Sorry for the wait and sorry for this chapter being shorter then normal
Disclaimer: I owe my imagination.
Chapter 4: Elyan
The next morning, Camelot was woken by a very girly scream coming form the training grounds. All the knights ran towards the shriek. When they got there, they saw Elyan standing in the middle of the fields. All of the metal in the training grounds was dancing around him doing a very impressive tango.
Arthur stepped forward and asked "What is happening here?" Elyan stuttered for a moment before saying "I don't know! One moment I was coming down here for some early training and the next all the weapons were dancing around me!" The only problem was that when Elyan spoke, the others heard him speaking Spanish.
Lancelot turned to his fellow knights and asked "Do any of you speak Spanish?" Sir Micheal stepped forward and said "Elyan says that he came down here to preactice singing when all the weapons started to attack him." Elyan looked at the others as if they were insane, he had been speaking perfect English! What he didn't notice were the looks he was being given.
"WHAT! I didn't say that!" Sir Micheal blushed red and asked "You used to dress your dog up as a princess and pretend to rescue him?" The knights were torn between blushing and laughing and several did both. Percival suddenly understood what was going on and said "This must be Melody's prank for Elyan." The others all realized what was going on and Arthur turned to his men and said "There has been enough distractions, everybody pair up and start practicing."
The moment that everybody had drawn there swords out, they flew towards Elyan and started to join in the tango the other pieces of metal were still doing.
Morgana and Gwen had heard the commotion and came running down to the training fields to see what was going on. When they saw the dancing piece of metals they immediately burst out laughing. Gwaine piped up asking "What are you laughing at?" Morgana managed to say "Elyan is the son of a blacksmith, they work with metal. Mel has probably made it so that all things made of metal will be drawn to Elyan if they get to close."
Upstairs in the castle, Melody and Mordred were watching the fun out of Mel's window. Her lover turned to her and with a smirk on his face asked "What's next?" Mel giggled and said "Like Morgana said, all metal will be attracted to him causing all the people to get really annoyed with him." Melody then let a smirk cross her face before saying "Gwaine is next. And trust me, he won't like what I have planned."
Down in the training fields, said knight felt as if someone had just walked across his grave. He shivered and was suddenly dreading tomorrow.
Again, sorry for the wait, I'll try my hardest to update soon.
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