So, I know I'm the worst person ever! I never forgot about my stories, nor did I forget about any of you. I have had so many things happen in the past year and however many months that I didn't know if I'd ever pull myself out of it. I apologize with my whole heart, but just know I am trying my hardest to work on my stories for you all. Much love, and many thanks! - angelicmethod
Rated M for a reason (which means lemony goodness ahead in this chappy)! Chapter title comes from Maroon 5 - Animals, Twilight belongs to Stephenie Meyer. I don't own any of it. I just like to play. You've heard all of this before.
*I Know You See Me*
*Jacob's POV – Don't Deny The Animal That Comes Alive When I'm Inside You*
I was more than a little hesitant to pull Bella and I out of the bubble that we'd been in, but I had work to do. My pack was counting on me, and we had vampires to hunt down. I felt content, my heart full – but I was also angry, bursting with hatred toward one vampire in particular. As we walked out of her apartment and toward the elevator, I hashed it all out in my mind.
It didn't matter that his siblings had helped my Bella; I would kill him. I would hunt him, stalk him... become the monster I knew I was. I was going to rip him apart, and enjoy every second of it. I would enjoy his screams, relish them, as I took from him what he'd almost taken from me.
Bella was my life, and he knew it. He'd tried hurting her to hurt me, and he would pay. I couldn't stop the scary, dark, dangerous, path my mind had taken. I could imagine the carnage, the destruction of the one man I loathed to the very depths of my soul. I could almost taste his flesh between my teeth.
"Jacob." Her voice broke through my thoughts as she pushed the button to call the elevator. She turned toward me, her eyes finding mine as she put her hands on each side of my face, focusing me back to the here and now.
"Bella," I whispered back, my hate slowly draining from my body as I looked at her. She was everything. There would never be anyone else for me but this woman standing in front of me. How I'd ever thought I could stay away from her; how I'd ever fought the imprint I didn't have a clue. I would be fucking lost without her. There was no turning back from this – her – ever again.
I needed her to be able to breathe. Fucking sick – but no less true.
"You okay, baby?" she questioned, her eyes searching mine almost desperately. I could read the fear there, the concern – all of that for me.
"I'll be alright. My mind runs away from me sometimes." I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her tightly against me. I leaned toward her, my eyes leaving hers as they focused on her lips. She closed the distance quickly, her lips sealing against mine, my eyes closed as I breathed her in.
I inhaled deeply; the pure, delicious scent that was Bella. She was everything right, and she was mine.
Her tongue touched my bottom lip lightly, I opened my mouth, allowing her in. My senses were on overload; smell, taste, touch – all Bella. I tried to reign myself in as Bella thread her fingers through my hair, tugging roughly to deepen the kiss. There was no fighting something this right, so I obliged, hefting her into my arms as the elevator finally arrived at her floor.
I walked into the silver box, pushing the button for the ground floor, then pinned Bella against the wall, holding her there as we continued exploring each others mouths.
"I want you," she breathed as she broke the kiss; her lips moving against mine with each word.
"I've always wanted you; I will always want you, Bella. You have me, now there's no getting rid of me."
"You're mine," she moaned as she rubbed against me, her fingers still tugging at my hair.
"Yes," I growled, my heart racing wildly as Bella fumbled with the buttons on my cutoff shorts. My brain finally got enough blood to it to realize what was happening. "B-Bella, slow down. We can't do this here."
She didn't stop, she simply bit my bottom lip and unfastened the buttons one at a time. Fuck, my girl was primed and ready to go. But the elevator ride wasn't nearly long enough for what I had in mind.
"Bella, I want to do this, but the elevator is going to stop any minute. Can you wait until we get to the rez?"
She pulled away slightly, a pout on her beautiful mouth. I almost wanted to take it all back. Just as I opened my mouth to say something, the elevator dinged and the doors slid open.
