Hey guys, I'm sorry it's been so long for an update. The past few months have been really crazy. I picked up a summer class, got promoted at work, my brother got married last weekend so I was spending all my time helping prepare for that, and my grandma has been in and out of the hospital, and is now on home hospice, so all my time is taking care of her, helping her get from room to room, making sure she eats, takes her medicines and everything, so I've had very little time to write, and the time I do have, I usually end up falling asleep or trying to get some chores and homework done.

I will get back to this story, I promise. I'm nowhere near done with Lennon's story, and maybe once my summer class ends I'll have a little more time to work on it. I'm so sorry to have to put this on hiatus. It kills me to do this to my story, and to you guys, my faithful readers.

I want to thank you all for you amazing support over the past (almost) year of Safe & Sound, and I look forward to coming back to it as soon as possible.

