And I am back! I just finished writing the massive final confrontation (Well ish because its two parts) so yeah! But right now I am much too tires to type anymore and I have really nothing else to say other than happy Easter and thanks to my beta TheSilverSleeper (because I feel like I don't thank you enough)
Chapter 26 ~Sage's Guide to Great First Impressions
When everything had finally settled down, the planning began.
Everyone who already knew about Merlin being alive gathered around the table in the king's chambers. After much conferring, Merlin and Gaius decided not to bring anyone else into the equation, at least not until they had a proper plan formulated.
Merlin also didn't want to let any more people down if he died again. At least then nothing would change for them. When he was free from the curse and sickness then he would make sure to explain everything to all that still didn't know.
The slave felt a lot better now. Gaius' salves and concoctions really did work miracles. Within a day he was well enough to be up on his feet again. Well, in Merlin's own opinion he was. Gaius wanted him in bed for the next week, but the slave knew he might not have that long.
Although his injuries were finally getting the proper care they deserved, there were things that Gaius just couldn't cure. For example, the fact that he was dying. Merlin could feel his magic pooling inside him, and it was straying dangerously close to his heart. The magic was clogging his veins, barely allowing any blood to circulate to his heart. He tired much more easily now, the others were noticing. Merlin would only be up for a moment before he was in need of another chair.
So there was yet another obstacle to overcome now.
The warlock watched as Gaius, Gwen and Arthur argued over the best way to incarcerate Isobel and her family without giving her any opportunities to unleash her unwilling army of guards and slaves on Camelot. He couldn't actually contribute because of the spell, other than just turning things down, but he needed to be part of the discussion. As much as Merlin wanted to deny it, none of their plans held any value; there was always something that could take the entire operation down.
"What about just killing Isobel? Surely we could just put an end to our problems by sticking a sword through her stomach?" Arthur proposed, opting for the route of violence once more.
Merlin shook his head, holding back a wince at the agony it brought on. "No, Arthur. I've already told you, just killing Isobel will only give power over me and the slaves to Cavell. He'll be just as ready to attack Camelot as his wife is.
"And it's likely her death will just inspire an even more vicious blood-lust," he said matter-of-a-factly.
Gaius regarded his ward with a smile. "It seems that all this has already crossed your mind, Merlin."
"Naturally," the warlock shrugged, looking smug. "I mean, I've already had three years to think it over. You'd be surprised what you can get done in that time."
"And yet we still don't have a plan. I think you're giving yourself too much credit here, Merlin," the king scoffed from his place at the window. "Then again, what should I expect from an insubordinate such person as you."
Merlin grinned. Arthur seemed to be trying his hardest to make up for all the missed opportunities to make fun of him. The slave was sparing no expenses as well. "Oh, and I'm sure you got loads done while I was away. Do you even know how to dress yourself yet?"
Guinevere giggled, which Merlin took as a blatant, nope.
"I'll have you know, Merlin, I-." Luckily, the king was saved from an awkward loss on his part by a respectful knock on the door.
Merlin and Gaius exchanged worried glances. None of the servants should have been bothering them here; not after Arthur had given express instructions to the household staff so that they wouldn't be interrupted. That only left the visiting Mercian courtiers and their slaves.
Gaius had been afraid that Jonah would send guards out to find Merlin and 'dispose of him' so that he couldn't show his injuries to the king. Although all of efforts were too little too late by this point, the physician feared that if Jonah realized that they knew about what Isobel and Cavell had done, they'd just unleash an attack.
But before Gaius could bring his concerns to light, the king gave the knocker permission to enter.
As the door swung open Merlin leaped up from his seat as fast as his injuries body would allow, meaning to run into the antechamber.
"Your highness. The, um..."
Merlin froze as he recognized the voice. He swiveled on the balls of his feet and gave his fiery-haired friend the best grin he could manage. Their eyes locked at the same precise moment, and Sage heaved the largest sigh the warlock, physician, queen, and king had ever heard.
"Finally! You know, you can really make yourself scarce when you try, Merl'n," Sage huffed, brown eyes flashing. Completely ignoring the fact that she had just walked into the king of Camelot's chambers with both royals present, she strode right up to Merlin and glared as hard as she could. "Do you have any idea how many people I asked trying to find you. Guards, knights, servants, peasants, nobles, you name it! Half of bloody Camelot probably thinks I'm a lunatic now, strutting around like a chicken with my head cut off barging into people's rooms trying to find you! Why, in my father's good name, are you laughing?!"