I tensed as the scent invaded my nostrils. The too-sweet and bleach scent of vampire hit me like a ton of bricks. I wanted to phase right then, to run with Bella all the way back to La Push.
"Easy, Jacob." Jasper stepped out from the shadows with his hands up. It was then that I realized I was growling loudly, holding Bella tighter than I'd meant to.
I loosened my grip on Bella and let her slide down to her feet. Once I was sure she was safely on her feet, I stepped in front of her, my eyes taking everything in as my wolf howled at the very present danger to our mate.
"We won't hurt her, Jacob. We could never hurt her." Emmett stepped forward next, his eyes finding mine as he put his hands up as well.
I inhaled deeply, my eyes sliding closed as Bella rubbed her hands up and down my spine. The tension in my muscles drained and my wolf calmed. She would definitely need to stay away when it came time to fight. There was no way I could have her taming me when it was time to protect my people, or her. I wanted her to stop; I wanted to let the animal out.
"Jake, it's okay," she soothed as she continued to run her hands over my back, then she slowly slid one down over my ass and grabbed on tightly. "They won't do anything that you'd make them regret. Okay, baby?"
Fucking minx.
"Damn," Emmett laughed throatily. "Who knew you had it in you, sis? Taming wolves by using your feminine wiles."
"He's my mate." Her voice strong and sure as she stepped in front of me. "My Alpha." Her eyes met mine once more as she turned her head.
My ego swelled a bit, along with another part of my anatomy when I heard her refer to me in that way. I would show her what it meant to be under my control as her Alpha. There was still a part of me she hadn't seen, though I wasn't completely sure she was ready for that.
"Well, hell," Jasper sighed heavily, raking his hands through his already unruly blond hair. "We may not be doing much talkin' if they keep throwin' feelings like this off."
It was then that I noticed Jasper shaking slightly as he fidgeted.
Did vampires fidget? What the fuck was wrong with him, anyway?
"You guys are worse than me and my Rosie." Emmett put a calming hand on his brother's shoulder, and tried not to laugh as we all watched Jasper.
"What's wrong with him?" I asked, my mind finally breaking away from the obvious sexual tension between myself and Bella. My wolf backed away from the surface, it was becoming more obvious that they intended no harm.
At least, not yet.
"He feels everything we all feel, he's an empath." Alice stepped in front of her husband and ran a soothing hand across his cheek. "It would appear that you and Bella are throwing off some seriously strong feelings that are, um, having some affects on my husband."
I watched as Bella's eyes traveled downward, my eyes following before I could think twice. Well, fuck – poor Jasper.
He once again looked extremely uncomfortable and put his hands in front of his dick. I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing.
"I... Oh man! I bet you could have fun giving him hell with a power like that." My stomach started to hurt as I continued laughing. Emmett and Alice just stared at me like I was crazy, but Bella looked like she wanted to crawl in to a hole and die.
"I'm sorry, Jasper. I completely forgot," Bella said softly as she turned toward me to glare. I immediately stopped laughing and tried to compose myself.
"It's okay, Bella. I've been around a long time, and you'd think I'd be used to feelin's like this being around a house full of horny vampires. But, I've never felt anythin' quite like what you and Jacob just shared. And with just a look. Your bond is quite extraordinary."
"Imprinting is part of my tribes' magic. It's supposed to be rare, and very special."
"I would agree that it's very special, Jacob. I've never seen Bella so happy." I could tell it hurt Alice to admit that Bella's feelings for me were something more than she'd ever shared with Edward. I knew what I shared with Bella was one of a kind, and would last forever. What we had could never be broken, not until one of us died; but even then, our souls would reunite on the other side. "I wish things could have been different, Bella. But I – we're – so glad you're happy. You found your forever after all."
"Thank you, Alice. And, I know this is hard on all of you, too. What Edward has done is unforgivable. Not just what he's done to me, but to all of you. You're his family, and he betrayed you all."
