Clary moved quickly. She had to. Sebastian was a lot quicker than she was, if Clary stopped, even for a second, he'd catch her. That couldn't happen.
Panic made its way to Clary's head. She didn't know where the exit was. She didn't even know where this castle mansion house thing even was! How the hell was she supposed to find the Lightwoods if she didn't know what country she was in.
A double wave of panic hit Clary. What if they were moving in and out of dimensions again?
No. Clary thought. Not possible.
Clary had an idea. A silly, stupid idea that would probably end up with Clary in a dungeon. The shadowhunter tried to think of other options. Any other option. And unless Clary wanted to fight her demonic brother with a knife, she needed to find her cellphone.
A/N Before you yell at me because this chapter was waaaaaaaay to short: IT IS JUST A PROMO. This is me feeling bad I left you for two months so I'm leaving you with a stupid idea to cling to. J
I'll try and have the next chapter posted on Sunday but I make no promises because
A) I'm going to a theme park tomorrow
B) It was my birthday on the 16th and my party is on Sunday. Woo! *jumps up and down*
Adios bitchacho's!