The warlock just couldn't help it. If this is how Sage acted around the rest of Camelot, no wonder everyone thought she was mad. And the way she was scolding him, although she was at least a head shorter than him, was just too hilarious. "Hi to you too, Sage. Now, pay your respects to the king and queen of Camelot and their physician."
So much red filled Sage's face, Merlin wondered how the blood had managed to accumulate that fast. She went rigid as a board, eyes so wide they could have swallowed the rest of her features.
Merlin almost laughed at the pathetic, disbelieving sound that came from the back of her throat. With another wide-eyed glare in his direction, she spun into a curtsy, apologizing profusely.
Luckily, his friends didn't seem too offended. Gwen was smiling politely, emitting that kind, forgiving vibe that always seemed to help to calm people down.
The king was probably just too confused to be angry at the lack of respect. Looking very much like he hadn't the faintest clue what had just transpired, Arthur cocked his head slightly and shot a glance at Merlin that clearly said 'Well, are you going to explain?'.
Merlin shrugged, doing his best to look as nonchalant as possible to tick Arthur off.
The glare Arthur gave him was so harsh that the slave could almost hear the 'I mean, now Merlin'.
"Gaius, Arthur, Gwen, I'd like to introduce you to my good friend and accomplice, Sage. She's been trying to help set everyone free since I met her a couple of years ago."
There were a couple of mumbled 'hellos' and a 'nice to meet you' from Gwen. Silence filled the room.
"So, Sage," He began, trying to break the almost palpable tension in the room. Merlin could tell that neither Arthur, Gwen, or Gaius trusted his friend, not really. But he couldn't blame them if they thought she was going to go spill all their schemes to Isobel, there was even chance that he would do it if asked directly by her. In truth they were both walking safety hazards. "You were looking for me, and quite extensively too I might add, but why? Surely Jonah just assumes I crawled into some deserted alleyway and died or something? He should have no reason to need me, considering he brought three other servants along?"
She bit the inside of her cheek, and pushed her spectacles further up her nose. "No, he's still looking for you, Merlin. Jonah's thinks if you can show the king what he did to you somehow he would believe you and terminate the treaty."
Now Merlin was confused. Why would Isobel's son care about what happened with the treaty? It was not like they needed the money; they had dozens of unpaid slaves to do any possible work for them. That only left one thing out: power. It was what every attacking sorcerer always demanded. Power over Camelot and its surrounding lands. Surely Isobel had some sort of plan like that?
The two slaves exchanged meaningful looks. Sage had already come to the same conclusion herself.
"Isobel has something planned, I just know it. And she's putting her plan into action. Right now."
Having felt very shut out from the conversation, Arthur spoke up. "She's planning on threatening Camelot?" Knocking the chair he was perched on over, the king jumped up in surprise. He had known that Isobel was a sorceress, and a pretty evil one at that, but surely there were at least some magic users who didn't desire the fall of Camelot?
"I'm sorry, sire, but I believe she is. And I think whatever it is, it has something to do with... us," said Sage, gesturing at Merlin. Overcoming her temporary timidity she drew herself up to her full height. Her tone took on an authoritative tone that Merlin always seemed to associate with one of her 'studious Sage' moments. "I've done the calculations, and monitored which of our servants are doing what jobs. And nothing adds up. Isobel purposely brought a lot more people than she knew she needed. I mean, Merlin and I have been missing for a while and there were more than enough people ready to take over our duties for us."
"So you believe that she means to use the slaves in some way?" asked Gaius.
Barely considering her answer, she nodded. "I know it, I just do. But that's not even the worst part," she added, swinging around to face her friend.
He could tell by the way her brown eyes widened behind her glasses that something was seriously wrong.
"She's called for all the servants of her house to be brought to Jonah's chambers. He told Isobel what happened and now they're trying to hunt you down."
I am the worst person ever with cliffhangers. I mean seriously, someone needs to keep a tally. Do you think there's such a thing as a Cliffhanger-oholics Anonymous?
Oh well.
Review if you like, I'm just too tired to make a big deal right now. Back to school tomorrow, whoopee.