Okay, so I was in the middle of re-watching The Hobbit and writing a Thorin/Bilbo fanfic when I suddenly had the craving to re-watch Prison Break. As I did so, a crazy idea came to my mind – what if our favorite company was trying to break out of somewhere instead of sneaking in? What if we found them all trapped together in a prison – what would their crimes and roles be? Anyway, the idea was very persistent, so I sat down and wrote it. I did it differently than my other fanfic, and decided not to post anything right away, in case I got bored with the idea or nothing good came out of it. But now I have a couple chapters written on my computer, they are being constantly re-read and edited, and I believe them to be not-so-bad. The rest of the story I have all planned out and just have to sit down and write it. So I decided to try and publish it here for you all to read. Hopefully you will like the idea just as I did. I also hope I did this idea justice and didn't make it awful just because I can't write. I know absolutely nothing about prisons, all my knowledge comes from Google and watching Prison Break. I hope it's not that terrible. But hey, it's my fantasy, so it can be absolutely anything I write, right? Oh, and I own nothing, of course.



Bilbo Baggins is a simple man. He gets up in the morning, turns on the radio, makes himself a nice cup of coffee, two sugars, double cream. He eats his breakfast while listening to the news, then washes the dirty dishes and puts them back where they belong. He then puts on his green vest (the only colourful article of clothing he allows himself to wear) over his crisp white shirt and gray trousers, shrugs on his gray coat, puts on his shoes and takes the tube to work.

That is his morning routine for almost fifteen years. He came to work as an accountant for his distant cousin Lobelia Sackville-Baggins straight after graduating from university. He had gotten up the corporate ladder during his time in this company that specializes in importing party accessories, but knows that his cousin would never let him get too high. And Bilbo doesn't really mind as long as he has a steady job, warm apartment to get back to after work and the occasional holiday every once in a while.

Yes, Bilbo Baggins has never been the one to dream of adventures and crazy lifestyles. He is content with his quiet life alone with his many books. And tea. Hot tea, two sugars, double cream, there was not much else he could hope for. That is his main thought when he comes into work that morning – to work his eight hours of easy tasks, go home, make himself a nice cup of tea and settle down in the livingroom with the new book he had bought recently; it's just sitting there on his coffee table, begging for attention.

Unfortunately for Bilbo, his day would turn out completely different and bizarre. Only a couple of hours into his work he hears police sirens outside, but doesn't really pay attention to them. He pays attention when he hears a ricket down the hall from his office, but figures that it's probably just Lobelia's secretary Mrs. Gamgee tripping on the newly installed carpets again, so he doesn't even bother to lift his head. Bilbo keeps working with numbers in front of him, making sure that everything is correct. It is when he hears shouting from his cousin's office when he decides to take a look at what's going on.

He stands up quietly and pokes his head out of his door, noticing that he is not the only one; nearly all employees have opened their doors and are currently looking towards the end of corridor where Lobelia Sackville-Baggins's office door is wide open, owner of said office is standing pale-faced in the corner while two grim-looking policemen are searching through her desk, the third one standing next to Lobelia, reading something from a peace of paper.

"What's going on?" Bilbo whispers to Mrs. Gamgee who is standing closest to him.

"They came in saying that they have a warrant to look through the company's finances." The woman answers in a shaky voice. For a second Bilbo fears the poor thing is going to faint.

"I think I heard something about tax fraud." Mr. Winters adds from where his door is open across from Bilbo.

"No, that cannot be." Bilbo shakes his head. He is Lobelia's accountant and would surely know if something wasn't correct.

Mr. Winters simply shrugs. "Don't know, lad, that's just what I heard."

Bilbo feels a lump in his throat and a hollow space where his stomach should be. He tries to calm himself as he walks back into his office and sits in his chair. If there is something wrong with the books, he should know that. He quickly tries to remember every number he had written, every invoice he had ever registered; he desperately tries to prove to himself that he had done nothing wrong and that Lobelia isn't in trouble because of him.

He manages to somehow steady his thumping heart by reminding himself over and over again that he is very careful with numbers. He always checks everything twice, because spending some more time to check things over is always better than having to redo them later. Yes, Bilbo most definitely is careful and more importantly – law abiding. But something still bothers him, he can't quite put a finger on it.

It hits him when those grim-looking policemen walk into his office, followed by another one who flashes a badge in front of Bilbo.

"Mister Baggins?" The man asks and continues upon receiving a nod of agreement. "I'm officer Greenwood. You are the accountant for this company, yes?" Bilbo manages another nod.

"Then I'm afraid you will have to follow me." The officer says roughly, while two of his collegues have already started going through papers on Bilbo's desk.

"What seems to be the problem, officer?" Bilbo manages to say, and he doesn't recognize his own voice.

"You are being arrested on suspected tax evasion." Officer Greenwood answers coldly and grabs Bilbo's upper arm. "Are we going to need handcuffs or are you coming with us willingly, Mr. Baggins?"

