50… There's probably a Hell of a Lot More.

(Smee's List of Awkward Moments relating to his strange afterlife)

That awkward moment when…

1. You trip and fall. All the time, and anywhere.

2. You find out your Master has at least four love interests.

3. See number two… and then add: And you personally know each one on various levels.

4. You trip over your Dad.

5. You trip over your Mom.

6. A demon is in your presence and you decide to give it a cookie.

7. A demon asks you for something called "sex".

8. You run into a reaper and they try to take your soul back to the Shinigami Library.

9. Your Mother and Father don't remember you at all.

10. Your Mother walks in with Grell Sutcliff, proclaiming, "You're getting Married tomorrow!"

11. See number ten… then add: And then they get you ready in a white wedding dress and make-up, even though you plainly are a male.

12. An Angel orders you to burn something and you forgot the spell to do so.

13. Your Master orders you to burn something, and you forgot the spell to do so.

14. In the middle of a life-or-death duel, you tell your opponent to stop ruining your tailcoat.

15. You try to eat the cookies you made, but they crumble to the floor because you are incapable of ingesting anything.

16. Somebody says you're creepy.

17. Ice freezes your hair stiff.

18. Ice freezes your joints stiff.

19. You find termites in your bed.

20. You find termites on you.

21. You find termites in your ears.

22. A termite crawls down across your cheek in the middle of a conversation.

23. Sebastian Michaelis sweeps into your shop and hugs you.

24. You find empty bottles of Catnip Tequila in your kitchen.

25. Somebody says their expecting your child.

26. You find something white and sticky on your shop window.

27. Grell Sutcliff forgets his Death Scythe in your shop.

28. You forget your guests name.

29. You forget what you are doing and end up burning your Master's favorite cookie recipe.

30. Somebody bakes you a cake for your birthday, but you literally can't eat.

31. Ciel Phantomhive asks you to remake his Curry Bun plush toy.

32. A demon asks you for your soul.

33. A demon asks you to make a marching toy that resembles your father.

34. A demon says that they see your Mother and Father every week at the Shinigami Library.

35. Your master compares your wings to your Father's.

36. You receive a puppy as a random gift.

37. A demon suggests you replace your strings for new ones.

38. Grell Sutcliff says he wants to have your babies.

39. Ringmaster Feather makes you do a Death defying act.

40. You perform a contortionist act for Ringmaster Feather.

41. A demon child walks up to you to give you the coin you dropped.

42. A grim reaper asks your Mother(who is also a grim reaper) to kill him in front of you, his child, Claude Faustus, and Undertaker.

43. You are in the situation of number forty-two. ^

44. You are forced to raise a demon child.

45. You actually end up having protective feelings toward the demon child.

46. The demon child you are caring for decides to try your soul as his first.

47. You have strange thoughts during serial murders.

48. Your Mother knows you have strange thoughts.

49. Some person tries to win your so-called "affections" by working for or hiring you.

50. You are the eternal Butler of an Angel.