"We're all actually quite selfish, and reckless in nature," Emmett admitted as he looked longingly at Bella. "And don't forget, Belly; you're family, too."
"Oh, Emmett," Bella put her hand over her mouth, her eyes filling with tears as she looked at the three vampires before her. "I never thought I'd hear those words from any of you again. I missed you all so much."
Emmett opened his arms, and for a brief moment I wanted to jump in between them and protect my mate. But as I looked at each one of them, I knew that they were telling the truth. They had missed Bella, and they wouldn't hurt her. It didn't stop the fact that I wanted to tear them apart, but I couldn't do that to my Bella. She loved these vampires, and whether I liked it or not, that wasn't about to change.
I wouldn't stand in her way or take away her choices. Not like Edward did. I wouldn't risk pushing her away by being a jackass.
Bella ran to Emmett, flinging her arms around him and hugging him tightly. Jasper and Alice looked on, but then Bella opened one of her arms and invited them in to the circle. They both joined, and hugged, and whispered their love to Bella. I watched them all carefully, assessing my mate.
She was happy, shedding tears of joy as she conversed with the three of them.
"Emmett, Jasper, Alice; I want to properly introduce you to my... well, my boyfriend, I guess," Bella laughed as she pulled away from the three of them, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "This is my Jacob."
"We're really sorry it's under such shitty circumstances," Emmett said, throwing his beefy arm over Bella's shoulder. "Edward went dark side before we could try and stop him. None of knew what he was up to."
I wasn't really up for the pleasantries, the only thing I knew was that my mate was much too close to the vampires in front of me. Every instinct told me she shouldn't be near them. I really fucking hated fighting my nature.
"What you have to understand here is that when he came after her," I said, motioning toward Bella, "he sealed his fate. He is dead fucking meat. And if any of you try to stand in my way, you'll join him in a pyre. Is that quite clear?"
My voice was steady, the Alpha timbre resonating deeply through every word. I meant every fucking word, down to my bones and in to the depths of my soul. I would get revenge, and I would make sure he suffered greatly before this was all over.
"Crystal." Emmett answered as he released Bella. She came back to stand in front of me, her eyes searching mine before she stood on her tip-toes and planted a kiss on my lips.
"There's no need to worry about these guys," Bella whispered. "I know you'll protect me, and they won't hurt me. I know it goes against everything inside you to let me be close to them, but I know in my heart that they won't do anything. I am yours, Jacob."
Okay, so Bella now read minds, or had I said something out loud? My eyes focused on the faces before me. I couldn't decipher anything besides sadness tinged with acceptance. They knew I would take their brother (and any of them that got in my way), and he would burn.
"Now," Bella said as she turned back toward the vampires, her hand grasping mine tightly, "if you'll excuse us. We have to head back to the reservation. Jacob has work to do, and I promised Charlie I'd be back today."
My girl had guts, taking charge like she'd always been meant to this. She was definitely made for me in every way.
Including her being hard-headed. I supposed that was something I should respect about her – even though it bugged the ever-loving shit out of me. She knew what she wanted, but she didn't always use the best judgment when it came to herself. That's where I came in, I was born to protect her.
Bella walked to Angela's car, pulling the keys out of her pocket and hopped in the driver's side without another word. I climbed in to the passenger side, unable to help the smirk that overtook my lips. She left no room for questions, or objections – not that it would have mattered what they had to say. We were leaving, and would have to finish the rest of whatever this was later.
Jasper had mentioned wanting to talk, but it would have to wait. Nothing else mattered except the girl sitting next to me, and I was so fucking turned on by Bella taking charge that I wanted to just claim here right there, in front of her apartment building, with an audience. But I could be patient, and I would show her who she belonged to.
I would make sure she knew that she was right...
I was her Alpha now, and she would understand exactly what that meant before the day was over.
*Bella's POV*
I shifted the car to drive, peeling out of the parking lot without looking back.