"I.. um.. No handcuffs, thank you." Bilbo chokes out and feels his arm being tugged forward as the officer starts walking away. "But my things..."

"Your things should be least of your worries now." They pass Lobelia, and she looks pale but somehow relieved. It is only later when Bilbo realises the meaning of that look on her face.

He remembers in a haze how he is being led out of the building, only remembering that his coat is still on a hook in his office when he notices that it's raining. He doesn't even manage to get wet, as he is pushed into a police car that is parked just outside.

Bilbo doesn't remember much of anything else, it is all a blur inside his head. Being taken to the police station, being questioned and asked for his fingerprints. Meeting with his lawyer, who explains to him in private that his case doesn't look good and Bilbo is probably going to face jail-time. Bilbo swears that he had done nothing wrong, pleads to his arresting officers that there must be some mistake.

But there isn't. His lawyer patiently explains to him that if Bilbo really hasn't done anything, someone else sure has. And that someone else has done a good job at pointing all the evidence towards Bilbo. That is when he remembers the look of relief on Lobelia's face. She is the only one who sees the books besides him. It must be her.

He tells that to his lawyer who only shrugs and says that the best they could hope for is to plead for probation instead of actual incarceration. It falls through and Bilbo is faced with three years in prison. He thanks his lawyer for everything he has done and prepares himself. He feels so numb, so tired and he almost doesn't care.

Soon the day arrives when he is standing in front of tall iron gates, a police officer on either side of him. Bilbo's lawyer is standing in front of them, escorting his client.

The gates open, and the policemen push Bilbo forward. They pass the lawyer, who manages to put a comforting hand on Bilbo's shoulder and say quietly. "I will see you soon. We are not giving up, not yet."

Bilbo manages a nod before the heavy gates close behind him, leaving his attorney out. There is no way back. It suddenly hits him. He is in prison. Alone. Innocent. Trapped together with thieves, murderers and other criminals who are guilty. And dangerous.

And then there is him. Bilbo Baggins. A thirty-seven year old lonely man, who hasn't done anything illegal and only knows how to pick locks due to the fact that he used to accidentally lock himself up in various places when he was still a boy.

He is short, and small and feels too fragile and scared for this place. Bilbo suddenly realizes that the book that is still on his coffee table would remain unread for a good period of time. If it was ever going to be touched by him at all, because Bilbo sincerely doubts that he would ever manage to get out of this place alive.

They enter a large, dark building. Another officer, obviously a prison guard is coming towards him. He is tall and wide, his presence alone makes Bilbo want to curl up in a corner and hide. "Baggins?" He asks in a rumbling voice that feels oddly comforting. Bilbo nods. "Good, you're coming with me." The man says and takes his paperwork from one of the officers who had escorted him here.

"My name is Beorn and this is my prison. You live by my rules, stay out of trouble and we should be good. Understand?" The man says smoothly in a voice that doesn't allow any arguments.

Bilbo nods once again. "Yes, sir."

"You don't have to be scared of me, not yet anyway." Beorn says, apparently noticing how shaky the smaller man next to him is. "Now, you go and get changed. All the belongings that are with you now will be put in a bag to await that wonderful day when you get out of here. Understood?" The man motions to a plain white door on the left. "Once you're done, I will escort you to your cell."

Bilbo bows his head and goes through the door Beorn had pointed out. He is met by another officer who hands him a pile of clothes - a simple blue pair of trousers, white T-shirt and a gray sweater. If it wasn't prison clothing, Bilbo could almost say that it was comfortable. He puts all his items in a bag, and gets searched for any objects he could probably be hiding. When the officer seems satisfied, Bilbo goes back out the door where Beorn is waiting for him.

"Ready?" Bilbo nods despite the fact that every fiber of him wants to scream NO! "Good then, let's go."

He follows Beorn through dark and cold corridors with heavy iron bars here and there. Then they reach a big metal door, Beorn unhooks a bunde of keys from his belt and opens the lock. He then pushes the door open and motions for Bilbo to walk through.

The smaller man complies and upon entering the giant room he is met with four floors of cells, said floors are connected to each other by narrow metal stairs. It almost looks like a pet shop, with cages stacked one upon another. Bilbo gulps quietly as Beorn locks the door behind him, starts walking forward and motions for Bilbo to follow.

"Welcome to the Carrock Prison." The bear-like man says proudly as if he expects Bilbo to get excided and start clapping. "It will be your home for the next couple of years, so I recommend you start respecting it." He adds before turning around and going for one of the many metal stairways, apparently leading Bilbo to his cell. Reluctantly and scarely, Bilbo Baggins follows.

So, whad'ya think? Hot or not? I know there isn't much to judge, but still?

P.S. Bilbo meets his cellmate in the next chapter. Any guesses who that might be? :))