Hi for you guys!

Man, I never thought that I'm gonna update a new story since I wasn't planning anything new till next Christmas, but it seems my imagination can't stop working, hehe! :P Anyway, I became so attached to this nice story that I couldn't hold back to not write it down and update it for you folks!

Sorry for every little grammar mistakes if there are some. I always reread my stories before update, but sometimes some still slip in, here and there.

I hope you will enjoy it as well. And since I find unnecessary to write down the disclaimers and warnings at every new chapter, I'm gonna do it only once so it pertains to all chapters in this story. Read it carefully before you start reading it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Beyblade or any of the characters, except one person who I created and he will be playing the devil part.

Rated: M, and it also contains some adult language

Warning: - It's a story based on boy/boy love, contains shounen-ai, but no yaoi

- since it's half a fantasy story, it also contains some things that are unreality, so don't get surprised. *winks*

Kai and Rei: 18 years old

Takao, Max and Kenny: 16 years old

Have fun reading!

The Chance Visitor

- CAPTER 1 -

The Meeting

* Ö *

The dark narrow passage echoed from the voice of running steps. The little boy was gasping tremulously as he ran as fast as his legs could carry him in the seemingly endless cold passage. He was scared and the unshed tears in his brown eyes didn't cease to swell. Heart-rending scream hit his ears far back from him but he didn't turn back. Even though he wanted to slow down, just stop and don't go further, his legs unwittingly carried him forward. His heart was thumping wildly in his chest and a streak of tear rolled down his pale cheek.

'Don't stop little one. You're almost there.' tried to reassure him the spirit in his mind.

"But what about with them?" mewled the boy desperately while he blindly tried to ferret out the path. "What if Papa and - "

'They will be okay. Your parents are strong, and you have to be strong for them, too. Your father wants you to find the Bladebreakers; they're the only ones who can help for you.'

"But I'm so scared!" cried the little boy, and he shed more tears.

'I'll be always there for you, little master. You're the only one who could tame me and from now on I will always stay by your side. I'm leading you back to their world, in the past.'

Soon something brightness showed up in the end of narrow passage, and it grew larger. The little boy's legs had slowed down before they came to stop before the exit of darkness. He looked down at his pocket where inside his blade glowed. The female spirit spoke again.

'This is the end of your way. On the other side you'll find the people you're searching for. But remember, they won't know about you because it's not your time in their world.'

The boy nodded with a sniffle.

'Now, rear your face. A Hiwatari never loses his heart, right? As your parents always said: have courage and sincereness.'

"Papa." whimpered the boy and wiped off the tears from his face. Then he raised his head and diffidently, yet, with decided steps, he slowly started on his way...

* Ö *

In Bay City spring had long greeted, but the students still had to wait for the holiday so they could enjoy sun-bathing and laze around. However, not everyone wanted to wait for that. In Bay City High School it was lunch break and Takao and Kenny were idling their free time away by going upstairs the rooftop to enjoy the warm sun, and get a bit away from the loud noises of the teeming students. There were also placed two wooden benches with tables, but for their luck no one was there, so the whole place was theirs. With an exhausted sigh Takao dropped himself down one of the benches and stretched along while Kenny sat on the other side and as was his custom, he was absorbed in his computer.

"Aw man, I can't wait this month to be over. I'm so tired." whined Takao as he gazed up on the bright blue sky and watched as the big clouds slowly trailed along.

"I don't understand you. I thought you were happy that Kai moved to the dojo till your Grandpa is away on that kendo master's conference so you wouldn't be all alone, since Hiro has gone back to college. And let's admit, Kai is the most trustworthy person who can take good care of things... well, on his own way." said Kenny while he didn't take his eye-glasses off from the laptop screen.

"Yeah, that's what I thought first, too... until I figured that he is more pestering than Gramps when it comes about housework." grouched Takao as he folded his arms under his head. "He emboss me to dead faint."

"Ah come on now Takao, I'm sure he only wants the best for you." said Kenny with a bland smile.

"Wants the best how to knock me out totally." the bluenette corrected stubbornly.

"We all have changed a lot since Grevolution. God, I can't believe it's been a whole year now. But anyway, I think even Kai has changed during the time. I mean, he is more socialized and adaptable than he was before which can be thanked mostly for you. Though, he is still a big perfectionist and hard-headed, but I guess that's forgiveable, since it's the same way with you when it comes about winning a battle." here Kenny sent a meaningful glance towards Takao. "But he also has his good effect if we talk about you. Your wild temperament is more bearable than at the beginning, and sorry to say this Takao, but you could learn a lot from Kai's gentility."

