I feel like a rotten writer, taking so long to post... :/ I am determined to get this fic finished! Btw, how is everyone's 2014 going? :)

Thank you, SomebodyWhoCares, for the review! And thanks to 2NYwLove for being a great beta! xD

Disclaimer: Riley and the plot are mine, that is all.

Riley stared at her computer screen; Flack was out, and she was left to continue sorting case files. Ordinarily, she would've hated the task, but she was so glad to be back at work and the case files were something to do. She finished with one set and was about to start on another when her cell phone rang.

"Fallon," she answered.

"Hey, Riley," came a familiar voice.

"Linds!" Riley grinned. "What's up?"

"Not much," the CSI replied. "Danny and I are just about to get off work and we were wondering, would you like to come to dinner?"

"Dinner? At your place?"

"Yeah," Lindsay said. "Say about 8?"

"Can we make it 8:30?" Riley asked. "I need to pick up my car after I get off here. The mechanic's finally finished with it..."

"Sure," Lindsay agreed. "We've got to pick up Lucy..."

"Ooh, can't wait to see her!" Riley smiled. "I'll be there at 8:30."

"See you then," Linsday said.

Riley hung up and with a sigh, started on the next set of case files. She knew Bortelli only wanted to make sure she was fully recovered before she went back to work, but it was hard to be patient. She wanted to be back out in the field so bad, that she could taste it...

"Hey, can you drop me off at the garage?" Riley asked as she and Flack climbed in his car.

"Sure," Flack replied, starting his car and pulling out of the parking space. "Why?"

"My baby's ready," Riley announced, a grin spreading across her face. "The mechanic called me this morning and said I could pick it up."

"Sounds like you don't need a ride anymore..." Flack pretended to pout. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were trying to get rid of me..."

Riley chuckled and leaned over to press a soft kiss to Flack's cheek. He slipped his hand into hers and the rest of the ride was silent.

Once they reached the garage, Riley hopped out and jogged into the office. Flack wait patiently until she came back out, twirling a key ring on her finger. She grinned and walked over to the driver's side as Flack rolled down his window.

"My car is free to go," the brunette said. "The mechanic'll pull it into the parking lot..."

The two detectives waited in silence until a shining, black 1969 Dodge Charger pulled into the lot. Riley straightened and waved to the mechanic as he got out.

"Woo...I've always loved that car..."

"Me, too," the brunette mirrored Flack's grin.

"Only fitting for a car to match it's owner, though: hot and sleek..." Flack winked.

"Is that why yours is a clunker?" Riley teased.

"Ouch..." Flack feigned indignation. "Guess I'd better go, then..."

"Thanks for all the rides..." Riley leaned in and gave him a quick kiss before continuing, "Thanks for everything..."

"Anytime," the blue-eyed detective replied. "Call me if you need anything."

"Will do. See ya in the morning..."

"Love you..."

"Love you, too..." Riley repeated, giving Flack a small wave.

She watched him pull out of the parking lot as she walked to her car. She climbed in and took a deep breath, enjoying the clean smell of leather. She smiled slightly; they'd even cleaned up the car seats...

Riley knocked on the Messers' door at 8:15, silently congratulating herself for being early. After a minute, the door swung open to reveal Danny Messer. A pair of arms wrapped around his leg, and Lucy peeked around him. When she saw Riley, she grinned and ran to her.

"Aunt-Ri!" the toddler cried, practically tackling Riley's legs.

"Hey, sweetie," the brunette laughed and scooped up Lucy, ignoring the twinge in her side.

"C'mon in," Danny smiled. "Dinner's almost ready."

He opened the door further, motioning for Riley to come in. She returned the smile and walked into the apartment, setting Lucy down and watching as the toddler ran for the kitchen.

"She's got a lot of energy," Riley remarked.

"Gets it from her mother..."

"I heard that, Danny," Lindsay called from the kitchen.

"You can go in, if you want," Danny said with a shrug.

Riley smiled and walked into the kitchen, her smile breaking into a grin when she saw Lindsay frowning over a large pot.

"Smells good, Linds..."

"Hey, Riley," Lindsay glanced over her shoulder. "Soup's almost ready..."

"Need some help?"

"Sure, can you get some bowls and silverware out?" the CSI gestured to the a section of cupboards and added, "Everything should be in there..."

Riley nodded and began doing as Lindsay asked, when Danny came in, holding Lucy on one hip, and crossed the kitchen to peck Lindsay on the cheek. She turned to give him a deeper kiss, causing Riley to chuckle slightly.

"Look who's laughin'..." Danny smirked. "We all know what you and Flack get up to in that apartment of yours..."

"Danny!" Linsday scolded.

"It's okay," Riley chuckled and shook her head.

Lindsay shot Danny another look before she turned back to the stove. She stirred the pot several times and turned off the burner.

"Soup's ready," she announced. "Just grab a bowl and fill up; we're eating buffet-style tonight..."

"Mm, soup..." Riley mumbled, sniffing at the pot.

"That was some of the best soup I've had in a while," Riley complemented.

While Lucy had gone to bed, the three adults were still quite awake as they sat in the living room, slowly sipping their beers.

"I'll give you the recipe," Lindsay replied.

"I think I hear Lucy..." Danny frowned. "Be right back."

Lindsay smiled as he left the room. Riley took a deep breath and moved to sit next to Lindsay.

"Linds, can I ask you something?" she asked slowly.

"Sure," Lindsay nodded.

"When you testified against Daniel Kadence, how did you do it?"

Lindsay frowned in thought before replying, "I had Danny, for one thing. I couldn't've done it without him..."

Riley nodded and looked at the floor.

"Why?" Lindsay nudged the brunette. "What's up?"

"I...I just..." Riley sighed. "I've got to testify against Rocco..."

"Oh," Lindsay's eyes widened as she let out a small gasp. "When?"

"Not sure," Riley shrugged. "If they get indicted, I'll have to testify at their trial. I got a letter in the mail the other day..."

Lindsay put her arm around Riley's shoulders and gave the detective a small hug.

"You're gonna be just fine, Riley," Lindsay assured. "I'm sure Flack'll be there, and believe me, that's what'll keep you from going crazy..."

"I'm, well, I'm nervous," the brunette admitted. "Being in the same room with him, having to look at him...Oh, listen to me! I must sound like an idiot, making a fuss over this..."

"You don't," Lindsay shook her head. "He almost killed you; I'd say you were an idiot if you weren't scared of him...But it'll pass. Just don't shut Flack out; talk to him, tell him how you feel...Sometimes you just need someone to listen. And if you ever need, you've got my number."

"Thanks, Linds..." Riley turned to give Lindsay a full-on hug.

I know it was a filler chapter, but I'll try to get some action in the next few chapters...Maybe I'll let Riley back into the field. ;)

Let me know what you thought, but don't be rude for rudeness say, 'kay? :)

Kristy :3