None But The Brave Deserves The Fair
Premise: Harry, Draco and Ron are Aurors. Draco has saved Ron's life, so everyone, including the Weasley Clan adores him. Harry is jealous. [I wanted to write something where the angst in a story came from something other than Ron hating gays and hating Draco.]
Disclaimer: J K Rowling is a god of fantasy fiction. I don't own anything, except my laptop, so please don't take it away from me. If I owned the boys they'd basically never get out of bed and they'd let me watch.
Warnings: VERY STRONG SEXUAL REFERENCES. Slash HPDM. Swearing. British-isms. Literary Quotes. Sarcasm/Dry British black humour. EWE. If you are homophobic and/or don't like boys doing stuff with other boys then why are you reading this?
Any non-Canon characters are named for various science fiction writers from the 1950s onwards.
Any non-Canon spells are in my pigeon Italian. I may be British but I didn't go to the kind of school where we learned Latin, OK!
'None But The Brave Deserve The Fair' is a quote from a poem by John Dryden called 'Alexander's Feast'
This is the last part of my story. I hope you are satisfied. My main beta thought it was a bit 'meh' and my supplementary beta loved it. Thank you to everyone who has 'favourited', 'followed' or reviewed me.
None But The Brave Deserves The Fair – Chapter 8
(The Epilogue or How to Train Your Gryffindor)
Harry woke gradually. He was warm, really warm. He felt peaceful and well-rested, but he couldn't work out why. The bed was soft, softer than the Weasley-Granger spare one and certainly more comfortably than the one at his flat. He yawned and stretched… and the warmth moved with him. Holy Fuck! It was a person! And they were naked! And it was a man! A horny man, by the fact of the thing burrowing into his back!
He freaked out, thrashing within the coverings, trying to get his arms and legs free from the blankets so he could jump out of the bed. A long leg threw itself across his hips and the bearer of the thing straddled him and began to kiss him passionately. He couldn't see clearly: he didn't have his glasses and the room was dark but he recognised the taste of the man's mouth and the hot water smell. His tension eased a little into the kiss, his limbs ceased their flailing, and he let Draco's presence relax him.
A blow job later and he could even have been considered to be calm. Calm until Draco asked him, over a brunch of smoked salmon and scrambled eggs, if Harry would like to move in with him. That's not to say that Harry was, in point of fact, hyperventilating, but his blood pressure certainly rose. The blond, though, had now found the winning formula and simply took him back to bed, where something other than Harry's blood pressure rose. He finally agreed, with no more protest, that yes, actually moving in with Draco, was 'oh yes, please, oh Merlin, Draco, yes' a very good idea.
Harry hadn't thought to pack an overnight bag and, dressed only in a towel and dripping over the bedroom carpet, ended up transfiguring something from the far end of Draco's wardrobe so it fitted him, rather than the taller, slimmer blond. The garments smelled very slightly of his lover and he felt safe.
He stuck his head through the Floo and arranged that they would pop over after lunch to see the Granger-Weasleys.
They Floo-ed over and Ron made the tea whilst Hermione expanded at length about the wedding, and how lovely it had been whilst how different she wanted hers and Ron's to be.
It was in a natural break (Hermione pausing for breath) in the middle of this, that the bombshell of Harry moving in with Draco was dropped. The reaction was not quite as expected. Ron looked delighted, shook Draco manfully by the hand and said he would make sure to call before Floo-ing over in future and made another one of his lewd hand-gestures.
Hermione said she was pleased and looked happy, but suggested Draco didn't remove the tethering charm for the moment in case Harry made another panicked bolt for Yorkshire. She surrendered the custody of Harry's wand and broomstick to the blond, recommending he didn't return them just yet.
They packed up Harry's belongings into his trunk, shrunk it to briefcase size and then Floo-ed back to Wimbledon. Draco began making space for Harry's meagre possessions in his room and organising things to his satisfaction.
It was as Harry was placing a silver-framed photo of his parents holding their baby over the fireplace in the sitting room that he nearly jumped out of his skin.
"Oh, good afternoon, Mr Potter, I was not expecting to see you here. Draco did not inform me that I would have the pleasure of your company this afternoon." An elegant blonde head was in the fireplace and Harry was struck dumb. After a pregnant pause, "Is my son here? Please, may I come through?"
"Erm, yes, erm I'll get him," Harry dashed into the bedroom.
Draco, swearing quietly, as he hadn't realised quite how close it was to four o'clock, hurried in to greet his mother, apologised profusely for forgetting the time and rustled up afternoon tea (a pot of Earl Grey, scones, jam, cream, and tiny cucumber sandwiches with no crusts).
Harry dithered in the bedroom; he could take his invisibility cloak and escape. But to go where? He was unable to Apparate without his wand. He couldn't fly without a broom. He couldn't use the Floo without Narcissa seeing him. He didn't have any wizarding money so maybe he could go to a muggle hotel.
However, the 200 metre tether from Friday was still in place so he had just decided to walk round Wimbledon Common within the limits of the tether boundary (so as not be Apparated straight back to Draco's side) when Draco came in, and dragged him into the sitting room.
