The scene was just like the one at the Alekna's home. Blood was everywhere, body parts scattered and unrecognizable. As horrific as it was, it wasn't any different than what Will had witnessed before. He closed his eyes, allowing his mind to dip into the horrific design, witnessing the occupants as they were killed again and again.

There wasn't a rhyme or reason to the killings that he could gather. There wasn't a connection to the Aleknas or any of the families that were killed. They all varied. The first was a single parent with a child, the second a typical modern family with two parents and two children, the third a non-married couple, the fourth and fifth being the Aleknas and the Lecters with only the Lecters having children, and Will doubted this one would be any different.

Still, it was perplexing. Why hadn't the killer kill Hannibal as well? Autopsy showed Mischa was one of the last ones to be killed, the little girl must have hid and the killer found her. Meaning, Hannibal had to go out of his own spot to grab her body. How was the boy not seen?

Will shook his head. He was able to connect with the killer, but just as before he couldn't get a full design. There was nothing coherent about it. Will didn't understand anything.

He stepped back outside to where Jack was waiting, and the man shook his head when he saw Will's expression.


"Nothing." Will agreed. He expected an outburst, but Jack only sighed and turned away to talk with Beverly to see if she found anything. Will ran his hand through is hair as he moved out of the way for forensics. He made his way toward the cars, wishing briefly for a bottle of whiskey. He leaned against his car, completely drained after the slip into the killer's mind.

His phone began to vibrate and Will slowly pulled it out. However, he shot the phone to his ear when he was the caller's name.

"Alana, what's wrong? Is Hannibal okay?" Will asked in a rush.

"Everything is fine, Will." Alana responded, but Will caught a hint of hesitancy. "Hannibal is awake."

Will stood upright. "Is he okay?" He strained his ears, hoping to hear clues as to what was happening in the background, but all he could hear were the police sirens behind him and the chatter of the people that gathered around the yellow tape.

"He…He's upset, Will." Alana said. "When he woke up and saw you were gone he ran into your room and locked the door. Nothing I say is making him come out."

Will sighed and he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Try to slide the phone under the door." He suggested, but he knew as he said it Alana wouldn't be able to. Still, she tried. "Tell him I want to talk to him." He asked next.

All Will could hear was silence and he crushed the phone to his ear, hoping to catch a hint of a reply. Something must have happened, for Alana said, "I'll leave the phone outside the door."

Will waited as Alana put the phone down and presumably walked away. The silence stretched to an uncomfortable level until Will finally heard a faint click of a door opening and brief static as something ran across the speaker. There was another click and faint breathing. Will let out a shaky sigh and fell back against the car.

"Hey, Hannibal. How's it going?"

As expected, he was met with silence.

"I'm sorry I had to leave, Hannibal, but I promise I will be home today. Do you know what you want to eat tonight? What did you eat for lunch?"

Silence, but the breathing seemed to be deepening as if the boy was trying to keep from crying.

"Oh, Hannibal, I'm so sorry." Will didn't want the boy to be upset, not when he was so far from him. "I'm so sorry, Hannibal. I'll be home soon. I promise." He paused and added. "Do you want Alana to put Simon in the room with you?"

Hannibal had yet to respond to anything, and Will wasn't sure he was going to, but he had to try. Will stood in silence, hoping if he didn't talk it would get a response out of the boy.

Hannibal made a small noise, and Will decided to take it as a yes. "I'll have Alana put Simon in the room for you, okay? Can you put her back on the line?"

It took longer than what Will would have liked, but eventually he got back on with Alana and told her which dog he wanted in the room with Hannibal.

"He's grown attached to him, and I think it will help him calm down," he explained.

Alana agreed, and when everything was taken care of she asked, "How's the case?"

"Getting nowhere." Will groaned. "I'm at my point and if this case doesn't kill me, Jack will."

"I'm sure something will come up," Alana promised. Will was about to reply when someone called out his name. He turned and saw Jack staring at him, motioning him to come back to the scene.

"I have to go. I'll be home soon. Please make sure he eats something and doesn't just give it to Simon."

With promises made and Will's senses calmed, he went back to the scene, noting with dread the look on Jack's face.

"You need to see something."

"What is it?"

Jack sighed. "It's nothing good."

Back in the house, Will followed Jack and Beverly down to the basement, which was relatively untouched. Will didn't go down there, focused on where the crime had taken place. They went into the furnace room, which had to be broken down because it was locked from the inside, and stepped in. Will took one look before his blood ran cold.

On the wall, written in blood, were the words: I know.

Under the letters was a newspaper clipping with the headlines, "Lone Survivor of the Cannibal Massacre" with a picture of Hannibal alongside it.

Sorry it is so short, but we are near the end now.