Chaos my little lambs.

I know I said I would not be updating until next year, but I am not that cruel. I will try updating anytime I can but there's no guarantee.

This is a special omake based on Frozen (Do you want to build a snowman) but I changed the lyric on my own to this. The tittle is 'Do you want to see me brother?'

The credit of the lyric goes to me because I made it, so any attempt to duplicate it without my permission will not be taken lightly.

Disclaimer: I do not own KHR but I do own the lyric

Light footsteps of the seven years old echoed throughout the hall of the two storey house. The footsteps come into a halt in front of a door. The young boy breathes in the spring's cool air to calm down his erratic and excited heartbeat.

The boy with hazel brown gravity defying hair made a familiar tune of rapping on the wooden door, a barely concealed grin stretched his lips to his ears. Happiness surrounded him like a thick blanket and his eyes sparkled with undisguised glee.

But after knocking a couple times on the door, he still didn't get a respond from his little brother. The boy frowned (read: pout!). He wondered if Na-kun is sleeping but immediately brushed off the thought. Na-kun dislikes sleeping during daylight. He is literally a ball of energy during the day but a sluggish sloth during the night. The thought made him giggle.

Tsuna knocked, thinking hard why Na-kun still hasn't opened his door yet. He had been waiting for this day for a long time and Kyo-kun had been really talkative today. It must be a good day.

A sudden flash of memory made him halt his knock, his knuckle just inch away from touching the hard wood. The frozen hand fall down to his side limply as his golden brown eyes widen with realization. It had been two weeks. It had been two weeks since they had that argument.

Tsuna didn't remember what they are arguing about but he remembered Na-kun glaring at him with eyes that filled with so much hate that it made his heart quiver. He remembered Na-kun shouting something to him, his voice full of loathing and anger before storming out. Na-kun had started to avoid him like the plague despite his attempt to fix their relationship. It was futile.

His chest ached at the onslaught of memories. His heart throbbed painfully, as if squeezed. But he wouldn't give up. He couldn't give up. Na-kun is his brother. He is his first love, and had always been ever since he had first held him in his arms, under his parents' surveillance. He was the first person Na-kun had seen when he was brought into this world and had swept away all of Tsuna's love when he gurgled happily at him.

With those fond memories held firm in his mind, he knocked on the door again this time, more determined. He opened his mouth to let out all of his pent up questions. Mama had said that words are best to hear when it is melodic and full of emotions.


Do you want to see me brother?

Come out and enjoy the sun

I never see you leave your room or even smile anymore

Ignoring the feeling of illusionary chains constricting his heart tightly in his ribcage, he continues to utter out the words from the bottom of his heart. He clutched the hem of the orange shirt he wore, closing his eyes as he sang his emotions.

It's like you want me to go away

All I wanted is for us to be buddies

He continues on, pouring out his heart and soul into his words, wishing, wanting for his four years old brother to hear how much he loved him, cared for him.

But no we're not

He couldn't hide the disappointment that clouded his tone, along with the sadness he had been holding in, bottling it up until it felt suffocating. Salty tears prickled his eyes under the closed eyelid, it stung but the pain in his chest is more painful.

I wish you would tell me why!

Tsuna raised his voice, desperation and hurt lacing it like bright neon in a dark room.

Do you want to see me brother?

His voice lowered, going soft as he whispered it, leaning his forehead against the cool hard cherry wood. He held in the tears that threaten to fall. No it's not the time yet. He has to hold it in.

The sky outside began to darken, as if it too felt the heart wrenching sadness felt by the brunet.

It's okay if I just stay out here

He felt his knees buckle, failing to support his weight, and he fell onto the carpeted floor. He clutched on the fabric of the carpet in anxiety, wishing that Na-kun would open the door and let him in.

(Leave me alone Tsunayoshi!)

Hearing the harsh reply of his brother tore his soul and it cut through his cracked heart like a hot knife through a warm butter. It deeply hurt him, hearing so much loathing and hate in his brother's voice.

Okay bye….

Tsuna couldn't stop the single tear that slide down his chubby cheek and another one soon follows it, and another. Like a dam had been broken, the tears wouldn't stop, no matter how much he tried to clamp down on it, it couldn't stop.

Outside, the dark clouds released its load, letting the rain shower down onto the earth, as if trying to wash away the brunet's sadness. Tsuna stand up on his wobbly legs, giving the firmly shut door a last glance before running down the empty hall, the sound of his cracking heart thundered in his ears.

Six months had passed since that day he had tried to talk with his brother. He had finally gathered enough courage and will power to once again confront his little brother. His heart ached at the immediate rejection he knew he would receive but he couldn't give up.

Taking in a nervous gasp of air, he hesitantly placed his trembling hand on the cold wood. He curled the fingers into a fist and tentatively knocked on the door he had avoided for six months. Deciding that he will pick up the fragments that he left behind before, he sang the continuation of the previous song.

Do you want to see me brother?