Mrs Malfoy's expression was neutral and she remained the perfectly poised aristocrat throughout. Draco clearly kept his mother informed about most things. She chatted politely about the weather, Ginny Weasley's wedding, Auror work (chiding Draco gently about his workload), recent Ministry machinations, and their trip to the National Gallery. She must have been a little suspicious but said nothing, coaxed the tongue-tied Harry into a few words, asking courteously about his health, and whether he had enjoyed his recent 'holiday' from work.
Harry stammered his replies, getting redder by the moment. Something in Draco must have finally snapped, and he placed his hand over Harry's and, looking his mother straight in the eye, he informed her nonchalantly that they were now together and Harry had moved in. The ice cool blonde did not bat an eyelid, looking appraisingly at the man her son and heir had shacked up with, before nodding towards Harry.
"Mr Potter, Harry, welcome to the family. I am sure you will take the very best care of my son. I am devastated I am not able to have you back to the manor but Draco visits us on alternate Sundays, so I do hope you will be able to join him next weekend at our humble cottage. Lucius will be delighted."
Draco's hand was warm over his and Harry found the courage to say that, yes, thank you, that would be lovely - whatever he might privately have thought about Lucius Malfoy's attitude.
Narcissa finished her tea, made a little more well-mannered chit chat, before sweeping her immaculate pale blue robes into the Floo and back to the Lake District.
Her son consoled and comforted his Gryffindor in the way he had recently discovered worked the best. Within five minutes they were naked in the shower and Harry was having sex for only the third time in his life. As he entered Draco's hot, wet body, he reasoned that whatever else happened, his beau was very good at positive reinforcement.
The lovers had another few days of 'honeymoon', wherein they christened the kitchen, sitting room and spare bedroom of the flat, as well as a moonlit bonk on Wimbledon Common, though warming charms were needed, and the blond did have a bit of a bitch afterwards about the state of his hair.
A press conference was required, stage managed by Draco and Hermione, as well as Narcissa, who helped write the press release. The Daily Prophet had a field-day. The first headline, over a photo of them kissing, read 'None But The Brave Deserve The Fair', and rhapsodised endlessly about the spectacle of the raven haired and the fair haired together. They were front page news for weeks. Harry just shut his eyes whenever he saw anything remotely resembling them on the front page, but Draco cut out all the positive ones and made several scrapbooks.
Oz and Ron teased them mercilessly when they got back to work, and practically every comment was a sexual innuendo. Pictures, cut from the Prophet and Witch Weekly, appeared with saucy captions pinned to the office notice board and inside case files. Almost no work got done; Ballard was furious, Kylie sniggered, and Paula rolled her eyes. Draco remained amazingly calm, if amused, but Harry and Oz got into a hexing war that escalated until Hermione finally stepped in and threatened all four of them all, including withholding sex from Ron, unless they started behaving themselves.
At the first family dinner with the Weasleys, Arthur and Molly were overjoyed and they were both hugged within an inch of their lives. Harry was mortified when Bill, Fleur, Michael and George paid their bets up to Ron and Ginny – there had been a sweepstake running on both when Draco and he would become a couple, and when they would move in together.
George managed to deflect a little attention, though, when he announced that Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes had made their first one hundred thousand galleons. Ron had a rather speculative look on his face at this news and shortly after announced he would be leaving the Aurors after his and Hermione's wedding (newly married man, responsibilities, wanting to start a family, yadda yadda yadda), and would be joining George in business.
Anticipation of first Lake District Sunday afternoon had Harry pale and shaking with dread and the method the blond came up with to pacify him was a revelation. He demonstrated to Harry the, erm, intimate cleaning charm, Clistere, before tongue-fucking him into such a state of delirium that Harry's legs were so wobbly he was barely able to stand afterwards and he was so serene that the whole afternoon went off without a hitch.
Narcissa and the rather subdued post-Azkaban Lucius were far less trouble than Harry had feared. Mrs Malfoy never regretted her decision to betray Voldemort, and if that ultimately led Harry to Draco's side she seemed content. Lucius, always a little nervous of his parole status, wisely kept his mouth shut.
Draco topped for the first time when they got home that evening. It was not the last time.
Hermione and Ron married and had two children: Rose and Hugo. Hermione, in time, made Minister of Magic and she was wise and fair - of course! Ron and George took Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes to new heights and they became very rich. No one has ever been able to mock a Weasley for being poor since, because they aren't!
George took Harry to the Potter vault at Gringotts and showed him exactly how full it had become since the WWW had made their first million galleons. Harry realised that he could restore his beloved to the kind of lifestyle he had been born to. Taking Draco for a weekend in Prague, he proposed and the blond joyfully accepted.
They had a quiet, family-and-close-friends-only wedding, inviting no one from public life and definitely no journalists. With Harry's share of the profits from WWW, they were able to buy a large house in the country, and whilst not quite on the scale of Malfoy Manor, the Potter-Malfoy Manor still had its own lake, stables and Quidditch pitch, and was, of course, heavily warded against the press.
They adopted four war orphans though there was almost full scale civil war over the names. Harry wanted to remember his parents, Sirius and Dumbledore, whilst Draco wanted pureblood constellation style names and argued that if anyone should be remembered, it should be Snape, who had saved Harry's life so many times and had been Draco's godfather. They finally settled on James Severus, twins Albus Sirius and Scorpius Abraxas, and Lily Narcissa.
Harry was made Chief Auror at the ridiculously young age of 27. He and Draco worked very successfully together and made excellent partners at work and home.
They genuinely did live happily ever after.