Yo! This is a prompt that I am doing. It practically called to me.
I hope you guys like it :) Here is the link to the prompt:
Sorry but no can do... Prompt link on the bottom of my profile page.
I realize now that telling the prompt would be counterproductive so for those who would just prefer to read I'll keep quiet :X
Exposition: The Beginning
I... I couldn't refuse her.
I just couldn't.
The woman in question was close to crying. Her spring green eyes glossy as she looked at her most precious winter sprite.
"Why me?! Of all of your sprites, why would you ask me?" Jack asked looking up at the tall woman in front of him.
She placed one shaking yet pale hand on the frost sprite's shoulder. "I am asking you because you are my youngest, yet my most powerful. Please my frost child. Please." The woman begged before throwing her hands around his frosted shoulders.
The immortal teen looked down sadly. He knew what he was about to do would go against everything he believed in and that he would never be the same. Despite knowing this, he knew he had no choice. One desperate look from the older woman and he had melted.
Jack Frost observed his new targets. The Tooth Fairy always remained in her home at Punjam Hy Loo, the Guardian of Wonder usually remained in his home unless it was Christmas eve, the Easter Bunny (the arse) usually stayed in his warren which he could now find due to Mother Nature, and the Sandman just traveled around when he was not on his island of sand. A mouthful yes, but he would need to know this in order for the winter's prince to find out where to start.
Let's see... the best guardian defended base is...
Santoff Claussen, or better known now as Santa's Workshop...
Now we go off farther North into the areas where the snow never melts and blizzards are the norm. In the side of a mountain range different buildings are lodged into the ever-present ice and rock. One in particular glowed the brightest.
We zoom inside to see a large man working diligently on an ice sculpture of what appeared to be an over exaggerated train track. The man at work was none other than Nicholas st. North who with his large blue eyes and ever growing knowledge brought wonder to the world.
North set a small ice carved train on the track and watched as it went down the path and flew off of the track and grew a pair of what looked like jet wings. The moment was ruined however when a yeti came barging into the room.
"Glargaba!" The yeti yelled as the door slammed into the miniature ice figurine and it shattered, falling to the ground.
They both gasped a few times before getting a hold of themselves. The father Christmas put his hand to his forehead in irritation.
"How many times have I told you to knock!" He exclaimed in heavily accented english.
The Yeti made some noises of protest, saying something in their language that only the old Cossack was known to be able to speak and understand.
"What? The globe?" North asked, confused.
He got up and strode to a certain room, the globe room, named of course for the giant globe that stood in the center. He pushed past two of the Yetis and looked at the globe, confused. The globe's lights were blinking, some going completely dark but not many.
"What is this...? Check the axis." He told one of the Yetis and it grumbled a reply before they were all silenced by a frigid wind that blew into the room.
It reminded North of the deadly winter, so known as Old Man Winter or Jokul Frosti (which I cannot find anything about!*annoyed*). The wind zoomed up the globe frosting it over and leaving behind fern like patterns that thickened, some even popping out of it's original position and sticking up into the air forming spikes, looking as deadly as it was beautiful. As quickly as the ice had formed, it had begun to break with shark cracks. With a shatter the wind scattered thousands of small sharp pieces of ice all around the room. The wind continued to swirl around, leaving the room frigid cold as it finally began to take a form as it flew above the globe. The form had barely shaped when it dissolved all together and the only thing left that signaled the presence of anything out of the ordinary was the sharp pieces of ice scattered around the room.
North who had covered his eyes only for a moment to protect them from the shards was now wide eyed and looking at the globe with something akin to fear. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion before he bent down and picked up one of the shards, examining it. The fern like pattern was still visible and he began to think hard. What being had a power such as this?
"Dingle!" North exclaimed and four elves stood at attention believing that it had been one of them that was called on. They stupidly pointed at themselves with a wide grin on their faces that turned into confusion at seeing the others.
"Make preparations. We are going to have company." He said walking up to a lever, pulling up, before pushing down.
The globe lit up with different colors and the borealis lights went up into the sky, spreading far and wide. Somewhere in Southeast Asia a castle stood proud and thousands of small hummingbird like fairies flit around, one bigger than the others directing them.
"Wait it's her first tooth, have you ever seen a more adorable lateral insider in all of your life! Look how she flossed!" The presumed Tooth Fairy's feather preened at every word.
One of the Baby Tooth's that flit around her squeaked something out and the fairy woman looked up to see the Borealis lights. She adapted a serious face before taking off, followed by several mini Teethes.
The next to notice the lights was a man of sand who stood on a cloud of sand, streaming out thin ribbons of dream sand, giving them to the children below. When the former wishing star noticed the lights he cut off the dream sand and formed it into a solo airplane. He made sure his goggles were secure before he took off.
The last to arrive was the one known as the Easter Bunny. He traveled through his tunnels and appeared through a hole. He hadn't perfected this passage to the North Pole because for some reason he kept ending up OUTSIDE instead of inside the stone structure where he always tried to end up in. He complained about cold feet as the Pooka hopped along the snow, making his way quickly to the workshop.
When they all arrived at the workshop, they would have a problem that they had never dealt with before in the past. Two problems if you included the solution.
Yay :) I hoped you like this
Dani: What happened to your other stories! Why have you abandoned me and Danny! *cries*
Anna: I quit! *rips fake contract*
Danny:... that's what you get for hurting her feelings
XD Please review or I will be very sad.