"That I become a highbrow stoical, too? No thanks." rejected Takao stingily.

Kenny did like he didn't even hear the nasty remark, but a lurking smile was hiding on his face."I'm so glad that you guys are getting along now. And that you're living in a house for this few weeks is a great opportunity for both of you to polish your skills."

Takao rolled reluctantly on his side when the sun popped out from the clouds and hit his eyes and groaned. "Aw maybe, but right now I wish I would have the whole house for myself, and be free for a whole week."

Kenny raised his face from his computer when he haired that and looked with big sternness over his loafing friend. "Takao, you're still sixteen and you can't be let alone in a house for a whole month! Who the heck knows what would happen to you!"

"Well I wasn't in charge of any adult while we were travelling around in the world during the tournament." Takao turned back his head and looked up argumentatively.

"That's different. We were travelling together as a team, taking care of each other, and Kai was already enough mature to take that place. And Mr. Dicenson did keep his eyes on us in the background." retorted the brown haired teen.

Since Takao couldn't argue with that fact he tried another way.

"Alright, but why couldn't Gramps ask Rei to move in?"

"You know that Rei is going to an other school to become a doctor. But unfortunately that's in the other end of the city and it would take him hours to travel there and back. He can spend only the weekends with us."

"And Max? He lives quite close and remember when we went out camping in the nature just the two of us?" raised the subject Takao as he thought back all those fun they had together. The two best buddies.

But Kenny poured instantly cold water on his enthusiasm. "Takao. You were camping in Max's garden for one night, and Max's Dad placed cameras on every tree to make sure you wouldn't burn down the whole house."

Takao's face parched like a french plums.

"Okay, I get the point." then he added with innocent gullibility. "But nothing bad happened, after all, and everything went well."

"Thank goodness." muttered Kenny as he went back to his work. "You still tend to be a troublemaker and someone needs to keep an eye on you. I'm glad Gramps opted the right person for this job."

Upon this sentence Takao puckered up his lips daintily and went back watching the clouds. For a while none of them spoke and all Takao could hear was the voice of continuous typing. He frowned, then sat up and looked over at Kenny who seemingly was deep lost in something.

"What are you working on so obsessively Chef?" he asked inquiringly.

"I need to finish this report for Mr. Dicenson. He asked me to do this little favour."

Takao cocked a smile at him. "With your eager sedulity I wouldn't be surprised if he hired you as his assistant."

The bushy haired boy snapped up his face in a shocked expression as if someone had told him that computers will cease existing from tomorrow. He looked at Takao as if he'd grown two head. "Are you crazy! Earning the highest rank in the BBA to work side by side with the most greatest genius who had established the beyblade organization is all bey-employee's dream!" his big spectacles glinted challengingly in the sunbeams. "This is what everyone wants! To be able to get an inside view of those top secret sciences what only less could experience in their lives. Only the bests can get in. And this is... my way. My aim! My dream! To show for everyone and the whole world that even Kenny is able to get to the top once! Oh yeah!"

He hadn't even noticed that he was practically standing with one leg on the table while his hand raised aiming high up to the sky. In this position he looked like a true copy of a heroic statue.

Takao looked bewilderedly at him with a hug sweat-droop sinking down the back of his head. 'Oh boy, this guy has really lost it.' He tried to yank back Kenny to the earth by his arm. "Hey Chef! Earth to Kenny! Would you snap out of it already!"

The bushy haired looked down at his friend embarrassed when he came to himself again. He quickly sat back to his seat and hid his flushing face behind his laptop screen. "Sorry. I guess I got a bit carried away." he mumbled.

"A bit?" asked Takao with a playful grin. "This is the first time I've seen you so determined about something."

"Well, everyone has its own goals in life, don't they?" said Kenny timidly and quickly changed the subject. "If you want, we can drop by your house later with the guys."

Takao gingered up by that. "That would be great. Kai is less snappish if you guys are there, too." he stretched his torpid arms in the air. "Aw man, I swear that even Miss Moore's math class is less tiresome than Kai's practices..."

Suddenly from the staircase resounding cry rang.


The said teen froze on his place that even his hair bristled up. He jumped up from his seat in a hurry and grabbed his backpack.

"Please Kenny, don't tell him where did I go." Takao looked pleadingly at him before he scurried off to the other emergency door.

Kenny turned wonderingly after him before he went back to work. After a minute Kai appeared in the open door in his school uniform, carrying his backpack.

"Where is that nitwit?" he asked in his usual indifferent tone.

Kenny didn't looked up at him as he kept typing. "If you mean Takao, then I don't know." he answered without bias. "He asked me to not tell you where did he go, but since he forgot to give me any information about his whereabouts I can't tell you, which also points to the fact that I don't have to break my promise to him while at the same lie to you. Is that answer enough satisfactory for you?"