I didn't need to look back to know that they were no longer standing in the parking area. I didn't need to have supernatural senses to know that they were following us to Forks. I sure as hell didn't need to be psychic to know that we'd just said our last goodbye.
I'd never been truly brave, nor understood exactly what that meant in terms of taking care of myself, and doing what was best for my safety. But I knew in my heart, that no matter how much I still loved the Cullen's, I was truly Jacob's, and I wouldn't be able to keep them in my life after this was all over. That realization stung a bit.
I'd missed them, but I'd missed Jacob more.
I also knew that Jacob wouldn't make me give them up, as much as that went against everything he was. He wouldn't fight with me if I'd told him I wasn't going to send them away. But what I wanted more than anything, was my life with Jacob. I was going to give the Cullen's up – let them go. Because I no longer needed them in my life.
I loved Jake all the more in that moment, knowing that he had given me the chance to come to the decision on my own. He never forced my hand, he didn't try and make my decisions for me. He stood by as I hugged them, fighting his instincts to protect his mate. He stood back, and let me make up my own mind. For that, I was grateful.
The small ache in my chest for the impending loss of the vampires I'd once called family flared to life, but it was my choice to let them go. Even though it hurt, it was what would be good for me in the end. It was what would keep me safe – and sane.
The hole in my chest would never flare again though, not like before. Because I had Jacob by my side. Everything I thought I was giving up, none of it mattered. I was gaining so much more in return.
I felt Jacob's warm hand grasp mine, his fingers sliding easily between my own. I looked over at him, my eyes probably giving away everything I'd just processed in my mind. He kept quiet, offering my fingers a gentle squeeze. The only reassurance I needed to know that this was what I wanted.
All those years I'd missed; the years of hurt while Jacob was away from me. That was all gone, replaced by the feeling of being well, and completely loved. Nothing was worth giving this up. No one would ever take him away from me; I would be the woman he deserved.
Jacob may be a big, bad wolf – but I was his equal. His partner. His mate.
And I could be brave.
I would face down this danger, I would come out of it better, smarter, than before. And I had my Alpha to thank for that.
I slowed the car, watching as Forks came in to view.
I couldn't help but think of the life I'd once had in this place. The life I'd believed I wanted. Memories of everything I'd once shared with the Cullen's.
I filed it all away. Tucking it all away safely in a corner of my mind. I'd always have the memories, and I would always cherish them, but what mattered now was getting to the reservation. Jacob and I still had a talk ahead of us, and I had so many things I needed to say.
Even though I'd already said the words aloud to him multiple times the night before, I wanted him to know that I chose him; that I was in love with him.
His fingers once against squeezed mine, and I looked over at him and smiled. He returned the smile, his face lighting up like it had before I'd left him. For a brief moment, he looked like the sixteen year old I'd walked on the beach with; the kid I'd fixed motorcycles with. As his smile grew even wider, I saw the young man I had fallen in love with, and I knew.
Everything would be okay, because I finally had my wolf back. All of him.
My sunshine, my warmth. My Jacob.
I felt a sudden rush of warmth spread to my abdomen. I clenched my legs together tightly, my fingers gripping his as I tried to concentrate on the road ahead of me. I could feel the ache between my legs, the small flutter of excitement as it worked its way up my body. I clenched my legs together once more, my hand on the wheel gripping tighter as I tried to fight the strong pull to the man on my right.
"My Jacob," I whispered as the warmth continued to spread through my body.
I observed Jacob closely. His posture was slightly more rigid, his other hand was gripping the door and his knuckles had started to turn white. The smile had slipped from his lips, his eyes meeting mine.
His eyes were different. His pupils were dilated, so much so, that I couldn't see the dark brown I loved so much. His nostrils flared as he inhaled deeply.
"Bella," he growled, sending another rush of warmth to my core, "you smell so fucking good. I want you, I fucking need you."
I had to tear my eyes away from him, I would crash the car if I stared anymore.