Or eat ice-cream under the tree's shade

Tsuna bit his bottom lip, the pain made him realize how much of a fool he is, thinking his brother would want to eat ice-cream with him, nonetheless sitting side by side with him when he(Natsu) had been the one to start distancing himself from him(Tsuna). The truth hurt much more than the silence that greeted him. He leaned against the door, his shoulder length hazel brown hair brushed his cheek.

I wish you would at least talk tome

My heart is starting to break, pieces by pieces

A small trembling hand was placed on his chest, knowing the small beating organ is quivering deep inside, breaking into small un-repairable pieces that he would no longer regain.

(Don't give up Tsuna!)

He shook his head, shoving away the negative thought even when his chest still hurt so much, trying to keep himself straight and not breaking down right here and right now.

It gets really painful

The brunet grip the cloth over his heart, feeling it thumping against the ribcage, wrapped snugly in thorny chains that was jerked harshly at every moments of unresponsiveness.

You're still ignoring me

Please tell me what I did wrong

Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, please

He could no longer hold back the overwhelming swirl of emotions, letting the warm crystallized tears fall down his cheeks in uncontrolled flurry. The choking sobs that followed it rocked his trembling body, his whole world crumbling down on him.

Without him knowing, four years had passed since the last time he had properly seen Natsu. The blonde had avoided him like the plague ever since then, taking the other way around when he saw Tsuna walking on the same path, leaving the room when Tsuna entered and turned deaf ears when Tsuna called for him.

Natsu had not acknowledged him as his brother and denied his existence. It hurts, so much that he would readily prefer death over this torment. He wondered what he did wrong, what had he done to deserve all of it. Why did Natsu hate him? Why did he push him away? Why?!

They are currently in Italy, Rome to be precise, at their grandfather's house (Vongola HQ) when Nonno (grandfather, not Ninth. Nono is ninth) had invited them to celebrate the Christmas Eve together. He knew something is up, there's something that kept on bugging him, and whispering cryptic messages at him that made his mind reel over to solve it. It hinted that this will be the last time he would see Natsu. He decided that it would only be fair that he would at least confront Natsu for the last time before giving up or just disappear.

Now, standing in front of the door of his little brother's bedroom, he placed a slightly shaking hand on the wood, taking a moment to savor the smooth surface of the oak door before knocking on the door. He humored himself by rapping the distant yet familiar tune he hadn't used for years, on the door. He sung out the old song he had come out with.


Please, I know you're in there

Open the door and let me in

Tsuna chuckled humorlessly at how stupid and doubtful his words sound, he knew the door is firmly shut forever and he will never ever see his little brother again.

You say nothing to me,

But I'm trying to,

Talking to you,

Even if it hurts deep inside

Turning his back to the locked door, he leaned against it, letting himself sink down to the red carpeted floor. He stared at the sky from the window in front of him. Wishing he could turn back the time and fix their relationship before the cracks could spread. He gazed enviously at the sky. Despite being separated in day and night, they are still together, even if it was for a short moment during the dusk and the cloud is the bridge that connected them.

I always felt so lonely

Just talk to me

And I will be so happy if you do

Smiling forlornly, he let his eyelids drop its curtain over his eyes, stopping the salty tears from falling down. Placing his hand on the small beating heart, he knew. He knew the time had come. The time for him to finally let everything go, crush the quivering hope that longed for his brother's warmth, and cut the single strand that still connected them because he knew. He knew his feelings will not be recruited.

Do you want to see me brother?

He whispered the sentence through shuddering breath and felt his heart beat weaken, his whole body going slack slowly.

Please, just give me a chance

To hold you in my arms once more

Holding up his arms, he hugged himself, imagining it was his brother who he was holding instead of cold empty air. He tried to remember the warm sensation he felt when he first held the blonde newborn in that hospital room, the love and joy he held for the small baby.

I longed for the day that we used to be close

And please…

Tell me what I did wrong

Like a fine spider thread snapping, the happy memories that he had shared with the blonde began to disappear one by one, slipping through his desperate grasp like fluid water, mauled by the dark void inside him and it left him with nothing but a dark gaping hole in his chest. He smiled desolately at the sky as the night slowly took over. A single crystal clear droplet slide down his right cheek before he closed his eyes, finally letting go of the single breath he had been holding.

He wondered if Natsu would miss him if he died.

So how do you like it? Leave a review of your opinion on it. The time line at the start is when Tsuna is still seven years old because his birthday is on October and this is during July a week after Natsu's fourth birthday, which is 2nd July. The second part is six months later, Tsuna at the age of eight and Natsu four. The last is when Tsuna is twelve and Natsu eight. *spoiler* It is before Nana's death. Not gonna say how long before her death.

Leave a review so I would know you like it.

And do not duplicate the lyric. I repeat. Do not duplicate the lyric.

Read my new story it is a crossover of KHR and K Project. The title is the Auras of the Sky. Leave a review because I want to know your opinions before continuing it