A/N: Eh, there's not really all that much to say, other than that I'm actually a lot more invested into this story than I anticipated. Well, that and the fact that my minor slip up for a few hours in the previous chapter (Diana had called Clark by his Earth name-she doesn't know that. Yet.) was fixed. Also, you'll see them FINALLY talk to each other.

Was Strife just fucking around with them, or was she telling the truth? Go on and read to find out.

Also, a certain popular villain of Superman makes an appearance. :) A storyline that involved him will be weaved in, with my own twist, of course.

Enjoy the chapter!

Clark felt his heart pounding as he faced Diana, whose original hostility and anger dissipated to nothing, making her resemble a child who wanted to tell a secret. "Superman," she said, then cleared her throat. "Kal…"

Uh oh. Where was this going to go?

Right when Diana was about to speak, their comlinks buzzed to life, the raspy, deep voice of Bruce in their ears. "Batman to Superman and Wonder Woman," he said. "There's an alien who goes by Mongul, and he claims to have to desire vengeance to Superman."

Diana looked almost relieved to have a distraction. "We're on our way, Batman. Where's his location?"

"Up in Canada, surprisingly. He actually picked a place that's somewhat desolate, but one person is more than enough. Go, now."

"On it." With that, they both took to the skies, hoping to catch this Mongul, or whoever he is.

While on their way to Canada, Clark's mind drifted to Diana's expression, her sudden change of demeanor when confronted by Strife. Her aloofness disappeared instantly, replaced by an almost childlike aura, filled with shyness and stubbornness.

Was the goddess right? Did Diana actually have some sort of infatuation?

Well...she wasn't exactly bad looking either…

Oh, who was he kidding. She could give Aphrodite a run for her money. Long, raven hair with perfect curls, full, red, ample lips that were captivating, tanned skin, a nice, curvy body…

His x-ray vision seemed very tempting to use right now.

Snap out of it, Kent! He thought, shaking his head. You're a man, don't let your instincts get to you now!

He flew faster, ahead of her. He managed to sneak a glimpse of her face, seriousness setting in. "Are you alright?" he asked.

"I'm fine, Superman," Diana said, blue eyes shining with determination. "I'm just curious about who this 'Mongul' is."

"Same here," he admitted. "He can't be that bad, can he?"

They touched down in Alberta, Canada. Looking around, there was evidence of a monster roaming the area, buildings and roads destroyed in the town they were in.

"He has to be here, nearby," Diana said, her eyes scanning.

"Oh, I am."

Clark and Diana's heads snapped to whatever made that sound, but not fast enough. Not nearly...

Diana gasped, snapping up in bed. "Hera, what a dream," she whispered to herself, holding her head. "But what did it mean?"

She stared down at her hands, drenched in sweat from her head. "Such a foolish thing to do," she muttered to herself, wiping them on the bedsheets. She lay back down, her eyes closed.

She could still feel the butterflies in her stomach from when Strife told Superman about her desire to court him.

It was supposed to be her secret, for her to know only. That's why she hadn't forgiven him yet-she didn't know why she hadn't sooner. She could tell he was sorry, he really was. Yet whenever she could see herself accepting his apology, something kept her from opening her mouth, just watching things play out.

She couldn't believe a simple...desire kept her from opening up to her most valuable team member. How childish of her.

As she lay there thinking the door to the bedroom opened, revealing a man with a muscular body and a notorious spit-curl. A smirk was on his face as a bowl carrying apples, grapes, and other various fruits sat in one hand, a jar of nectar in the other. "Princess," Kal said purringly. "How was your nap?"

Diana smiled, accepting the fruit and nectar with open arms. "Much better than my slumber from last night," she said. "Although a dream of mine came to me."

Kal grabbed a fresh sheet from the shelf in her room, gently tugging the one on her off. "What was it?" he asked as he replaced the silken cover. "Strife again?"

Diana nodded, chewing on a grape. "My forceful confession of my mixed feelings to you, rather. But that doesn't matter, now does it?"

He smiled, slipping next to her and wrapping an arm around her, his hand gently on her stomach. "Not when you've got me, right?" His hand began to rub the distended belly soothingly, tracing circles with his thumb. "I think little Lyta or Kai would agree."

She smiled back, letting his other arm ease under her. "Yes, of course."

Clark gasped, an octopus-like creature attached to Diana as she lay on the ground, eyes open. She had sunk to her knees, still, unmoving.

He turned to the source of the voice, eyes glowing red. "What did you do?"

A tall, flaxen-toned being with beaming eyes and a rough build laughed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Just taking care of one of the issues," he cackled. "Now, for you."

"But what did you do?" he barked, gritting his teeth. "Just what happened?"

Mongul laughed again. "Oh, don't worry. She's in no pain, in fact the happiest she's ever been."

