Sorry~! Everyone! I was addicted to 'Tsuna Vs Natsu' and 'Anime Heroes' pictures~! And Pacthesis Devianart games. You girls should try playing those games~! Most of it is dating simulation games~! (No lemons, sex etc)It's very awesome! I love 'Number days some date'! Amy-sama is my role model~!

(Seto: This is getting weird. All of us have roses and some words appear on the floor and there's a painting looking at us and there's-

Shintaro: Just start the chapter already!)

Shintaro: Huh?! This is not the exit?!

Kano: *Sigh* All that hard work . . .

Seto: But this is the only door we can go.

Kido: There's no other choice.

Shintaro: *Walks fast* Argh! I'm sick of this pla-

Mary: Shintaro! Stop!

Shintaro: *Stops walking* Huh?! What? What is it?!

Mary: You almost step on an ant!

Shintaro: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

All: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Shintaro: But it's only a little ant!

Mary: B-b-but . . . *Cries*

Shintaro: W-what?! Don't cry!

Momo: Oi. Onii-chan. You're such a cruel human. *Glares at Shintaro*

Shintaro: Huh?!

Kido: You don't know what it feels to be little . . .

Seto: Y-yeah.

Shintaro: What?!

Kano: *Sigh* Shintaro-kun. It's a living thing just like us, you know~! *Grins*

Ene: Right, Master! You're even crueler than me!

Shintaro: But-

Hibiya: *Sigh* You almost kill a helpless ant . . .

Konoha: *Nods*

Shintaro: Can I say some-

All: No!

Shintaro: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Am I the only one with a bad luck here? Even though Momo is the one always having a bad luck . . .)

Mary: *Sniff, sniff* N-nah. It's fine. I-I think he was born that way . . .

Shintaro: Born?! (I just felt something painful in my heart.)

? ? ?: Yeah! Don't just walked off and almost step on an ant!

All: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Huh?!

Shintaro: W-who said that?!

? ? ?: Down here.

All: *Looks down*

? ? ?: Hm. Just don't do that again, okay?

Shintaro: The-

Kido: The-

Momo: The-

Ene: The ant is talking?!

Hibiya: *Sweat drops* (But you're a program who can talk too . . .)

Ant: Hm? Why are you guys frozen like rocks?

Seto: Eh? You guys can hear him too?!

Shintaro: H-him?

Mary: T-the ant is talking to us~! Yay!

Kano: Oh? How very interesting~!

Kido: Am I imagining things? *Rub her eyes* No. This is real.

Momo: M-maybe we are dreaming?

Shintaro: How can we dreaming the same dream?!

Momo: Hm~! Like this? *Step on Shintaro's foot*

Shintaro: O-ouch! What are you doing?!

Momo: Hm? It's not a dream after all . . .

Shintaro: Why are you stepping on my foot if this is your own dream?!

Momo: Just guess? Don't know.

Hibiya: Onii-chan, you seems quiet than usu-

Konoha: *Eyes sparkles*

Hibiya: *Sweat drops* He has his own world now . . .

Ant: Hello~! I'm still here~!

All: S-sorry!

Kido: S-so . . . how can you talk to us?

Ant: Firstly, I heard one of you guys can communicate with animals, right?

All: ?

Ant: Then, who is it?

Seto: Ah. S-sorry. It would be me.

Ant: . . . This human? . . . Okay then~! I have a request.

Seto: Request? O-okay then.

Ant: Yay! Okay. . . I love paintings. My painting is especially cool. I like to see it again. But it's kind of far way . . .

All: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Momo: You mean the other side of this room?

Ant: Yes.

Seto: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Okay! I will help you to see it again!

Ant: R-really?

Seto: *Nods* Yeah! It's a promise!

Mary: We help too!

Kido: Yes.

Ene: Yeah~!

Hibiya: If we have to . . .

Konoha, Momo, Kano: *Nods*

Shintaro: Just wait a second! Do you believe this little ant?! Cause we've alrea-

All: *Glare at Shintaro*

Shintaro: *Sweat drops* Ugh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Okay, okay! I will help! But don't use that faces at me again!