"Drive faster," Jacob commanded, his fingers pulling from mine. I obliged, my foot stepping on the gas pedal a bit harder as I watched Jake out of the corner of my eye. "Don't take your eyes from the road."
I nodded stiffly, both hands now on the wheel, gripping tightly as Jacob slid a hand up my thigh. The shorts I was wearing didn't allow room for his hand to get anywhere near where I wanted him. That didn't stop Jacob, his fingers deftly worked the button open. He slid my shorts down my hips as far as he could. I lifted my bottom up off the seat, never taking my eyes from the road. I would obey Jacob, especially if it meant I'd get to feel him again.
Jake worked my shorts down over my ass, his fingers leaving a trail of fire on my skin as he worked his hand back up toward the ache between my legs. He looked out the windshield one time before he shoved his hand into my underwear, fingers exploring my clit like he'd been touching me this way for years.
I inhaled deeply, a sigh escaping my lips as I exhaled the breath slowly.
"You have no idea, Bella," Jacob whispered against my ear, his tongue working against the lobe before he sucked it in between his lips. He released it before speaking again. "I can't even concentrate when I'm around you. Do you realize what you've done to me?" His fingers moved down toward my entrance as his breath raised goosebumps across the skin of my neck.
"You've turned me into a beast," he moaned as he pushed one long finger inside me. I had to stop my eyes from closing. We were so close to La Push, I just had to drive a bit further. "I may have always been a wolf, but you've brought out the animal in me, Bella. I can smell you, taste you, feel you. I can still hear you in my head. The sounds you made last night and this morning while I was inside you."
I moaned loudly as he curled his finger inside me. He was the only person that knew me this completely, literally inside and out.
"Do you know how long I waited to hear you like this? To see you. Just. Like. This." He punctuated each word with a thrust of his finger.
He may have turned me in to some sort of animal, too. I couldn't get enough of him. As I pulled the car up in front of his house, I shoved the car in to park and threw my head back against the seat. My chest was heaving, my heart tattooing a rhythm behind my ribs.
I couldn't stand it any longer. I had to have him, and there was nothing that was going to stop me from having him.
"You'd better figure out where this is going to happen, and fast. I need to be with you, and I don't fucking care if the whole reservation hears and sees what I'm about to do to you."
I had no clue where the boldness was coming from, I only knew one thing – I needed Jacob.
Jacob didn't hesitate, he flung his door open quickly, rushed to the drivers side and opened the door and hefted me up in to his arms in what seemed like seconds. Before I could process anything else, we were inside his house, his lips locked against mine as he walked blindly up the stairs and in to a room – his room.
"Clothes – off – now."
Jacob and I stripped, layers of clothing floating unceremoniously to the floor. I climbed into the massive bed, my eyes meeting his as he crawled on to the bed, his weight settling between my legs and his skin rubbing deliciously against my own.
His hand cradled my cheek softly, but the predatory look in his eye was still there. He was such a contradiction of himself. A beast – but gentle, and loving. I wanted all of him.
"Take me, hard."
Jacob cocked his head slightly to the side, a small smirk pulling across his lips as he pushed forward connecting himself to me. He started slowly, readying my body to handle what was to come. I knew when I'd called him my Alpha, that was the part of him I'd not seen yet.
I couldn't say anything else, as Jake picked up the pace, his hands bracing against the headboard as he lifted his body slightly. He steadied his huge frame, then I saw stars. He took me hard, hands finding purchase on different parts of my body that would surely bear his marks later.
I took it all, and I loved every second. I surrendered myself to him, body and soul. My Jacob, my Alpha.
The animal inside of me was awakened, a fire now burning in my core as my body stretched and accepted Jacob. My fingernails found purchase in his shoulders as I gasped when he hit my g-spot. I climbed higher, taking him with me as I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. The scent of Jacob invading my senses and light flashed behind my eyelids.
