Author's note

This is a story based on the second part of the book Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows. It is going to be a rather lengthy fanfiction since it is going to add a completely new branch to the storyline, combined with some scenes from the previous books revolving around Hermione and Fleur.

Don't forget to spread a little sunshine and share your opinion. Remember, every time a comment is written a baby unicorn is born.



I do not owe anything, it all belongs to the lovely Mrs Rowling. I'm just a happy soul who decided to take these amazing characters out for a walk. I promise to do my best to deliver them back in one piece.


Hermione and Bill were sitting at the kitchen table in Shell Cottage. Ron had decided to go for a last walk around the area as he had expressed it himself. Merlin knows if he would ever see this place again. Harry had gone to speak to Mr Ollivander, who was still very feeble, which left Hermione sitting with Bill by the table, a hot mug of tea in her hands and an awkward silence pressing on them after the formalities had been settled. She didn't dislike the oldest of the Weasley offspring, how could she? He always seemed so polite and helpful, but there was something about him.. Maybe if the circumstances had been different? If he and.. Never mind. It doesn't matter, not anymore. Besides, it's all in the past now. Bill apparently lives alone in Shell Cottage now, providing shelter for the members of the Order. Or what is left of it.

The trio have been gone for so long, but at least everything is going more or less as planned. They have retrieved the cup of Hufflepuff from Bellatrix's vault at Gringotts, and even though they had lost the sword of Gryffindor in the process, it was still considered a victory. But unfortunately everything comes with a price. Not long after their escape Harry had gotten a vision of the consequences of their robbery. Limp bodies lying face down, with blood cascading from the table in the centre of the room and walls around it. Hermione knew it hadn't been them wielding the wand inflicting this damage, but still she couldn't help but to feel responsible. So many innocent people had been killed. She knew that they were doing all of this to put an end to Voldemort's tyranny, but how many would have to die for them to achieve that? How much blood would get on their hands before they reached their goal?

Of course they couldn't back down. Of course they couldn't stop. The thought alone of what would happen if they failed in their mission made the hairs stand in the back of her neckā€¦ No, failure was not an option. However, nothing could justify the loss of lives. Not even the greater good. Hermione let out a strained breath as she continued fidgeting with her hands, trying to focus on something else. Harry had let his guard down and left them completely exposed and vulnerable to the Dark lord. She had barely been able to contain her horror as he had told her what he had seen. But at least Voldemort's rage hadn't been all he had witnessed. Images of Greyback disappearing into the night, at what Hermione from Harry's description later had been able to identify as Champs Elysees, had also been on display. The meaning of this had first been unclear, but after some thinking and reasoning, it made some sort of sense. Lucius Malfoy had been the keeper of Tom Riddle's diary, and Bellatrix the protector of Hufflepuff's cup. They were both old and loyal servants to the Dark Lord, and it wouldn't seem unreasonable that another Horcrux would be guarded by a third servant. One just as feared, ruthless and respected as both Bellatrix and Lucius.

Greyback, what other explanation could there be given that Voldemort was thinking of him when he realised another Horcrux had been stolen? Greyback must know the location of a Horcrux. And him disappearing into the night in Paris, must mean that it is the place where Greyback is right now.. Hermione has a gut feeling telling her that she is on to something,but so what? Should they go to Paris on a wild goose chase, solely based on her gut feeling? It could easily be a trick. A trap to mislead them or even lure them straight into an ambush! Merlin knew it wouldn't be the first time it happened. And what if it would have the same fatal outcome as last? However, did that mean they should completely dismiss this new lead and continue their search here in the UK where they are basically fumbling in the dark? Hermione's hands stopped their movement as she silently made up her mind and carefully glanced up at her companion.

"Bill, do you by any chance still have a port key leading to France?" He is looking distractedly out of the window and blinks a couple of times before answering. Hermione knows it is a long shot since it has been over half a year since Bill and Fleur declared that their engagement was off.

"Yes as a matter of fact I believe I do", he responds before he rises from his seat and heads out of the room, down the basement stairs. "It's been a while since I've used it, with the whole situation and all. It's said that Snatchers can catch on to anyone or anything transporting either via the Floo Network, Port Keys or Apparation in a matter of seconds. But I do believe I still have one left".

She could hear the sound of things being moved around in the basement, but it didn't last long before the sounds silenced and she could hear Bill coming up the stairs. He did not ask her what she needed the Port Key for; maybe because he knew she would not tell him. No matter why Hermione appreciated the fact that he didn't ask. Her eyes roamed the small item placed in front of her as she questioned her decision one final time. She sent Bill a small smile of appreciation as she reached across the table, knowing that whatever followed next might determine the entire outcome of the war.