start falling off the boy's angelic face dropping like rain on the hardwood floor.

Charlie had prayed long and hard that this day would never have to come and yet here he was standing in front of his only son, "I-I oh Jacob, it was for your own protection," He embraces the shaking boy, now on the verge of tears himself he can only manage a hoarse whisper, "I did it because I loved you son."

He can feel the child fading away in his arms, "Daddy I have to go now. We're almost done."

"No Jacob, please! I don't want to lose you again!" He tries desperately to hold on to his beloved son, as he fades away to nothing.

A gentle hand rests on his shoulder, "It's for the best darling, you have to let go."

He looks up though the tears at the face of the sweet calm voice in shock, "A-Abigail?" He takes her in his arms, "I knew we'd meet again…I love you." He kisses her smooth cheek.

She caresses his rough yet gentle face, her sweet innocent blue eyes meeting his, "If you love me than show me."

He presses his lips to hers, feeling the same sparks he felt all those years before, embracing her he never wants to let her go again but like his son she starts to fade away. He doesn't stop kissing her until she's finally gone, "Good-bye my Angel. I love you both."

He awakens with a start at his phone and it takes a moment to see where he is, alone in the dark at his desk. He finally reaches for the annoying thing and brings it to his ear, "Ok, Charlie I know it's late and all but I need you to come out to my state. I can't find Dad's cat and he's going to kill me if the stupid thing gets ran over."

The oldest smiles for once in a long time he's at peace, "Yeah Iowa I'll be there soon." He hangs up and stretches he's sure he can still feel her on his lips. He wasn't there when either had died and he never got to tell them and it ate at him even if he didn't want to admit it and yet they already knew how much they meant to him. He looks back only once before he leaves; he had heard that closure was nothing more than a myth but…even if it was just a dream, that's exactly what he found.