Clark, livid, turned to Diana, wrapping his fingers around the tentacles of the creature, pulling with all of his might. Try he did, but to no avail. "Get this thing off of her!" he screamed, frantic. What was happening to her?

Mongul shook his head, smirking. "Absolutely nothing is happening to her-yet. She's currently under the effects of my Black Mercy. Her biggest desire is playing in her mind, as we speak." He notioned over to the Amazonian princess, who had a slight smile on her face as her fantasy played out in her mind. "She'll remain in a blissful slumber, until the deed is done, Superman."

"Let her go!" In a rage, Clark flew at Mongul at top speed, the two powerful men fighting while Diana, the princess of Themyscira, sat dormant to the side.

"What was that?" Diana said, raising an eyebrow at the sudden, slight shake of the palace. They were on her native home, Paradise Island. Kal had long been accepted by the Amazons, to her joy. They saw him as a valuable ally, and more importantly, Diana's lover.

"It's probably nothing," Kal said as he snuggled against Diana, rubbing the Amazon's pregnant stomach. "Perhaps it's one of your sisters."

Diana eased back into bed, looking into Kal's eyes. "Perhaps."

She smiled, feeling secure in his arms. Her man's arms. "Perhaps it's the baby itself," she mused. "He or she wants to be known."

"He or she is known, alright," Kal smirked. "After all that we went through."

"Not in front of the child,' Diana smiled playfully. "He or she needn't know of our sins."

Before Kal could answer, there was another shaking in the room, so slight that if they weren't lying down they might've not felt it. "There it is again," Diana said, now worried. "What is that?"

"What is that?" Clark asked, his eyes glowing red as he pointed to Diana. "Why her? Why not me?"

"Because, Superman," Mongul said as he stood up and brushed off the debris on him, "you're my target. She's just another pawn I had to get rid of."

Just then, Batman and Flash appeared, the former launching himself from his Batmobile. Flash stood a few feet away, looking between the battle scene and Diana. "What's going on?" he asked.

Clark, still livid, pointed to the Amazon. "He has that...thing latched onto her," he explained. "No matter what, it won't come off."

"Not until the job is done," Mongul sneered. "That might take a while, of course. I've heard that Wonder Woman is quite the stubborn one."

Bruce looked over his surroundings, before quickly motioning to Barry to go to Diana. "Superman and I'll take care of Mongul," he said. "Superman, can you handle this?"

"Of course."

"Daughter, you look a bit unnerved," the queen of the Amazons, Hippolyta, said to Diana. "Is there something troubling you?"

Diana let her hand rest over her stomach, her eyes closed. The two were sitting in the queen's throne room, where other Amazons were as well. "It's just that, well, I feel...disturbed."

"Is it the baby?"

She shook her head. "Not at all, my morning sicknesses has passed long before now, and even then it was minor compared to what a normal pregnancy consists of. It's almost as if some outside force is trying to make itself known to us."

Hippolyta raised an eyebrow. "Perhaps you've been outside a bit too much. Some fresh air might help clear your mind."

"I've felt it in my room and outside, Mother," Diana said. "I'm not sure what it is, but it's there."

"Whatever it is, daughter, I'm sure it's all in your mind." She waved an Amazon over and told her to fetch a cup of lemon tea for the princess. "Now relax, enjoy the nice weather."

"...Maybe I should." Diana eased back into the chair, once again closing her eyes.

Neither Amazon could see the storm clouds barely peeking over the horizon.

"I don't think the Amazon has ever had a desire," Mongul said as he held Batman by the cape. "Where I'm from, I have allies. I have history on you, boy." He tossed Batman carelessly over to Clark, who caught him without a problem. "I have history on all of you, your secrets, your backstories are soon to be revealed!"

Clark gritted his teeth as he set Bruce down and flew at Mongul, who caught his fist. "What do you know?"

He smirked. "Wonder Woman isn't what she seems like," he said. "She definitely isn't the all powerful being you humans make her out to be. No, she's much more than that."

"Out with it!" Clark shouted, patience waning.


A/N: Ooh, a cliffhanger! Boy, am I evil.

In case it's not obvious, I've taken the scene from "For the Man Who Has Everything". Great read, as well as a good episode in the Justice League Animated Series, I recommend both.

Don't worry, it's she's not THAT smitten over him...yet. It's her growing feelings, plus her desire to live like a normal person that's combined together. I know I'm gonna get a review saying "Why are they in love when they haven't admitted it to each other yet?" And so on. Oh well. My story, my choice.

Oh right, Clark is a bit of a pervert. He's not the Blue Boy Scout we used to know him as, you know.

One last thing. Sorry for the two-week delay, I was busy with a vacation that I completely forgot about, then I had to get things ready for school, but I'm free for the most part as of now, so I can get a LOT more chapters in now.

Comments and criticism are welcomed.