There was a young pre-teenaged girl walking toward the Northern Frontier of Cyberspace. She had long black hair tied into a ponytail with a purple ribbon, a white collared dress shirt, a purple belt, black skirt and black boots. Her skin looked as if it were green as a fresh lime. She walked to the Grim Wreaker entrance and rang on the little doorbell and twiddled her fingers together. The door opened and she saw no one there.

"What do ya want?" a voice called to her. She looked down and saw a short robot with big red lips, a black mask and golden horns out of his head with black boots. "We're kinda busy, so ya better make this quick!"

"Umm..." She stammered and twiddled her fingers together. "I'm here to see The Hacker..."

"Why do you gotta see the boss, huh? We don't do raffle tickets, we don't give donations and we don't do charities!"

"This is kind of important to me..."

"Alright, I'll get 'em, come with me. The name's Buzz."


"That's a stupid name!"

Laverna ignored that and followed Buzz into the Grim Wreaker. She kept looking around as she followed the small robot. She then looked up and saw him, the Hacker, almost no one in Cyberspace liked him. He turned to the girl.

"What? What do you want? Say... You don't look like those Earth kids..."

"I'm not, Lloyd."

"How do you know my real name?" The Hacker's eyes widened at the girl.

"I'm your niece, Laverna."

"Niece? I don't have a niece!"

"Sure you do." Laverna took out a piece of paper with ink written on it with some pictures attached.

Hacker took the letter and read it as he saw baby pictures of Laverna and some pictures of a young woman named Emily included. He looked familiar to Hacker and then he realized that it was his younger sister, she was about born when he was in college with Dr. Marbles. He never really knew her that well, but he did know about her and Laverna was telling the truth.

Hacker put the letter in his pocket next to his multicolored pens and put an arm on Laverna's shoulder. "Welcome to the team then, Laverna. You will help me destroy Cyberspace and unleash chaos to others!"

"That sounds dangerous," Laverna sounded scared.

"OF COURSE IT'S DANGEROUS!" Hacker snapped at the girl. "I'm a villain of course!"

"Which means you always lose," Laverna groaned.

"Just because I'm a villain doesn't mean I have to lose."

"Name one villain who won against enemies, Uncle Lloyd." Laverna folded her arms.

Hacker groaned in defeat and went to his seat. "Kids these days... Just can't please them anymore..."

"They think they're better than everybody else." Delete, the tall robot added.

"She's the boss's kin alright," Buzz laughed and Delete laughed with him.

Laverna rolled her eyes at the robots. This visit was painful enough already, and she wanted to go home, only she couldn't. Hacker sat up the spare room in the back as a guest room for Laverna, it was shabby but it would have to do. Laverna got settled and would join the guys later for plotting about Cyberspace and dinner.

Dinner consisted of meatloaf, mashed potatoes and Brussel sprouts. Laverna picked at her dinner as she saw Buzz and Delete eating donuts.

"Can I be excused?" Laverna asked as she picked at the meatloaf.

"No, you must not leave this dinner table until you eat all your food!" Hacker snapped at his niece.

Laverna sighed and ate her dinner. While she ate, Hacker educated her on all the cybersites of the cyber universe and showed her pictures of the enemy, the Earth children known as Matt, Inez and Jackie along with their bird friend, Didgit.

"I hope you're good with math, Laverna. You're going to be using all your math skills to survive in this world." Hacker monologued as he got up and circled around the dinner table.

"Uh-huh..." Laverna lazily put her dinner on her uncle's plate as he continued.

"Never trust an Earth kid or some mutant cyberturkey!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..."

"You will meet them after tomorrow. My plans have already foiled for today, so I'll try again tomorrow, only this time with you."

"Uncle," Laverna sounded uneasy. "What if I don't want to be evil?"

"WHAT!? Why would you ask a silly question like that!?"

"I don't know," Laverna squirmed in her seat. "I just... Don't think I should be evil just because you tell me to."

"You will be evil and like it if you want to be a member of this family!"

"Right Uncle... Sorry Uncle..."

"Now finish up your dinner and get your rest. You'll need it once we intrude on Motherboard once again first thing tomorrow."

"Yes Uncle..."

"Good. Now I'm going to work with those dunce buckets, you go to your room and paint your nails, talk on the phone or whatever it is you girls do in your spare time."

"Yes Uncle..." Laverna repeated and went to her bedroom. She tucked herself in and stared at the ceiling while listening to her yPod. She was worried that her uncle wouldn't take her in since she mentioned she might not want to be evil. Her mother kicked her out because she wasn't evil, but if her own family wouldn't want her, who would take her in? She would probably have to keep a low-profile about her true self, especially around tomorrow to meet the Cybersquad.

A/N: I've had this idea and OC since I was a little kid growing up watching Cyberchase, so enjoy this story I guess. Read & Review, but no flames.