Well, my Hetalia muse seems to be quite grounded. Which is unfortunate for my Avengers muse. Anyway, I was doing laundry, and suddenly, this popped in my head, and I just could not shake the image of England doing laundry while ranting on the phone.

So, I present you with Laundry.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Except perhaps the République Française shirt. But that too is only a perhaps.

England sits in the laundry room, phone tucked under his ear as he moves clothes from the washing machine into the dryer.

"And then Francis decides to throw an arm around my shoulder – the nerve – and then he winks – winks! – at my bloody prime minister! And if that isn't embarrassing enough, the bloody git goes ahead and says, "Arthur, cher, I was just wondering if you'd done the laundry yet? Parce que vous savez combien j'aime cette chemise République Française, et j'ai vraiment, vraiment besoin de cette chemise pour demain soirée, et si vous ne l'avez pas fait la lessive, je vais avoir besoin de lancer une charge dès que nous rentrons à la maison." And then he sighs! Dramatically! As if the new prime minister wasn't already looking at me funny and now he probably thinks that everyone I know is crazy, because Prussia came to say hello right before Francis showed up!"

England stands up and moves the phone to his other ear as he closes the dryer and starts it.

He sits down again and begins loading the unwashed clothes into the washing machine.

"Well, yes, Matthew, I know that he's been in Parliament for nine years now, and that he knows me quite well by now, but it was my first time meeting him as my boss! And he went and ruined it! You know, I asked him why it was so important to ask me about bloody laundry at that precise moment, because, really, was his stupid frog shirt that bloody important and do you know what that git did? He just laughed! He planned the whole bloody thing for the sole purpose of embarrassing me in front of my boss."

"My French? My dear Matthew, I most certainly do not speak that awful language."

"That was just- just- I just remember things well!"

"Of course I bloody well understood what he was saying!"

"...It was osmosis."

"Can we get off the bloody subject?!"

"What am I doing right now? Loading laundry. Why do you want to know?"

"No, I am most certainly not loading in that frog's shirt right now!"

England looks down, just to make sure.

Well, England is pretty sure that he doesn't own any République Française shirts, and France only owns one as far as England knows.


Oh, bloody hell.

Parce que vous savez combien j'aime cette chemise République Française, et j'ai vraiment, vraiment besoin de cette chemise pour demain soirée et si vous ne l'avez pas fait la lessive, je vais avoir besoin de lancer une charge dès que nous rentrons à la maison. - Because you know how much I love that République Française shirt, and I really, really need it for tomorrow evening and if you haven't done the laundry yet, I'll have to run a load once I get home.

Very, very confusing for only 351 words. I will clarify some major plot points. England and France attend a completely imaginary party to welcome the new British Prime Minister (which is kind of David Cameron; he joined Parliament about nine years before becoming Prime Minister) held on a Friday. France obviously does not do the load of laundry that he dramatically sighs about, so England ends up doing it Saturday afternoon while talking with Canada.

Why is England doing France's laundry? Well, my headcanon says that whenever France and England's bosses get fed up with their nations' fighting, they force the two to live together as punishment.

What is a République Française shirt? I have a couple of America shirts, like one with the flag on it, and one that just says AMERICA across the front. I'm pretty sure America isn't the only country to have shirts like this. Not positive, though.

The explanation is almost longer than the story itself. My A/N is longer than the fic.

Short oneshot is short oneshot. Short oneshot may become short twoshot with Mattie's side of the conversation.

Review! For a République Française shirt? Please?