The man groaned as he slowly woke up. His head throbbed in pain and his vision was a blur. And his body was stiff.
'W-what happened? Where am I?' the man thought as he began to shake his head to clear his vision but stopped when the throbbing increased instead. The vision slowly got back to the man and he realized that he was tied up. To a chair.
'What...?' the man thought and tried to break free from the ropes but to no avail. The ropes didn't let him move around. When he couldn't break free he looked around the room he is in.
It was not much in there. He was in the middle of the room, on one side of the room was a table and three other chairs. A single lamp was above the man, shining poorly. A door was on the opposite side of the room as the table was and a small window was over the table. The window was covered so it was impossible to tell what time it was. The room itself was medium sized and it was obvious made of concrete. The roof, the floor and every wall was gray and looked boring.
As the man looked around his eyes found dark stains on the floor. He gulped and tried not to think of what the stains could be of. He closed his eyes to not see the stains.
'Okay, what happened? I remember walking home after work... What happened then? Oh yeah... Someone grabbed me and... Put a cloth over my nose and mouth?' the man thought and frowned.
'Wait, does that mean that I was drugged? It must have been chloroform! But why would someone want to kidnap me?' the man wondered and tried to think who did it.
'Didn't the man wear a-' he began to think before his thoughts were interrupted by the door opening. The man opened his eyes and looked towards the door. He blinked as he saw a boy looking at him with curious eyes. The boy looked over his shoulder before he walked into the room and closed the door behind him. The boy then walked to one of the other chairs and pulled it to the man and sat down in front of him. The man and the boy looked at each other for a while, the man a bit confused and the boy curious. The boy studied the man and the man studied the boy. The boy wore a blue jumper and something that looked like a white shirt underneath. He also wore dark green shorts, white socks and black shoes. He had a brown bag with him and he had a blue cap on his brown hair. His blue eyes were big with curiosity and just made him look childish. The boy looked young.
"Are you Fredric Japentry?" the boy suddenly asked. The man blinked before he nodded.
"Yes... That's me. What are you doing here boy?" Fredric asked. The boy didn't answer at first, he just kept starring at Fredric.
"You shouldn't be here boy. It could be very dangerous" Fredric said worried.
"Yeah, I know. That's why I sneaked down here" the boy said with a nod.
"You... You know?" Fredric said, he was a bit shocked. The boy nodded again. Fredric shook his head, he had to get out! If that man came back he would be dead! And he can't die now, not before...!
"Boy... Do you think you can help me to get out?" Fredric asked and the boy frowned.
"I would like to but..." the boy said as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked troubled.
"I have to get out! I know who the 'Mystery Murderer' are! I need to get out so the police can catch him!" Fredric said and the boy got big eyes and looked shocked.
"You know?! Who is it? And how do you know it?" the boy exclaimed.
"I have been researching about the 'Mystery Murderer' for quite some time and had my suspicions for a while now. And now I have proof that it is him" Fredric explained and the boy nodded.
"Everything I have found is pointing towards one man... Hershel Layton" Fredric said in a low voice. The boy blinked.
"The Professah?" the boy asked, not believing it.
"It's hard to believe but it's true!" Fredric urged, he could see that the boy didn't want to believe him.
"That can't be true! Not Professah!" the boy exclaimed and glared angrily at Fredric.
"I don't want to believe it either but he was the one who kidnapped me! I saw him!" Fredric said and the boy looked down in his lap. He was silent for a while.
"Are you sure?" the boy asked silently.
"Pardon?" Fredric said a bit confused.
"Are you sure you saw Professah?" the boy asked and looked up at Fredric with determination.
"Well, yes. He is the only one who wears a top hat here" Fredric said with a nod.
"So you didn't see his face?" the boy asked and Fredric blinked.
"No..." he said, wondering what the boy wanted to come with this.
"It's easy to impose someone if you only need the clothes! You can't accuse Professah if you didn't see his face!" the boy said angrily. Fredric blinked and now beginning to recognize the boy a little bit.
"Wait, are you...?" he began but fell silent when he realized that he knew who the boy was. Fredric sighed.
"Look boy... I know that you are looking up to him but... He is manipulating you" he said concerned.
"No, he isn't! Professah is a true gentleman! He wouldn't do anything like that!" the boy protested loudly.
"It's just a front he uses in front of others! Listen boy, you need to get away from that man! He is a murderer!" Fredric urged.
"No! Not Professah! He wouldn't hurt a fly!" the boy exclaimed, angry at Fredric's statement.
"He is! Either is he going to kill you one day or he will turn you into a killer!" Fredric almost shouted.
"Professah can't turn me into a killer" the boy said, suddenly calm. Fredric was about to say something but the words got stuck in his throat. He felt a shiver down his spine. Fredric looked at the boy.
The boy smiled a sinister smile.
"There you are Luke" Layton said with a smile as his apprentice walked through the door with the groceries.
"Sorry Professah! I didn't find some things so it took longer than I thought it would" Luke said with a light frown.
"I should be the one who says sorry. I shouldn't have let you go alone to the grocery shop" Layton said as he took the bag from Luke and walked into the kitchen. Luke followed after.
"You shouldn't say sorry! You had so much to do with the essays you got from your classes!" Luke said with a big smile.
"Ah! Luke!" Flora said as she walked into the kitchen.
"Hi Flora!" Luke said and waved to her. She smiled and waved back. Layton chuckled and started to pack up.
"Ah! Professah! I can do that! You can go and read if you want to! You must have worked hard" Luke said as he took some groceries from Layton. Layton chuckled again.
"If you insists Luke" Layton said and tipped his top hat a bit. He then walked to the living room next to the kitchen.
"Hmm? Luke?" Flora said and Luke looked at her.
"Yeah?" he said and Flora walked to him.
"You got red paint smeared out on your cheek" she said and looked at the stain on Luke's left cheek. Luke put a hand on the stain and then looked at the hand. Some red had got over to the hand.
"It seems like it. Well, I will wash it away after I put the groceries away" Luke said and smiled to Flora. Flora nodded with a smile and walked into the living room to turn on the TV. Luke turned around as he wiped away the red 'paint' with the palm of his hand and licked his palm clean. He then started to put the groceries into place.
It was the news on the TV when Flora turned it on.
"... Fredric Japentry has been missing since yesterday night. He was last seen when he left his workplace. His family are pleading-" the reporter said and continued to talk but Flora turned down the volume.
"Professor... Do you think...?" Flora said uncertain.
"Let's hope not" Layton said to her.
"But it can be the 'Mystery Murderer' again right?" Flora said, she was feeling uneasy. Layton didn't answer her.
"I feel uneasy with a person like that being in London... I hope they find Mr Japentry" she said as she clasped her hands together in a small prayer for the man.
"I do hope that they find him alive" Layton said with a nod.
Since Layton and Flora was in the living room, none of them saw the smile Luke gave at Layton's words.
A friend to me forced me to play Curious Village... I ended up falling in love with the games.
How did I get the idea to this? Well... I have been reading a lot of Evil!Layton fanfics today and I just got the idea. And I always wanted to try to write something creepy, but I think I failed... It was much more creepy in my head.
So what do you think? Please let me know!
I hope you enjoyed to read it!