Kai puckered his eyebrows confused. "Em, yeah. Well... if you see him then tell him that I went home and he should hurry as well." with that he turned and walked off.

When the dual haired was out of sight the hands on the laptop stopped typing. Kenny sighed. "Those two... they are so obvious, and they are the only ones who are too blind to notice themselves."

Then he went back working.

* Ö *

In the park Takao finally found himself a peaceful place under the shadow of trees where he could sat down, and no one pestered him; at least for a while. No stoic, commanding captains and homework. It wasn't like he was running away from public – though the mild thought made him snort to himself that right now he acted like Kai used to. Hiding away from the social world all by himself. How ridiculous. But there were times when even Takao liked coming here to watch the kids blading far away in the playground, and enjoy the smooth grass under his hands, or the frizzling sound of shrouds. This was also one his favourite places where he and Kai used to practice blading when no one was around. Now he started to understand why did Kai like coming here when he wanted to be alone.

Takao closed his eyes in a smile. Strange. He didn't admit it willingly but Kenny had right; in these past few months they had come quite close to understand each other better, and they argued less. It was the ever best thing that could happen to him when they'd all decided to set up again as a team, having his best friends close to him was so cool, but even Kai being there with them, too, was...

Takao couldn't describe it for himself. He knew he shouldn't feel more special towards Kai than his other friends, since he was sure that he liked them equally. However, with Kai was everything so different, like he was the last, most important, missing link in his life that made things perfect.

As he was brooding over things Takao slowly started to remember that he was sitting here for nearly a half hour. He should make his way home or else Kai would get grouchy again.

Takao didn't even suspect that not so far someone was keeping a close watch on him. On the brae, among the tree branches, a small boy was hiding.

'It must be him.' thought the little boy as he leant a bit closer curiously. 'He looks just like -' but at the very moment the branch he was kneeling on suddenly cracked. 'Oh no!'

The next moment it broke and he fell from the tree in a loud scream. He was somersaulting downwards the brae.

Takao heaved a sigh as he was about to stood up. "I guess I really should start homewards before Kai gets worried and - "


The bluenette was knocked over in the grass when suddenly something hard hit him on his back. His face went full with grass and his nose hurt by the hard bash.

"Aw man, there are thousand of people out there, why does something like that always happen to me?" he groaned when he raised his head querulously. When he reared himself up in a sitting position again he noticed that the weight that knocked him over was still sitting on his back. He turned back and came direct contact with two big mahogany eyes that blinked up at him.

"AAAAAH!" the two boys shouted in union and they sprang away from each other.

For a minute Takao's heart was thumping wildly in his chest as he looked bewilderedly at the small boy who fell from him on the grass. "Man kid, you almost scared the hell out of me." he panted before broke into a relieved smile. The boy just stared daunted at him. "How did you get here?"

The boy pointed up and Takao followed his gaze. "Oh, I see. You fell from that tree. Next time you should be a bit careful." he said then grabbed his backpack from the ground. When he looked back at the boy his eyes went wide. "Oh my God! You look just like... this can't be!"

The boy startled by the flabbergasted stare.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." said quickly Takao and scratched the back of his head baffled. Though, he still couldn't keep his surprised expression off of the boy. "You just remind me so much of someone. Are you all alone here? How old are you?"

The boy held up his fingers.

"Four? Well, you're still little to roam all by yourself." Takao looked around in the area if he could see an adult. "Where are your parents?"

Suddenly, tears brimmed the boys eyes, but he said nothing. He tried to wipe them off.

Takao patted his face consolingly as he crouched down. "Hey, it's okay little fellow." he smiled amiably and the boy looked up at him. "If you got lost I'll help you find your parents. What's your name?"

"Gou."mumbled the boy.

"Gou. That's a nice name." Takao's smile grew wide. "My name is Takao. From now on shall we be friends?" he held out his hand.

For a while the boy stared at his hand then back at him. He threw himself at Takao and snuggled tightly up to him. "Please... please, you must help me! Save my parents!" he looked up at him with tearful eyes.

"Your parents?" Takao looked stunned at him.

"Please," whimpered the boy. "Papa said the Bladebreakers can help! If you don't save them they're gonna die!"

Takao's eyes grew wide in shock.

End of first chapter...

So this was the first one and continue will come soon. However, since I'm kinda busy recently with my art works I can't take promises when will the next one come. But as you could see at my other stories I never let any of them unfinished, so. :)

Till then, I very appreciate every review if you write me. Thank you.

I wish you a nice day. :)