All: *Smiles at Shintaro*

Ant: Then I'm counting on you guys! Good luck!

Seto: Thanks!

All: *Walks away*

Shintaro: Hm! This will be a piece a ca-

Ene: Watch out, master! *Pulls Shintaro's collar*

-A hand coming out from the left side of the wall-

All: ?!

Ene: Master? Are you alright?!

Shintaro: C-can't-

Ene: Hm?

Shintaro: C-can't b-breath . . .

Ene: Huh? Oh! Sorry! *Let go of Shintaro's collar*

Shintaro: *Pants, pants* I almost die . . . More importantly . . . what is that?!

Kano: A hand?

Hibiya: This is no longer a gallery . . .

Momo: Everyone! Look at this!

Kido: It says 'Beware of the edges'.

All: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Shintaro: There are more of them?!

Mary: So that means . . . We have to go through the middle?

Ene: Maybe so?

Kano: But let's make sure first . . . One of us has to go there and find the ant's painting . . .

All: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Konoha: *Raises his hands*

Shintaro: Konoha?!

Seto: No. I will go.

Momo: Huh?!

Mary: What?! Why?

Seto: Cause this is a request for me.

Mary: B-but . . .

Seto: *Hugs Mary* It's fine Mary-chan. You don't have to worry just believe in me, okay?

Mary: *Blush*

Hibiya: (Ugh. . . What a really romantic yet stupid scene . . .)

Seto: *Let go Mary* Yosh! I'm going! Just go at the middle right?

Kido: Yes. Just be careful.

Kano: Yeah. If you touch those things. . .

Momo: Just don't think about it.

Ene: Y-yeah!

Shintaro: *Sigh* I don't even know what to say . . .

Konoha: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mary: G-good luck! S-seto-kun . . .

Seto: Haha! Thanks! *Take a deep breath and walks slowly* (Be calm, be calm)

-A hand coming out from the right side of the wall-

Seto: *Stops walking* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *Starts walking*

-Hands coming out from both walls-

Seto: *Stops walking* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *Starts walking*

-A hand coming out from a wall in front of Seto-

Seto: *Stops walking* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *Starts walking and stops*

All: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Seto: I made it?

All: His made it?

Seto: I made it!

All: His made it!

Mary: I'm glad . . .

Seto: Let's see. . . His painting. Hm? There's door? *Trying to open the door* Its lock. Maybe the painting is in here? Oh! There it is! *Takes the painting from the wall* Well, he is an ant. So, this ant painting is his, right? *Walks back to the group*

Kano: You're safe, Seto-kun!

Momo: You almost give me a heart attack.

Shintaro: Glad that you made it.

Mary: Yeah . . .

Seto: Haha. Thanks.

Konoha: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ant: So you got it?

Seto: *Nods* Yeah! *Show the painting to the ant*

Ant: Yeah! This is it! I finally able to see it again! Thanks!

Seto: You're welcome! And I kept my promise!

Ant: Just take my painting. As my thanks.

Seto: Hm? Why? Isn't this painting very precious to you?

Ant: I just want to see. This is enough. This painting will help you get out of this room.

Shintaro: Really?!

Ant: Yeah.

Seto: Thanks!

Hibiya: Is there another door here.

Seto: Yeah. I just saw a door at the other side but its lock.

Momo: But there's a door here too but it's not lock. *Points at the door*

Kano: Maybe there's a key there?

Mary: B-but maybe there's something weird in there too . . .

Shintaro: Y-yeah . . .

Kano: Then I will go to the door.

Kido: Huh?!

Kano: You should come too, Kido~!

Kido: What?!

Kano: You guys should just stay here.

All: *Nod*

Kido: Wait! When did you become the leader here?!

Kano: And Seto. Give me the painting. It will help us with something.

Seto: Huh? Okay then.

Kido: Stop ignoring me!

Kano: Yosh~! Let's go~! *Drags Kido and opens the door*

So that's it! And I'm still curious. To anyone who knows Natsu (Fairy Tail) and Tsuna (Hitman Reborn),

If they fight, who wins? I already search and people still fighting who should wins~! Cause they both use flames and can absorb them too... So can anyone tell me?