My body tightened, moans and declarations of love escaping my lips as Jacob continued toward his own completion. I don't even remember him flipping over, my legs now straddling his lap as I moved on top of him. I braced my hands on his chest, my feet planted near his hips as I lifted and lowered myself. I set the pace, and I felt empowered.
The look on Jacob's face as he took my breasts in his hands, his eyes watching my every movement as I rode him. I'd never felt more beautiful than in that moment.
I held his hands against my breasts, my breathing becoming harsh and rapid. Jacob was moaning loudly beneath me, his eyes still watching me and my eyes followed to see where we were connected. I could see him disappearing inside my body as I moved. I watched, and I had never seen anything quite like it in my life. I came again, hard – my insides gripping Jacob as he growled and pulled me down against him tightly, his hips snapping up in to mine.
"You are mine, Isabella. My mate. My... wolf... craves you."
I bared my neck to him, surrendering myself to the wolf. I didn't know why, or how I knew that he needed that exactly. It just felt right.
Jacob inhaled deeply, a moan escaping his lips once more as he bit down. His teeth piercing the sensitive skin where my shoulder met my neck caused more ripples of pleasure to flood my body. Jacob's mark now covered Edward's.
I understood the significance. I had just given myself totally to my Alpha. I'd surrendered to the animal inside of Jacob. I accepted every part of him with all that I was.
Jacob thrust a few more times before locking his hips, his hands grasping my thighs tightly. I felt warmth bloom inside of me. Still Jacob held me close, my hair sticking to his chest and arms and my breath fanning across his skin as I placed tiny kisses where his heart beat beneath his ribs.
"We are now one, Bella. There will never be another for me. My wolf needs you as much as I do."
"Didn't he imprint on me when you did?"
"You'd never surrendered to the wolf before, Bells. He knows you intimately now. You accepted the animal inside of me, and now he'll never let you go again. We'd die for you."
I nodded. Talking about Jacob dying wouldn't be happening, my heart couldn't handle it. I couldn't help it as the smile pulled across my lips. I had the love and devotion of a wonderful man, even though I'd once screwed up abysmally. How did I ever get so lucky?
"I love you; all of you, Jacob. I want to see your wolf."
It wasn't something I'd really thought about before, but I was almost positive that Jacob's wolf would be as impressive and beautiful as he was as a man.
"I think we'd both love that, Bella."
The smile, my smile, pulled across Jacob's lips. I couldn't help but stare at him. He was all mine – this gorgeous creature was all mine.
Now don't fuck it up, Bella...
I could be what he needed – even if it fucking killed me.
"Come with me, Bella." Jacob grabbed my hand in his and we both got up from his bed. My legs wobbled for a brief moment. Once I was steady, I followed Jacob down the stairs and out the back door. I felt no shame in being naked, I still only felt the sense of being empowered as I watched Jake walk out in front of me. The sun shone down on his magnificent body, tan and muscular.
It was then that I noticed the air around Jacob shift, one moment he was there, the next a giant russet colored wolf stood before me.
Huge didn't even describe what I was seeing. The wolf was everything I could have imagined, and more. Bigger than any horse I'd ever seen, and definitely more powerful.
I walked forward slowly, my hand outstretched. Once I reached him, my hand thread through the thick fur along his back.
"You're so beautiful, Jacob."
Jacob rubbed his head against the skin of my stomach, a soft purr sounding deep within his chest. Slowly, Jake lifted his eyes to mine. Those same deep, dark eyes I knew so well.
A shock ran up my spine, causing me to gasp. My world shifted, my heart thundered in my chest and my stomach clenched tightly as my eyes clouded over with tears.
There would never be anyone else for me, because as much as I'd known before that Jacob was my one and only, something deeper had just occurred. Whether it was the magic of Jacob's tribe, or something else entirely, I'd somehow imprinted right back on him, and nothing, no one, would ever part us.
Not even death...
We'd face Edward together, and we would win. Or die trying.